Pearl Semiconductor Logo

Pearl Semiconductor

Pearl Semiconductor - Home

Who is Pearl Semiconductor?

Our products are based on innovative manufacturing and patented IC design technologies achieving outstanding performance. Pearl Semiconductor is a fabless semiconductor company specializing in Reference Clocks and Timing ICs. As a Si-Ware Systems spin-off, Pearl inherited more than 16 years of experience in the reference clock industry accumulating 25+ patents and a wealth of IP in programmable temperature-compensated all silicon CMOS/MEMS reference clock generators and high performance Sigma-Delta Fractional-N PLLs. We rely on our manufacturing partners to access the most innovative and differentiating technologies, fusing them with our unique design techniques and DSP algorithms to achieve outstanding performance. We strive for excellence and spare no effort in converting ideas efficiently into innovative products while preserving the everlasting value of time! Pearl Semiconductor aims to be the leading supplier of high performance reference clocks and Timing ICs serving the most demanding industrial, networking, telecom and automotive applications. This was not possible without the close collaboration with our manufacturing partner, SilTerra, of the Piezoelectric Monolithic MEMS CMOS Platform.

This company is:


Cairo, Egypt

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2020


Reference Clocks
Integrated Circuits
Timing IC's
Electronic Products
Ultra-Low Noise PLLs
Automotive IC's



Contact of Pearl Semiconductor

City: Cairo

State: Cairo

Country: Egypt

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Pearl Semiconductor

The company Pearl Semiconductor is located in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Pearl Semiconductor has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Pearl Semiconductor was founded in 2020

The company Pearl Semiconductor has it's main focus in the industries of Hardware

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Pearl Semiconductor seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Pearl Semiconductor

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