Data Intelligence
Data Intelligence

Top Data Intelligence Companies

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4588 companies for Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence Services Ltd's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


To efficiently deliver our services we typically (but not exclusively) leverage the following ecosystems:. We pride ourselves on delivering friendly accessible services and appreciate the value of a pen and paper sketch as a design tool. To support this we have built up extensive graphics and user experience capabilities in our team. Microsoft 'standard' products (Office 365, Share Point, Power BI, Power Automate, Teams). One-off proof of concepts through to distributed production systems. Custom training courses in any of the areas in our portfolio with flexible delivery - remote, in person, on demand video / slides.



Core business
Image for Data Intelligence Services

Data Intelligence Services

... Data Intelligence Services, putting people and teams at the heart of data and digital transformation. ...

Smart Kiwi's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Based on historical, real-time trends and numerous external data, our platform provides optimal operational decisions; helping companies reduce their costs and increase profitability. Smart Kiwi’s APIs provide cutting-edge data intelligence solutions to increase your revenue and optimise your operations.



Image for Increase Your Profitability Through Data Intelligence

Increase Your Profitability Through Data Intelligence

... Increase Your Profitability Through Data Intelligence ...

roosi GmbH's Logo

Rosenheim, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind Ihre Data Intelligence Consultancy und noch mehr! Wir entwickeln Kennzahlen- und Reporting-Systeme zur optimalen Steuerung Ihrer Unternehmen – an jedem einzelnen Tag. Wir bei roosi freuen uns, unsere Kooperation mit der Netzwerkinitiative kommbleib zu verkünden. Das ist unsere Aufgabe als Ihre Data Intelligence Consultancy! Mit unserem ganzheitlichen Vorgehen bieten wir Ihnen spezifische Expertise von der Lösung einzelner Probleme bis hin zu Strategiedefinition, Design, Implementierung und Betrieb Ihrer Datenprojekte. Diese Partnerschaft ist ein wesentlicher Schritt, um unsere regionale Verankerung zu stärken und gleichzeitig ein klares Signal für unsere zukünftige Expansion zu setzen.



Image for Wir sind Ihr Lösungsanbieter für Data Intelligence

Wir sind Ihr Lösungsanbieter für Data Intelligence

... Data Intelligence entfaltet ihre volle Wirkung, wenn sie in Lösungen gegossen wurde, mit denen Mitarbeiter gerne und selbstständig arbeiten können. ...

Erwin's Logo

Melville, United States

251-500 Employees


A leader in enterprise modeling, data intelligence and data governance software, erwin empowers IT, governance teams and all data users with the capabilities to discover, govern and share the high-value, trusted data that delivers meaningful insights, mitigates risks and drives business transformation.



Image for erwin Data Intelligence

erwin Data Intelligence

... The erwin Data Intelligence Suite improves data awareness, capability and knowledge to support data governance and business enablement. Learn more. ...

Accurity's Logo

Prague, Czechia

11-50 Employees

Use Accurity to know your data landscape, improve your productivity and business insights, reduce the risk of non-compliance, and increase efficiency in processes. Accurity supports multiple solutions across the entire data warehouse or business intelligence project life cycles, end-to-end, from the definition of data requirements to data quality checks by data stewards. With Accurity, the all-in-one data intelligence platform, you get a company-wide understanding and complete trust in your data – speed up business-critical decision making, increase your revenue, reduce your costs, and ensure your company’s data compliance. Get to know Accurity with an introduction from our product experts. We offer consultation and comprehensive implementations in governance, risk, and compliance. As an independent partner of Simplity, Iconity assist in finding top-quality experts with knowledge and experience in data intelligence.



Image for All-in-one platform for business data intelligence

All-in-one platform for business data intelligence

... Accurity is a comprehensive data intelligence platform covering data harmonization, data quality, and ensures integrated data management across systems. ...

HarnessDI's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


HarnessDI is an AWS Consulting Partner that specialises in cloud computing, data management and digital transformation. Their business insight and product strategies have provided us with a great level of confidence going forward. Lean-agile product development, microservices, data-driven and secure by design.



Core business
Image for Harness Data Intelligence

Harness Data Intelligence

... HarnessDI is your partner in driving ambitious technology initiatives with the use of enterprise cloud solutions and data intelligence. Helping your business embed lean-agile frameworks, operational efficiency and RPA. ...

