Sandoz introduces Act4Biosimilars Action Plan to accelerate patient access to biosimilar medicines. Sandoz presents compelling investment proposition as standalone company at Capital Markets Day. Sandoz plans move to new central Basel headquarters by mid-2024, following proposed spin-off as standalone company. Sandoz strengthens pipeline expansion through partnership to develop and manufacture multiple biosimilars. Sandoz to exclusively commercialize six products in the US, reinforcing global leadership position in off-patent medicines.
Holzkirchen, Germany
Founded in 1886
10001+ Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
Ownership structure
Public Company
3 Locations
Number of products
16 Products
Specialised areas
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, Medical
Sandoz International offers a wide range of products and services
Sandoz Biosimilar Portfolio | novartis
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Partnerships and Collaborations | novartis
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Value of Biosimilars | novartis
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Information for Patients | novartis
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Disease Areas | novartis
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Over-The-Counter Medicines | novartis
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Anti-Infectives | novartis
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The Science of Biosimilars | novartis
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Sandoz International operates in 2 countries around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Sandoz International
Sandoz International GmbH
Sandoz Inc.
United States
New Jersey
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Sandoz International
Where is Sandoz International located?
The company headquarter of Sandoz International is located in Holzkirchen, Bavaria, Germany. Sandoz International has subsidiaries in Germany, United States
How many employees does Sandoz International approximately have?
As of the latest available information Sandoz International has around 10001+ employees worldwide.
When was Sandoz International founded?
Sandoz International was founded in 1886
In which industries does Sandoz International mainly work?
The company Sandoz International has it's main focus in the industries of Pharmaceuticals
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Sandoz International
Sandoz Inc.
Princeton, United States
1001-5000 Employees
Sandoz is a global leader in generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars. Our purpose is to discover new ways to improve and extend people’s lives. Our diverse and dynamic teams work colaborativelly to bring innovative products and ideas to life. This site is intended for a US audience.
Sandoz Canada
Boucherville, Canada
10001+ Employees
Sandoz is a global leader in generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars. Our purpose is to discover new ways to improve and extend people’s lives. As a leader in generics with a growing portfolio of consumer, specialty and biosimilar products, Sandoz is pioneering novel approaches. This site is intended for an audience in Canada.
Sydney, Australia
501-1000 Employees
Sandoz is a global leader in generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars. Our purpose is to discover new ways to improve and extend people’s lives. Our diverse and dynamic teams work colaborativelly to bring innovative products and ideas to life. This site is intended for an audience in Australia.
Vilvoorde, Belgium
101-250 Employees
Sandoz is een wereldleider op het gebied van generische geneesmiddelen en biosimilars. Sandoz is een wereldleider op het gebied van generische geneesmiddelen en biosimilars en maakt deel uit van de Novartis-groep. Onze missie bestaat erin nieuwe manieren te ontdekken om om het leven van mensen te verbeteren en te verlengen. Sandoz onderzoekt innovatieve benaderingen om mensen wereldwijd toegang te bieden tot hoogkwalitatieve geneesmiddelen. Op deze manier helpen we de maatschappij tegemoet te komen aan de toenemende behoefte van betaalbare gezondheidszorg.
Sandoz, S.A. de C.V.
11-50 Employees
Sandoz es la compañía líder en medicamentos genéricos y biocomparables con principal sede en Holzkirchen, Munich. Trabajamos continuamente para descubrir formas innovadoras para brindar soluciones asequibles y de alta calidad a la población que las necesitan.
Copenhagen, Denmark
51-100 Employees
Vi är en del av Novartis och var först i världen med att få en biosimilar godkänd när tillväxthormonet somatropin godkändes av den europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten, EMEA, 2006.5 Senare blev Sandoz även först med att få en biosimilar godkänd i USA. Vår vision är att alla ska ha tillgång till bästa tänkbara behandling. Men alla erbjuds den inte, eftersom behandlingen är dyr. Hur bra är din region på att erbjuda behövande patienter biosimilarer? Hur stor är användningen av respektive substans och hur har den förändrats jämfört med föregående kvartal? Hur stor användningen av biosimilarer är i varje region och hur den har förändrats jämfört med föregående kvartal. Biosimilarindex är ett mått på vilken roll biosimilarer spelar i den svenska hälso- och sjukvården. Ett lågt värde innebär att användningen av biosimilarer är låg.