KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group Logo

KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group

KNEXT hospitality robotic solutions | SAR Group Germany

Who is KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group?

KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions bieten genau da effiziente Automationslösungen und verbinden kulinarische Expertise mit bahnbrechender Technologie. Wir versorgen die (Betriebs-)Gastronomie und Hotellerie mit effizienten, leistungsstarken und innovativen Automationslösungen, denken die Zukunft neu und liefern über unsere Technologie einzigartige Lösungen. Auf nur 9m² bietet das voll automatisierte FutureCafè alles, was ein Premium-Coffeeshop zu bieten hat: Kaffee, Eiskaffee, Tee, Eistee, Wraps, Cups, Muffins und Riegel. Das innovative und patentierte Robotic-System wird in Deutschland (Dingolfing) designed, konstruiert und gefertigt. Serviceroboter bieten eine Vielzahl an Einsatzmöglichkeiten und lassen sich leicht in eine bestehende Gastronomie integrieren.

This company is:


Dingolfing, Germany

501-1000 Employees

Founding year: 1985

Products & services of KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group

Product Serviceroboter | knext image


Serviceroboter | knext

Intelligenter Serviceroboter | Der perfekte Helfer für Ihre Gastronomie | Die Einsatzgebiete in der Gastronomie | Die Vorteile von Serviceroboter | Fakten PuduBot 2 | KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | Persönlicher Ansprechpartner

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Contact of KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group

City: Dingolfing

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group

The company KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group is located in Dingolfing, Bavaria, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group has around 501-1000 employees worldwide.

KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group was founded in 1985

The company KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of KNEXT Hospitality Robotic Solutions | SAR Group

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