Precious Gem Surfaces Logo

Precious Gem Surfaces

Who is Precious Gem Surfaces?

Our mission is to use progressive approach, technology & marketing approaches. As well as we are doing Exotic Marble & Granite Mining We are in the stone line since last 35 years and we have grown to become a popular destination for designers, architects, builders, luxury homeowners, searching unique natural beauty at its best. We are working in various semiprecious jewelry stones such as tiger eye, lapis, malachite, mother of pearl, various colored quartz agate, jasper, aventurine and many more, all of which can be used as art pieces, interior wall paneling, flooring, Counter Tops, Partition wall, inlays and decorative mosaics for high end clientele, looking for the latest and the best in interior design trends. All our products including Semi-Precious Gemstone slabs, tiles, mosaic, artefacts, coasters etc, and Exotic marble & Granites are manufactured with high-end finishing. We are well known for our diligence in production and delivery of high quality products. Precious GemSurfaces Group is committed to helping its clients reach their needs, to personalising their experiences, to providing an innovative designs and products, and to making a difference. Precious Gem Surfaces is a leading concern in manufacturing Semi Precious Gemstone slabs, tiles, mosiac, artifacts etc. At Precious Gem Surfaces, we specialize in manufacturing a wide range of products at our own manufacturing units.

This company is:

Service provider


251-500 Employees



Building Materials


Building Materials

Contact of Precious Gem Surfaces

City: -

State: Rajasthan

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Precious Gem Surfaces

The company Precious Gem Surfaces is located in Rajasthan, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Precious Gem Surfaces has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

The company Precious Gem Surfaces has it's main focus in the industries of Building Materials

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Precious Gem Surfaces seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Precious Gem Surfaces

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