Santa Barbara Infrared Logo

Santa Barbara Infrared

Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc. - a HEICO Company

Who is Santa Barbara Infrared?

SBIR’s broad line of innovative products support testing of military and commercial sensor systems and are used world wide in laboratory, production, depot and field test applications. SBIR was founded in 1986 and quickly became the leader in the electro-optical (E-O) test instrumentation field. In 1999 SBIR became part of HEICO Corporation, an aerospace company based in Hollywood, Florida. SBIR has continued to maintain its’ leadership position within the test instrumentation field and is still the preferred supplier to many of the major domestic and international manufacturers of E-O sensors and systems. SBIR’s focus is on providing well engineered, cost effective hardware and software solutions to the E-O community. SBIR’s proven systems engineering expertise combined with a practical, design-for-manufacturing approach results in production and custom instrumentation for the most discerning customers. The engineering staff at SBIR is a diverse group of highly qualified optical, electrical, mechanical, software and EO-IR systems engineers. SBIR possesses the required facilities, equipment and personnel to excel at all aspects of E-O Test System manufacturing, assembly, test and integration.

This company is:


Santa Barbara, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1986

Products & services of Santa Barbara Infrared

Product Standard Products - Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc. image


Standard Products - Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc.

STANDARD PRODUCTS | STANDARD PRODUCTS | Blackbodies | Integrating Spheres | Collimators | Target Projectors | COLOSUS | Automated Testing | Laser Test Systems | Detector Test Bench | Target Wheels | Targets | Precision Thermometer | Probes and Cables | SBIR Quick Links | Company Information | SBIR Quick Links | Latest Videos

View all products


Defense & Space


Science and Engineering
Government and Military
Consumer Electronics

Contact of Santa Barbara Infrared

City: Santa Barbara

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Santa Barbara Infrared

The company Santa Barbara Infrared is located in Santa Barbara, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Santa Barbara Infrared has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Santa Barbara Infrared was founded in 1986

The company Santa Barbara Infrared has it's main focus in the industries of Hardware, Science and Engineering, Manufacturing, Government and Military, Consumer Electronics

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Santa Barbara Infrared seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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