PuraPharm Logo


PuraPharm is a pioneer in the modernization of Chinese medicine and our strong research and development capability has been a critical success factor to the sustainable development of our business. Being a research-focused company, PuraPharm collaborates with world-class research institutes across the health landscapes including academic scientists, non-government organizations (NGOs), governments, other biopharmaceutical companies and clinicians. PuraPharm collaborates with various leading universities worldwide to focus on the standardization of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) products. In 2004, PuraPharm was subsequently selected as one of the then six pilot manufacturers licensed by the China’s Food & Drug Administration (CFDA) to manufacture and sell CCMG products in China. PuraPharm collaborates with leading research institutions, universities, hospitals and medical institutions around the world in Chinese medicine research and new product development, such as University of Graz, University of Western Sydney, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (上海中醫藥大學) and Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen (深圳清華大學研究院). We produce only safe, high quality Chinese Herbal Medicinal products and services and we build them into profitable brands through innovative marketing. We are a leading Hong Kong-based Chinese medicine company in the R&D, production, marketing and sale of concentrated Chinese Medicine granules. PuraPharm researches, develops, manufactures and sells Chinese healthcare products for retail customers and Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) products for professional use by Chinese Medical Practitioners, providing a total and complete solution in Chinese medicine products and services.

Quick overview

Hong Kong Island, China

Founded in 1998

501-1000 Employees


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Working industry


Type of company

Educational institution, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Public Company


1 Headquarter

Number of products

2 Products

Specialised areas

Biotechnology, Health Care, Medical, Pharmaceutical

Products & services of PuraPharm

PuraPharm offers a wide range of products and services

Product: World Class Laboratory - PuraPharm


World Class Laboratory - PuraPharm

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Product: Applied Research - PuraPharm


Applied Research - PuraPharm

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Use Cases of PuraPharm

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UseCase: Sohu: PuraPharm forges ahead with the new smart factory project – a big milestone - PuraPharm

Use case

Sohu: PuraPharm forges ahead with the new smart factory project – a big milestone - PuraPharm

