Ross Robotics Ltd Logo

Ross Robotics Ltd

Who is Ross Robotics Ltd?

Ross Robotics EXTRM autonomous robotic platform provides 24/7 autonomous inspection & monitoring of high-voltage assets, even inside live operational HVDC valve halls and DC halls. With independent lab-certified ultra-high EMF immunity, ultra-low EMF emissions, arc mitigation features, and a 12 month service interval, EXTRM is designed for the unique needs of HVDC operators. As well as world-leading EMF compatibility, EXTRM employs a modular drive system and autonomous location & mapping, allowing it to adapt to and navigate in physically challenging environments. Alongside our full documentation suite, we provide comprehensive Operator Training & Certification, to quickly get your Ops teams confident with the new technology. Our tried and tested development process lets us deliver custom product configurations to meet your exact special needs. Combining rigorous project management with technical excellence, we form a winning team that delivers great technology solutions for your business. Ross Robotics operates formal ISMS and QMS systems, so you can be sure we’ll meet your IT Security and Quality Management requirements.

South Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2015


Information Technology & Services


IT, Software and Services

Contact of Ross Robotics Ltd

City: South Oxfordshire

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ross Robotics Ltd

The company Ross Robotics Ltd is located in South Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Ross Robotics Ltd has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Ross Robotics Ltd was founded in 2015

The company Ross Robotics Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

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