Roark's Drift Logo

Roark's Drift

Who is Roark's Drift?

While our circle of competence and network are largely consumer focused, we are industry agnostic given the right opportunity and co-investors. The company specializes in spacecraft development, launch services and on-orbit operations to deliver small satellites for critical missions across a variety of applications in LEO, GEO and beyond Earth orbit, and vehicle classes, including nanosatellites and microsatellites. Urban Translations has partnered with Google and Samsung to provide innovation to the hospitality industry. The company provides a digital concierge service and data analytics SaaS platform to improve hospitality financial performance and customer satisfaction. Trufan is a social intelligence platform that helps brands or influencers manage their key followers, sell directly to top fans and identify new audiences to target. The company, founded by two of Canada’s top young entrepreneurs, Swish Goswami and Aanikh Kler, and is backed by several strategic and notable investors into its second pre-seed round including Kyle Kuzma (Los Angeles Lakers forward), Davon Reed (Indiana Pacers guard), Manny Padda (Managing Partner, New Avenue Capital), Michele Romanow (Dragon, CBC Dragons’ Den and Co-Founder and President, Clearbanc), Andrew D’Souza (Co-Founder and CEO, Clearbanc), Jason Robins (CEO, DraftKings), Jake Ratner (Creative Director, Ratner Creative), Joe Roos (angel investor), and others. Loverboy is a sparkling hard tea with zero sugar, naturally sweetened, and made from organic tea. Pearachute is a monthly membership club that makes it easy for parents and caregivers to discover, book, and drop into the best family activities in your city all at the touch of a button all for one affordable rate.

Parkland, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2015


Venture Capital & Private Equity


Finance and Insurance

Contact of Roark's Drift

City: Parkland

State: Florida

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Roark's Drift

The company Roark's Drift is located in Parkland, Florida, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Roark's Drift has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Roark's Drift was founded in 2015

The company Roark's Drift has it's main focus in the industries of Finance and Insurance

Competitors of Roark's Drift

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