Content is provided in Chinese version only. https://www.sohu.com/a/432505958_99896113  【冲刺四季度】八分培力项目:砥砺前行创精品,奋力打好“收官战” 生物医药产业是南宁市战略性新兴产业的重要组成部分,为确保南宁市生物医药产业稳定发展,加快产业结构和品种结构调整,推进产业优化升级,培力药业年产5000吨中药配方颗粒异地扩建项目被列入南宁市生物医药产业发展三年行动计划重点建设项目。 2019年 9月 17日, 项目正式开工,这意味着一场持续300天的攻坚战正式打响。 撸起袖子加油干, 齐心协力向前进 2020年初,受疫情影响,项目进入了停工停产的状态。3月初,当国家下发通知各施工单位可有序开展复工复产的时候,项目管理人员们心里明白,与时间的比赛开始了。由于建设单位委托日本团队进行管理,不同国家之间的文化差异无形中加大了项目部与建设单位的沟通难度。为有效推进项目各项工作,项目管理团队每周与建设单位定期召开视频会议,协商解决当前项目所遇到的困难。每天的管理人员碰头会及每周的项目推进会更是必不可少。随着项目不断推进,施工图纸频繁变更,导致工程量不断增大。面对工期紧、任务重的困难,项目部立即随着图纸变更进行相应的排班调整,及时补充人力物力,提前一个月做好月度资金和材料计划,保障充足的人、财、物,力保项目目标能如期完成。 分公司经理谢甫春(左二) 与分公司安全总监李林芳(右一)到现场检查指导 过了二、三季度的“抢工期”,项目三栋楼主体工程顺利封顶,随之而来的是四季度的“冲刺期”。为推动项目圆满收官,冲刺四季度目标,项目部上下充分发扬“5+2”“白+黑”的艰苦创业精神,开足马力,进行最后冲刺。分公司领导班子成员蹲点项目,临阵督战,对项目施工进度、质量管控、合同履约、安全文明生产等方面进行全方位地指导;相关职能科室人员下沉一线,予以协助、指导项目部做好资料同步工作,为项目做最后冲刺服务。 路漫漫其修远兮, 干部青年始“在前”‍ 无论是热火朝天的“抢工期”亦或是一鼓作气的“冲刺期”,项目管理人员与青年职工始终站在队伍的最前头,尽锐出战。 检查墙体 项目执行经理张翼飞每天早晨都会先到施工现场,巡检每一楼层,仔细检查现场进度、工程质量及安全文明施工情况,再与栋号长和管理人员召开碰头会,根据项目进度调整施工排班,做好统筹管理;当施工人员遇到“疑难杂症”时,项目部技术总工邓宏安总是第一个冲在前线解决难题,手把手地示范,与施工人员们一起做好工程的细节处理;项目部安全总监韦忠山除了日常管理,安全创优更是工作重点,他着力规范现场安全文明施工布置,做好安全资料,带着项目部安全员定期开展班前教育,做好每日安全巡检,及时整改;面对赶工期的各种压力,施工员农帮足、李春龙、李超、王斌及时调整心态,迎难而上,提前一个月做好了材料安排计划,除了吃饭和休息时间,其余时间他们都在施工现场。作为项目青年突击队成员的他们总是活跃在施工一线,充分展现了“二安青年”勇担当、敢作为的风采。 严格管理优服务, 保质创优树品牌‍ “一日一钱,千日千钱;绳锯木断,水滴石穿。”项目一线职工用他们的实际行动默默辛勤付出着,每个人小小的力量凝聚成巨大的能量推动着工程不断向前。自项目开工建设以来,始终秉持着公司“安装增效益,房建上规模”的经营方针,严格贯彻落实“开工必优”管理理念和“七个无一”管理目标,坚持“严格管理与优质服务”并重,公司领导、相关职能处室以及分公司领导班子多次到项目开展现场指导,项目创优工作实现突破,斩获了“市安全文明标准化示范工地”、“区安全文明标准化工地”等多项荣誉,顺利通过了广西壮族自治区建设工程优质结构杯专家组和南宁市建设工程质量优质结构奖专家组的评审,项目农民工工资支付管理工作获得南宁市高新区劳动监察大队肯定,使分公司的品牌影响力得到持续提升,创优领域得以不断拓展和充实。 项目现场 截至11月12日,项目累计完成产值7600万元,已完工面积16000平方米,1#仓库/生产车间、2#仓库/生产车间已达到工程移交条件,整个项目工程预计11月底达到移交条件。项目部上下将一鼓作气,向着最后目标全力冲刺!(夏敏宁)

UseCase: SD China: Prof. Sun Zhang Gang of Weifang Hospital of TCM: Consensus among international experts on the clinical application of concentrated Chinese medicine granules - PuraPharm

Use case

SD China: Prof. Sun Zhang Gang of Weifang Hospital of TCM: Consensus among international experts on the clinical application of concentrated Chinese medicine granules - PuraPharm

Content is provided in Chinese only. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1686018325081283913&wfr=spider&for=pc 《中藥配方顆粒臨床應用國際專家共識》正式發佈——濰坊市中醫院孫長崗教授團隊助力中藥劑型現代化【中國山東網】 中國山東網-感知山東12 月14 日訊2020 年11 月28 日,由TMR(Traditional Medicine Research)出版集團主辦、培力集團承辦的第一屆中醫藥現代化國際論壇在中國貴州隆重召開。主辦方誠邀國內知名中醫臨床專家、藥學專家、循證醫學專家及漢方醫學專家參會。此次大會以“傳承、匯通、創新”為主題,達成《中藥配方顆粒臨床應用國際專家共識》, 濰坊市中醫院孫長崗教授應邀出席並進行專題學術報告。 以循證醫學方法構建中醫藥臨床研究體系,以現代工業化改造傳統劑型,有利於加快推進中醫藥現代化、產業化,推動中醫藥事業和產業高質量發展,推動中醫藥走向世界。 本次共識會參考吳雄志教授、高文遠教授、孫長崗教授等國內外專家的前期研究基礎,對5 千多份相關研究做了系統評價並完成《中藥顆粒與中藥飲片臨床療效比較的系統評價和Meta 分析》論文發表在TMR Integrative Medicine 上。結果顯示:中藥顆粒在治療感冒、骨質疏鬆等疾病中有效性和安全性與中藥飲片相近;而在治療胃脘痛、高血壓中略優於中藥飲片。 基於以上研究,孫長崗教授在會議上做了《中醫藥與循證醫學》的學術主題發言,系統闡釋了中醫藥與循證醫學的前世今生,並指出基於循證醫學的臨床研究將是中醫藥現代化、國際化發展的必由之路。 與會專家經過2 天熱烈的研討,最終達成《中藥配方顆粒臨床應用國際專家共識》。全文刊登在TMR-Classic Chinese Medicine Research(經典中醫研究)雜誌上,為中藥劑型產業化、國際化鑒定了基礎。

