Industrial Analytics IA Logo

Industrial Analytics IA

Our vision is to revolutionize industrial operations, bring digitization to the next level and create an autonomous plant. We are located in an open office space in the heart of Berlin, just a short 5-minute walk from the U Kottbusser Tor. Having worked as interdisciplinary individuals for a well-known Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of turbomachinery MAN Energy Solution the idea of starting an own company came to life. See our product live in action and get an insight view on our clients sites. Identify areas of optimization potentials to increase efficiency and productivity of the plant.

Quick overview

Berlin, Germany

Founded in 2017

11-50 Employees

Additional information

Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider

Ownership structure

Public Company


1 Headquarter

Number of products

9 Products

Number of services

2 Services

Specialised areas

Information Technology & Services, Signalanalysis, Scientific Research and Development Services, Compressors, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer related services, , Manufacturing, Digital Transformation of Industries, Commercial physical research Consulting engineer , Computer software development

Products & services of Industrial Analytics IA

Industrial Analytics IA offers a wide range of products and services

Product: "We don't use AI technology, just because it is AI."


"We don't use AI technology, just because it is AI."

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Product: Industrial Analytics auf dem Innovationscampus Schwedt


Industrial Analytics auf dem Innovationscampus Schwedt

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Product: Industrial Analytics gewinnt Maintainer Innovation Award


Industrial Analytics gewinnt Maintainer Innovation Award

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Product: Maintainer Innovation Award – Industrial Analytics


Maintainer Innovation Award – Industrial Analytics

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Product: Industrial Analytics at the innovation campus in Schwedt


Industrial Analytics at the innovation campus in Schwedt

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Product: Senior Software Entwickler (m/w/d) – Industrial Analytics


Senior Software Entwickler (m/w/d) – Industrial Analytics

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Product: KI SERVICES – Industrial Analytics


KI SERVICES – Industrial Analytics

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Product: Senior Software Developer (m/f/d) – Industrial Analytics


Senior Software Developer (m/f/d) – Industrial Analytics

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Use Cases of Industrial Analytics IA

Get insights into the use cases of Industrial Analytics IA

UseCase: Get Started Success Stories in Bitkom – Industrial Analytics

Use case

Get Started Success Stories in Bitkom – Industrial Analytics

Anja Vedder was portrayed as Get Started BITKOM and was able to share her success story as a founder

UseCase: Get Started Success Stories vom Bitkom – Industrial Analytics

Use case

Get Started Success Stories vom Bitkom – Industrial Analytics

Anja Vedder ist als Get Started BITKOM porträtiert worden und konnte Ihre Erfolgsgeschichte als Gründerin

Headquarter of Industrial Analytics IA

Industrial Analytics IA operates in 1 country around the world

City: Berlin

State: -

Country: Germany

Locations of Industrial Analytics IA

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Industrial Analytics IA

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Industrial Analytics IA

The company headquarter of Industrial Analytics IA is located in Berlin, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Industrial Analytics IA has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Industrial Analytics IA was founded in 2017

The company Industrial Analytics IA has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Competitors of Industrial Analytics IA

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Industrial Analytics IA

Logix Automation GmbH's Logo

Logix Automation GmbH

Albig, Germany

11-50 Employees


We are an innovative, creative and industry independent German automation, Process automation and engineering Company from Rhineland Palatinate near Mainz. Through our expertise and many years of experience in automation (PLC programming, robots programming, wiring diagrams with Eplan/Autocad..,cabinet construction.., process automation technology (distributed control system: Siemens Simatic PCS 7 programming, Siemens Simatic Batch programming, Siemens Simatic Route Control, ABB 800xA programming, Honeywell Experion PKS programming, Allen Bradley (Rockwell) RSLogix 5000/Studio 5000 Programming…), GMP qualification) and software development (web based HMI…), we realize customized solutions from planning to implementation, commissioning and after sales services fulfilling economic efficiency, product quality, safety, flexibility, operating and comfort.

InFactory Solutions GmbH's Logo

InFactory Solutions GmbH

Taufkirchen, Germany

11-50 Employees


We develop automated, connected and intelligent manufacturing systems for different industries. Join us in creating great products and positive impact. We at InFactory Solutions help industries better understand and optimize their production processes by providing the right digital services for tomorrow needs. Our sensor systems monitor the quality of different production steps in process, inform you about defects and abnormalities and may also react fully automatically if desired. Our data analytic tools enable the analysis of defects and correlations of different production steps. Fully connected production steps offer a constant optimization of your production, prediction of inefficiencies as well as the feedback to your designers and engineers. With our engineering consulting services we support production through new insights in materials, processes and software development. Understanding your requirements on the one hand while offering you innovative technologies on the other is our ambition.