Towntalk Solutions's Logo


11-50 Employees


Towntalk is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide predictive tools to African businesses and governments, enabling more effective decision making.



Image for Data Intelligence | Towntalk Solutions

Data Intelligence | Towntalk Solutions

... Towntalk Solutions is a data-intelligence company on a mission to bridge the "data gap" problem in Africa. ...

FastBI's Logo

Old Toronto, Canada

1-10 Employees


FastBi provides self-service data analysis and an application analysis platform for SME users​. FastBI is a business intelligence platform that offers teams a comprehensive analytics toolset. FastBI provides the services based on big data architecture, we integrate:. The potential benefits of FastBI business intelligence programs include:. As a visualization tool, FastBI offers flexibility with regard to how reports to be presented. Custom visualizations and reports can be published to a FastBI dashboard and pulled up on mobile devices for the organization’s consumption. This tool provides a way to customize dashboards and create stunning visual summaries. Datasets provide support for many data structures from different sources.



Core business
Image for FastBI – The Data Intelligence Platform

FastBI – The Data Intelligence Platform

... FastBI – The Data Intelligence ...

EzLake's Logo

Minneapolis, United States

1-10 Employees


Business mentors are key—that’s why when it comes to client selection, we’re choosy. We want to give each of you the time and guidance you deserve. After 15 years in the industry, we decided to alter direction. Now, we share our passion by helping others. Our ramp up process is designed to empower your team.



Core business
Image for Your trusted Partner for Data Intelligence Solutions.

Your trusted Partner for Data Intelligence Solutions.

... Your trusted Partner for Data Intelligence Solutions. ...

Data Intelligence Group's Logo

United States

1-10 Employees


Data is our passion; and we specialize in managing, refining, and transforming it into tailored solutions for our clients. Analysis of customer and prospect data to provide marketing and operational insights and reporting. You can focus on telling your story while we wrangle the data necessary to support your vision thru whichever channels you choose, based on whatever timing you need, and with dynamic messaging available to every single contact in your target audience. Over 5 million communication records delivered per month.



Core business
Image for Leadership - Data Intelligence Group

Leadership - Data Intelligence Group

... Leadership Home » About » Leadership Karen Richards and Robby Cucullu co-founded Data Intelligence Group in 2007. Starting with no clients and no outside investment, they have built DIG into a thriving data management and analysis firm, serving multiple Fortune 100 organizations, as well as ...

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Facts about those Data Intelligence Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Data Intelligence

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers2941
Amount of suitable service providers2761
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2007
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Data Intelligence

What is Data Intelligence?

Data Intelligence refers to the analytical process and methodologies that transform raw data into meaningful, actionable insights for strategic decision-making. It encompasses a wide array of techniques including data mining, analysis, and visualization, aiming to unearth patterns, trends, and relationships within large datasets. Unlike mere data analysis, data intelligence integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), enabling businesses to predict future trends, enhance operational efficiency, and identify new market opportunities. In essence, it acts as the cornerstone for informed business strategies, driving innovation and competitive advantage in today's data-driven economy. The significance of data intelligence extends across various sectors, from healthcare, where it improves patient outcomes through predictive analytics, to retail, where it tailors customer experiences by analyzing shopping behaviors. By providing a deep understanding of both the micro and macro aspects of data, it empowers organizations to optimize their operations, mitigate risks, and foster growth. Consequently, the role of data intelligence is pivotal, as it not only deciphers the complex language of data but also translates it into tangible business value, shaping the future of industries in an increasingly digital world.

Advantages of Data Intelligence

1. Enhanced Decision Making
Data intelligence equips businesses with actionable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly. By analyzing data trends and patterns, organizations can predict future outcomes, improving strategic planning and operational efficiency.

2. Improved Customer Insights
Leveraging data intelligence allows for a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. This knowledge enables companies to tailor their products and services to meet customer needs more effectively, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Competitive Advantage
In today's fast-paced market, having access to real-time data and analytics can set a company apart from its competitors. Data intelligence provides a comprehensive view of market trends, customer behaviors, and potential opportunities, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

4. Cost Reduction
By identifying inefficiencies and optimizing operations, data intelligence can significantly reduce costs. Automated processes and improved decision-making lead to more efficient resource allocation, minimizing waste and maximizing profitability.