Headquarter of PuraPharm

PuraPharm operates in 1 country around the world

City: Hong Kong Island

State: Hong Kong

Country: China

Locations of PuraPharm

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Hong Kong

Hong Kong Island

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PuraPharm

Some frequent questions that have been asked about PuraPharm

The company headquarter of PuraPharm is located in Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information PuraPharm has around 501-1000 employees worldwide.

PuraPharm was founded in 1998

The company PuraPharm has it's main focus in the industries of Pharmaceuticals

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company PuraPharm seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of PuraPharm

Check out some interesting alternative companies to PuraPharm

Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corporation's Logo

Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corporation

Richmond, Canada

11-50 Employees


Our mission is to harmonize traditional herbal medicines with 21 century technologies to improve the health and well-being of society. Research, development and manufacturing of standardized botanical extracts. Contract manufacturing of natural health products, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals. We proudly provide customers with advanced research, development and manufacturing services supported by our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and highly experienced team of scientists and experts. At CPC, we believe our deep roots in scientific innovation has established us as the premier organisation in providing top quality natural health products formulated with the ever evolving technology of the 21st century. At CPC, we believe quality products derive from quality people.

Shanghai Trifecta Pharma Co. Ltd's Logo

Shanghai Trifecta Pharma Co. Ltd

Shanghai, China

11-50 Employees


We are proud to offer our customers a seamless end-to-end customer experience, employing experienced pharmacists to provide assistance with everything from registration documentation to production needs and package marketing design. Ltd, Shanghai, is a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of generic pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and veterinary products. We have more than 30 years’ experience delivering the highest standards in quality, value and service to our China-based and international customers. Ltd, Shanghai, produces and distributes more than 500 pharmaceutical products from its local facilities, including specialized drugs for a range of different therapeutic applications. Ltd, Shanghai, upholds the demanding standards and international requirements and our manufacturing and partner facilities are required to hold GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), GSP (Good Supply Practices) or ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certification. Ltd is an established global manufacturer and supplier of generic pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and medical supplies and is located in the Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai China. Ltd is the preferred provider of generic pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, and medical supplies to NGO’s, Aid Organizations, Private companies, and Government Agencies around the world. We strive to supply high quality, professional medical products around the world at a competitive price.

BirdoTech 's Logo


Shanghai, China

501-1000 Employees


We are committed to providing the highest quality services to drug discovery companies addressing worldwide healthcare needs. The world’s top pharmaceuticals companies and institutes are also our partners. We have been tested to meet time sensitive deadlines supporting critical clinical trials. We leverage our significant scientific foundation to maximize the collaborative value with our partners. With 25,000m2 of R&D laboratory space distributed over 4 sites throughout China, our partners gain the maximum flexibility in leveraging our services in medicinal chemistry SAR development, synthetic route scouting, process optimization, and production to multi-ton scale.

