PSE Cogen 🌿 Logo

PSE Cogen 🌿

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Who is PSE Cogen 🌿?

For nearly 4 decades PSE has built an enviable reputation as a leading supplier of power protection and energy management solutions. By combining our comprehensive product range – Energy Storage, UPS systems, Standby Generators, CHP systems – and broad range of services with technical expertise and superior delivery, we provide solutions to meet each client’s specific requirements. Our Roadmap details the priority actions we are committing to implement to ensure we meet the target of ‘net-zero’ emissions by 2026 in our pledge to reduce carbon pollution and address climate change. Our solutions deliver the combined benefits of highest availability, lowest carbon footprint and lowest total cost of ownership.”. Designing, building, commissioning and maintaining is the cornerstone of PSE’s diversification strategy in partnership with our existing client base and our key suppliers. Today’s power protection solutions need to provide protection from a wide variety of power quality problems, not just blackouts. AJ Power’s manufacturing processes embrace stringent quality checks throughout all stages of the production process to deliver reliable, fuel efficient, quality generator sets from 10 kVA to 3350 kVA. Protect your equipment, plant, production work-in-progress and inventory from damage.

This company is:

Service provider

Dublin, Ireland

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2020


Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing


Electronics and Electrical engineering

Use Cases of PSE Cogen 🌿


Project Engineer - PSE

We are looking to employ a proactive and skilled Project Engineer who can manage several projects running concurrently while delivering high standards of customer satisfaction.

Contact of PSE Cogen 🌿

City: Dublin

State: Leinster

Country: Ireland

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PSE Cogen 🌿

The company PSE Cogen 🌿 is located in Dublin, Leinster, Ireland. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information PSE Cogen 🌿 has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

PSE Cogen 🌿 was founded in 2020

The company PSE Cogen 🌿 has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company PSE Cogen 🌿 seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of PSE Cogen 🌿

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Power And Energy Services Inc. Logo

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Pure World Energy Logo

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Power Machines Logo

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