PlastiVation Machinery GmbH's Logo

PlastiVation Machinery GmbH

Munich, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind ein deutsches Maschinenbau-Start-up mit einem klaren Fokus auf elektrische Maschinen und Digitalisierung. Wir wachsen, wollen unsere Vision Realität werden lassen und unser Start-up erfolgreich in die Zukunft führen. Vor allem aber sinkt die Dauer der Produktlebenszyklen in der Kunststoffverarbeitung. Dementsprechend steigt die Nachfrage nach kostengünstigen Produktionslösungen, mit denen ein wertiges Endprodukt auf einer stabil laufenden Maschine und mit einem anwendungsspezifischen Prozess hergestellt wird. Wir bieten eigentümergeführten und mittelständischen Unternehmen wirtschaftlich attraktive und zuverlässige Produktionslösungen für eine effiziente Kunststoffverarbeitung. Unsere Experten kennen nahezu alle Produktions-, Anwendungs- und Steuerungsprozesse aus dem Effeff. Mit unserem 800m² großen Anwendungscenter bieten wir anwendungstechnische Unterstützung, von der Verfahrenstechnik bis zur Maschinenoptimierung vor Ort.

SFM Systems's Logo

SFM Systems

Darmstadt, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir entwickeln Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter in der Produktion zu aktiven Gestaltern der Digitalisierung. Wir sind das etwas andere Industrie 4.0 Startup. Wir sind dankbar für strategischen Schubser und Tipps der Mentoren – zusammen sind wir über uns hinaus gewachsen. Wir sind nicht bloß Empfehlungsgeber, sondern binden aktiv ein. Wir sind eine Ausgründung aus der TU Darmstadt und sind stets bestrebt, die neuesten Erkenntnisse in die Praxis zu überführen. Wir erkennen schnell Verbesserungspotentiale und setzen diese erfolgreich um, weil wir die Sprache der Produktion sprechen. Diese werden von namhaften Industriekunden in Managementsystemen und im Produktentwicklungsprozess eingesetzt. Als junges Startup aus dem Feld des Produktionsmanagements und der Industrie 4.0 arbeiten wir an dem vernetzten Führungssystem von morgen: digitales Shopfloor Management.

Gestalt Robotics's Logo

Gestalt Robotics

Berlin, Germany

11-50 Employees


We are thrilled to announce our participation in the interactive exhibition, "Cobots Live in Action," commencing on 24 January 2024 at the Handwerkskammer Berlin. Eugen Funk (previously German Aerospace Center) bundle their skills and many years of expertise in the fields of automation, robotics, image processing and the cloud with the founding of Gestalt Robotics. The goal is the project-based development of industrial software solutions for Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile, Gestalt Robotics is an established service provider with an independent setup. INDUS is one of the leading specialists for sustainable corporate participation and development in German-speaking medium-sized companies. The system is equipped with various AI skills, can be operated intuitively and simplifies many standard laboratory processes such as handling, pipetting or inspection. Siemens erweitert Gasturbinen-Forschung in Berlin „Damit wird hier am Standort Berlin ein innovativer Technologiefundus geschaffen, der ein hohes Potential für Anwendungen auch in anderen Industriezweigen hat.“ – 01. Gestalt Robotics: Solving for Industrial Autonomous Mobility“Understanding unstructured or unknown environments is a fundamental habitual human skill and one that is a prime challenge for contemporary robotics or any field of flexible automation.” – mobileEdgeX.

Micropsi Industries's Logo

Micropsi Industries

Berlin, Germany

11-50 Employees


We are headquartered in Berlin; our main US office is in San Francisco. Our first product, MIRAI, attaches to and augments industrial robots. MIRAI has been deployed in manufacturing, and we are now looking into other application fields, like lab automation and logistics. Founded in Berlin in 2014, Micropsi Industries now comprises more than 60 people, among them robotics engineers, software engineers, cognitive scientists, business developers, and designers. All cycle time, accuracy, and performance KPIs have been reached, improving productivity and quality.

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