How to select right Data Intelligence supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Expertise in Data Science
Look for suppliers with a proven track record in data science and analytics, ensuring they can handle complex data analysis.

2. Advanced AI and Machine Learning Capabilities
The supplier should offer advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solutions to process and analyze data efficiently.

3. Data Security Measures
Ensure the supplier implements robust data security protocols to protect sensitive information from breaches and cyber threats.

4. Scalability
Opt for suppliers that can scale their services to match your growing data needs, avoiding any future limitations on data processing.

5. Customization Options
The ability to customize services and solutions is crucial for meeting specific business requirements and objectives.

6. Customer Support and Service
Reliable customer support is essential for addressing any issues promptly and ensuring smooth operation of data intelligence services.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Data Intelligence?

Data intelligence significantly enhances decision-making processes in the B2B sector, particularly in marketing and sales. By analyzing customer data and market trends, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to target potential clients more effectively. This tailored approach not only improves customer acquisition rates but also optimizes marketing spend, ensuring resources are allocated to the most promising leads. In supply chain management, data intelligence offers invaluable insights for optimizing operations. By analyzing data related to suppliers, inventory levels, and logistics, companies can identify bottlenecks, predict potential disruptions, and implement more efficient processes. This proactive management drastically reduces operational costs and improves overall supply chain resilience. Another critical use case is in product development. Through the analysis of customer feedback, market trends, and competitive offerings, businesses can leverage data intelligence to guide the development of new products or the improvement of existing ones. This data-driven approach ensures that product offerings are closely aligned with market demands and customer preferences, significantly increasing the likelihood of market success. Risk management also benefits greatly from data intelligence. By analyzing historical data and market trends, businesses can identify potential risks and vulnerabilities within their operations and market environment. This foresight enables the implementation of effective mitigation strategies, safeguarding against financial losses and operational disruptions. Each of these use cases demonstrates the transformative impact of data intelligence across various aspects of B2B operations, from enhancing customer engagement to ensuring operational efficiency and resilience.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence, a pivotal technology for harnessing and interpreting vast amounts of data, currently sits at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), estimated around TRL 8 to 9. This advanced positioning is attributable to several core technical achievements. Firstly, the development of sophisticated machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) models has significantly enhanced the capability for predictive analytics, trend analysis, and decision-making insights. These models can now process and analyze data in real-time, providing actionable intelligence at an unprecedented speed and accuracy. Secondly, the advent of big data technologies and scalable cloud computing infrastructures has resolved previous limitations on data storage and computation power, enabling the handling of petabytes of data efficiently. Additionally, advancements in data security protocols ensure that sensitive information is protected, addressing previous concerns about data vulnerability. Integration capabilities have also matured, allowing data intelligence platforms to seamlessly connect with various data sources and business applications, thus broadening their applicability across industries. Collectively, these technical progresses have solidified data intelligence's role as a critical component in modern data-driven decision-making, reflecting its high TRL by demonstrating operational effectiveness and readiness for wide-scale deployment.

What is the Technology Forecast of Data Intelligence?

In the short-term, data intelligence is poised for significant advancements in the integration of AI and machine learning algorithms. These technologies are expected to enhance data analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to gain more accurate insights from their data in real-time. Companies will start adopting more sophisticated tools for predictive analytics, leading to improved decision-making processes and operational efficiency. Looking at the mid-term horizon, the focus will shift towards the development and implementation of autonomous data systems. These systems will be capable of self-management, from data collection to analysis, without human intervention. This autonomy will be facilitated by advancements in AI that understand context and intent, providing more nuanced and actionable insights. The evolution of data privacy and security technologies will also play a crucial role, as these systems will handle increasingly sensitive information. In the long-term, the convergence of data intelligence with quantum computing will mark a revolutionary phase. This combination will dramatically increase processing capabilities, enabling the analysis of vast data sets in fractions of a second. Such speed and efficiency will unlock new possibilities in complex problem-solving across industries like healthcare, finance, and environmental science. Furthermore, the integration of virtual reality in data visualization will allow for more immersive and intuitive understanding of data insights, transforming how we interact with and interpret data.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Data Intelligence Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Data Intelligence

Based on our calculations related technologies to Data Intelligence are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Data Intelligence are Smart Kiwi


roosi GmbH



The most represented industries which are working in Data Intelligence are Information Technology, Software, Professional Services, Data and Analytics, Science and Engineering

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