Kiona Technologies Logo

Kiona Technologies

Kiona Technologies | Data Analytics & BI Services

Who is Kiona Technologies?

We provide all the critical data services such as data modeling, security implementation, cloud-computing, application architecture and user experience engineering. We transform messy data into actionable analytics, and we offer affordable solutions tailored to your company's needs. We can empower your decision-making and growth strategy with our expertise in data systems, analytics, and management consulting. With 20+ years of experience building systems for clients like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, General Electric, BlueCross BlueShield, and DuPont, we have the expertise to deliver reliable, secure systems with the features you need. We believe data systems and insights should transform decision-making processes, so we help implement best practices to make informed decisions sustainable for your business. We build powerful, user-friendly systems that provide actionable insights to inform your decisions. With expertise in technology, business intelligence, and management consulting, we help companies optimize and streamline their operations. This gives us the flexibility to deliver customized systems to meet your specific needs.

This company is:

Service provider

Chicago, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2014


Business Intelligence
Data Analytics
Decision Support
IT and Management Consulting
Performance Management
Machine Learning
Data Science
Information Technology & Services


Information Technology

Contact of Kiona Technologies

City: Chicago

State: Illinois

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Kiona Technologies

The company Kiona Technologies is located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Kiona Technologies has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Kiona Technologies was founded in 2014

The company Kiona Technologies has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology

Competitors of Kiona Technologies

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