ITB Partners: Management Consultants Logo

ITB Partners: Management Consultants

Who is ITB Partners: Management Consultants?

Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and manufacturing to supply/chain, logistics, and the service sector. The core of our business is the belief that our client’s success is paramount. This belief ensures that our focus is fixed on delivering a high-quality product.

This company is:

Service provider

Johns Creek, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2014

Products & services of ITB Partners: Management Consultants

Product Do You Plan to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions? - ITB Partners - Management Consultants image


Do You Plan to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions? - ITB Partners - Management Consultants

I find this to be a valid perspective! It reminds me of my early career in strategic planning and analysis. The planning process we followed included strategies and tactics (a system) to ensure the desired result. We also established timetables and mechanisms to track our progress. It was a useful process that required serious thought about how to realize our goals. We had a system. Our focus was on executing the strategy.

Product The Dave Daniels Consulting Systematic Approach – Part 3 - ITB Partners - Management Consultants image


The Dave Daniels Consulting Systematic Approach – Part 3 - ITB Partners - Management Consultants

Measurement of business goals can be elusive.  There are several measurement tools available, and my current favorite is an updated version of SMART, called FAST.  FAST is much better suited to today’s Agile companies.  But, this blog is not meant to discuss the merits of either approach.  When it comes to the measurement of D & I goals and action steps, I often find quite a bit of resistance.  For example, I often hear that setting specific demographic targets for staffing levels and/or promotability will lead to hiring and promoting individuals who are not qualified.

Product Avoiding New Product Failure - Five Caveats for New Product Development Research - ITB Partners - Management Consultants image


Avoiding New Product Failure - Five Caveats for New Product Development Research - ITB Partners - Management Consultants

Industry leaders continually invest in refining and evolving their current product/service assortment through new product development. They do this to remain competitive as well as to generate measurable new top-line revenue for their organizations. Yet, the failure rate for new product introductions remains frighteningly high. Ask anyone what percentage of new products fail. The usual answer is somewhere between 70-90 percent.Market Research can help reduce the failure rate considerably when applied relevantly and conducted correctly. But, there are five pitfalls that need to be avoided;

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Achieve a competitive advantage
Improve performance and results
Management Consulting


Professional Services

Contact of ITB Partners: Management Consultants

City: Johns Creek

State: Georgia

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about ITB Partners: Management Consultants

The company ITB Partners: Management Consultants is located in Johns Creek, Georgia, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information ITB Partners: Management Consultants has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

ITB Partners: Management Consultants was founded in 2014

The company ITB Partners: Management Consultants has it's main focus in the industries of Professional Services

Competitors of ITB Partners: Management Consultants

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