Seiler Geospatial Logo

Seiler Geospatial

Who is Seiler Geospatial?

We are Authorized Distributors for Trimble Navigation, Spectra Precision, Esri, Autodesk, DJI, Laser Technology, Screening Eagle, and more. We stand behind our products we offer: Seiler Instrument and Manufacturing Company (“Seiler”) has always had a “complete satisfaction” purchase policy and we will try to work with you to resolve any merchandise issues that you may have. We are dedicated to our clients’ success by providing the best hardware, support, and software tools that fit their specific workflows, which ensure efficiencies and profitability. Our products include Survey Optical, GNSS, Data Controllers, 3D Scanning, Drones, Mapping GIS, Utility Survey Systems, Field and Office Software and much more. We have nationally recognized service and repair facilities and offer certified training and support across the Midwest. Longevity: With four generations of professionals who do more than just sell products. We have designed, manufactured, sold, trained for, maintained, and repaired them. We sell a solution based on your goals and needs, not just the descriptions from a brochure.

This company is:

Service provider

St. Louis, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1945

Products & services of Seiler Geospatial

Product Update the Base Station List at least once a month or more often in your Differential Correction software | Seiler Geospatial image


Update the Base Station List at least once a month or more often in your Differential Correction software | Seiler Geospatial

Update the Base Station List at least once a month or more often In Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office, Trimble GPS Analyst, Field Inspector or Trimble Positions it is recommended to update the Base Station Provider List at least once a month of more often. Additions and substractions to the Base Station Provider List or even

Product Trimble Access Software Version 2015.21 available | Seiler Geospatial image


Trimble Access Software Version 2015.21 available | Seiler Geospatial

Kelly Harris, PLS     Seiler Geospatial Technical Support Manager Trimble Access 2015.22 was released on Monday. Resolved issues SV count in NMEA output: An issue where a very large number of SVs was reported in NMEA data output to VRS networks or from the receiver when

Product Autolock Technology with the 360 Prism | Seiler Geospatial image


Autolock Technology with the 360 Prism | Seiler Geospatial

Autolock technology with the 360 prism

View all products


GNSS Sales
Robotic Total Station Sales
Repair Services
Spectra Precision Instruments and Tools
Business Supplies & Equipment


Retail Trade

Use Cases of Seiler Geospatial


Where to find and or create the Projection files for Coordinate Systems to use for Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office export? | Seiler Geospatial

Where to find and or create the Projection files for Coordinate Systems to use for Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office export? Below are some options to finding and or creating the Projection files to use for Export of data from Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office. Or, what if you don't have direct access to ArcGIS and would still

Contact of Seiler Geospatial

City: St. Louis

State: Missouri

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Seiler Geospatial

The company Seiler Geospatial is located in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Seiler Geospatial has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Seiler Geospatial was founded in 1945

The company Seiler Geospatial has it's main focus in the industries of Retail Trade

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Seiler Geospatial seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Seiler Geospatial

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SEP Engineers

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Precision Laser & Instrument

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Seiler GeoDrones

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North AE

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