Intelytica Logo



Who is Intelytica?

At Intelytica, our mission is to develop data-driven solutions for the rapidly evolving business landscape, utilizing cutting-edge technological advancements. Intelytica aims to be the definitive source for resolving all data-driven challenges. Our vision is to emerge as a premier provider of AI solutions, leveraging a fusion of technical expertise and business acumen. Intelytica specializes in AI, ML, BI solutions, and data science consulting, empowering enterprises to make timely, informed decisions through our data-driven ecosystem creation services. Leveraging our expertise, we deliver high-value, cutting-edge AI solutions with ease and precision, driving tangible business outcomes and fostering innovation. We offer consultancy services and deliver actionable insights to enhance and optimize business strategies. Our On-Demand Analytics solution empowers you to derive actionable insights, driving revenue growth, product innovation, and service enhancements. With a focus on human-centric AI processes, we ensure seamless and effective implementation tailored to your needs.

This company is:

Service provider

Hyderabad, India

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2013

Products & services of Intelytica

Product SERVICES – Intelytica image


SERVICES – Intelytica

SERVICES | Intelytica | INTELYTICA APPROACH | What We Do | Data | Engineering | Data | Science | Artificial | Intelligence | Human in Loop | Build your | DATA STRATEGY | with us. | Problem Statement | Challenges | Business Impact | Our client is a leading Oil and Gas Company. They had an issue with managing documents lying across their servers in different formats. They wanted a unified platform to manage these docs with a click of a button. Developing the platform required: | 1. Extracting data from different sources and formats like doc, pdf, jpeg, png, ppt, etc. | 2. Creating a unified platform for a single view. | 3. Applying the ML algorithm to understand associations and creating topics out of it. | Our client is a leading Oil and Gas Company. They had an issue with managing documents lying across their servers in different formats. They wanted a unified platform to manage these docs with a click of a button. Developing the platform required: | 1. Extracting data from different sources and formats like doc, pdf, jpeg, png, ppt, etc. | 2. Creating a unified platform for a single view. | 3. Applying the ML algorithm to understand associations and creating topics out of it. | Our client is a leading Oil and Gas Company. They had an issue with managing documents lying across their servers in different formats. They wanted a unified platform to manage these docs with a click of a button. Developing the platform required: | 1. Extracting data from different sources and formats like doc, pdf, jpeg, png, ppt, etc. | 2. Creating a unified platform for a single view. | 3. Applying the ML algorithm to understand associations and creating topics out of it.

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Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Text Analytics
Data Science
Business Intelligence
Transport Analytics
Video Analytics
Statistical Modeling
Information Technology & Services


Information Technology

Contact of Intelytica

City: Hyderabad

State: Telangana

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Intelytica

The company Intelytica is located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Intelytica has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Intelytica was founded in 2013

The company Intelytica has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology

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