Sapience Analytics Logo

Sapience Analytics

About Us - Sapience

Who is Sapience Analytics?

Founded in 2009, Sapience Analytics delivers automated workforce data collection, data integration, insights, and decision-making through its SaaS platform, Sapience. Marty brings 14 years of experience in business strategy, financial operations, and mergers and acquisitions. Brad is a trusted business advisor with 29 years of professional service experience helping global Fortune 500 companies drive value through innovation and technology. Nitin has nearly 18 years of experience in senior technology roles and joined us from Vuclip, one of the leaders in the Internet-based streaming media space in Southeast Asia and the Middle East and Africa regions. Previously served for Rolls-Royce, Eaton Corporations, BMC Software, NIC Under Planning Commission. Adam brings over 30 years of financial services experience leading operational, technology and change management teams globally with Barclays, Citibank and National Australia Bank in particular. Ranjit Nambiar comes with more than 28 years of experience in sales. Grimaldi is a Portfolio Manager and Partner of NEXT Investors.

This company is:


Plano, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2009

Products & services of Sapience Analytics

Product The Productive Idea of Working From Home - Sapience image


The Productive Idea of Working From Home - Sapience

Everyone knows the benefits and attractions of working from home. Given a choice, and chance, who would say no to this ideal way of working. Unfortunately though, working from home has recently got itself a bad name. We would not go right out and say that the concerns are unsubstantiated. What...

Product Workplace Productivity is the New Measurement of Success image


Workplace Productivity is the New Measurement of Success

Due to the recent explosion in remote workforces combined with the need for business models to be fast, precise and accurate, tracking workplace productivity is emerging as the key metric. It’s seen as the most meaningful way to determine if your business is lagging behind or truly achieving...

Product IT Software Management - Sapience image


IT Software Management - Sapience

Get insights into your software expenses by implementing a data-driven approach to software utilization, optimization, and management. Reduce your IT expenditurewith analytics Get unprecedented visibility into the effort and utilization of people,processes, and technology. Drive your software...

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IT Management
Human Resources
Computer Systems Design and Related Services
Computer software development
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services


IT, Software and Services

Contact of Sapience Analytics

City: Plano

State: Texas

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sapience Analytics

The company Sapience Analytics is located in Plano, Texas, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Sapience Analytics has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Sapience Analytics was founded in 2009

The company Sapience Analytics has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Sapience Analytics seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Sapience Analytics

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