Intersection Capital Logo

Intersection Capital

Intersection Capital

Who is Intersection Capital?

On the buy-side, we are able to direct the conversation with prospective targets to ensure that all parties are aligned while tapping our capital markets advisory team to ensure capital availability. Most commonly, we are hired to support founder-controlled businesses in their first institutional capital raise, management teams within large enterprises who are seeking to acquire their operating division, and companies restructuring their capital stack. Over many years we’ve learned how easy it is start a financial offering and even to get a “Letter of Intent” for a deal, but going beyond an “LOI” and getting a transaction closed is a daunting task, one requiring significant expertise to guide all the interested parties to the closing table. Common practice is to quickly write a template deal book, distribute the offering as widely as possible, and hope it leads to a number of interested parties. In the best case, this kind of cattle-call is a huge drain to management resources and a deal rarely gets done, unless heavy discounts are involved. Our firm, launched in 2010, was founded on a highly-evolved playbook. The result is a closed transaction rate in excess of 80%. We offer direct investments through our partner company Coldwater Capital.

San Diego, United States

1-10 Employees



Venture Capital & Private Equity


Financial Services

Contact of Intersection Capital

City: San Diego

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Intersection Capital

The company Intersection Capital is located in San Diego, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Intersection Capital has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Intersection Capital has it's main focus in the industries of Financial Services

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