LHC Design Logo

LHC Design

Who is LHC Design?

We are driven by our purpose of creating places that enrich people’s lives and support local communities, whilst addressing the global challenge of climate change. We are passionate about reducing our impact on the planet. We are committed to ensuring our approach to design addresses the climate and biodiversity emergency and delivers healthy placemaking. We are driven by our purpose of creating a better future through intelligent, cultural and sustainable design. Working in partnership, we are passionate about creating places that enrich people’s lives and support local communities, whilst addressing the global challenge of climate change. We are passionate about reducing our impact on the planet and delivering sustainable designs for our green future. We are a people practice and adopt a collaborative approach to create responsive designs. As a team of architects and designers with over 30 years in practice, we offer expertise across the entire placemaking and design process.

This company is:

Service provider

Exeter, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1992





Use Cases of LHC Design


King's Orchard, Stoke Gabriel | Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplanning | LHC

The masterplan, and subsequent detailed design, proposed 53 new homes of which 30% would be affordable; 1250 sq m of […]

Contact of LHC Design

City: Exeter

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about LHC Design

The company LHC Design is located in Exeter, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information LHC Design has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

LHC Design was founded in 1992

The company LHC Design has it's main focus in the industries of Design

Competitors of LHC Design

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