Hansoh Bio's Logo

Hansoh Bio

Rockville, United States

51-100 Employees


Hansoh Pharma, a top-ranked pharmaceutical company driven by innovation, headquartered in Greater China, is committed to improving human health through continuous innovation, focusing mainly on the fields of oncology, anti-infections, CNS diseases, metabolic diseases, as well as autoimmune diseases. Hansoh Pharma is highly efficient in discovering innovative macromolecule and small-molecule drugs, and its R&D efforts cover the fields of monoclonal and bispecific antibodies, ADC, siRNA, and fusion protein products. Hansoh Pharma has so far marketed 7 innovative drugs, and has more than 30 innovative drug programs at different clinical stages with over 40 clinical trials currently in progress, forming a competitive pipeline. Our innovative drugs on the market include: Saint Luolai (Pegmolesatide Injection), Globally Unique Erythropoietin Mimetic Peptide(EMP) ; Ameile (aumolertinib mesylate tablets), China's first original third-generation EGFR-TKI innovative drug; XINYUE (inebilizumab injections), the world's only humanized anti-CD19 monoclonal antibody approved for the treatment of adult patients with AQP4 antibody-positive NMOSD; Hengmu (tenofovir amibufenamide tablets), China's first original oral anti-HBV drug; Hansoh Xinfu (flumatinib mesylate tablets), China's first original second-generation innovative drug for chronic myeloid leukemia; Fulaimei (PEG-loxenatide for injection), China's first original long-acting GLP-1 hypoglycemic drug and the world's first PEGylated long-acting hypoglycemic drug; and Mailingda (morinidazole sodium chloride injection), the world's first innovative nitroimidazole anti-anaerobic drug in 40 years. Seven innovative drugs have been included in the National Reimbursement Drug List, and Hansoh Pharma has successfully transformed itself into an innovative biopharma company. Our production quality system has been officially certified by FDA in the United States, EMA of the European Union, and PMDA in Japan, and finished preparations and APIs have been approved for marketing in Europe, America, Japan, etc.

PurCann Pharma's Logo

PurCann Pharma

Quebec, Canada

11-50 Employees


PurCann Pharma specializes in the manufacturing and commercialization of cannabinoid-rich extracts from hemp and cannabis grown in Canada. PurCann Pharma also offers Toll and Contract manufacturing services (CMO), Private Label, R&D, extraction, purification, and packaging services. PurCann Pharma also offers Toll and Contractmanufacturing services, Private Label, R&D,extraction, purification, and packaging services.PurCann Pharma is fully licensed by Health Canadato carry out Cannabis processing, and R&D.PurCann Pharma has applied for a medical licenseand is currently awaiting its approval. The state-of-the-art factory, built in 2009 and further expanded in 2019, now occupies more than 45,000 ft2, including 9,000 ft2 of laboratories and 20,000 ft2 of manufacturing and packaging space - a total investment of $45 million. An additional 4,300 ft2 dedicated to packaging has been built in 2021. The site is ISO 9001:2015 certified and follows Health Canada's Cannabis Regulations Good Production Practices (GPP). PurCann Pharma has entered into hemp and cannabis supply agreements with producers who are committed to providing high quality products. Producers must provide Certificates of Analysis (COA) attesting that their products respect all Health Canada criteria regarding cannabinoid concentration, microbial counts, heavy metals levels, pesticides residues, etc.

Yanling Natural Hygiene Sdn Bhd's Logo

Yanling Natural Hygiene Sdn Bhd

Shah Alam, Malaysia

51-100 Employees


We provide full service, industry-leading manufacturing capabilities from exclusive formulation, development, production, laboratory testing, storage, and delivery to product management. We are proud to maintain the highest standards in our work when our efforts led us in gaining over 550 MAL approvals as granted by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA). Our services include exclusive formulation development services, product research and development, regulatory and laboratory testing services. We strive to provide customers with superior, efficacious products through innovative methodologies and specially selected suppliers that result in wellness for all. Establish and adhere to guideline for product quality and end user consumption. Attention to details and pursuit of perfection in making products safe, pure and effective. Incorporate technologies to address food safety and biologically complex products. Yanling Natural Hygiene founded as Traditional Medicine manufacturer in Segambut, Malaysia.

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