Sequenex Logo


SaMD Diabetes Software Experts | Sequenex

Who is Sequenex?

Sequenex HQ is located in beautiful, sunny San Diego. Sequenex is a Software/SaMD Development Firm specifically focused on the diabetes, medtech and connected devices markets. Sequenex are Identity Management specialists and can help you take advantage of your IdP’s full capabilities or advise you on choosing a provider that is right for you. We design, develop and maintain software systems that are purpose built for innovation, connectivity and interoperability. With an Agile mindset and an ISO 13485 Certified QMS, Sequenex has engineered our Software/SaMD development processes to eliminate time-consuming inefficiencies while maintaining compliance with applicable regulatory requirements such as IEC 62304. Our processes incorporate continuous delivery/continuous compliance as well as automated testing/automated documentation, resulting in significant time and dollars savings for our customers. Advancements and miniaturization in biosensor technology offer diabetes device companies a unique opportunity to develop discrete CGM devices that are more user-friendly and more accurate than ever. Find out how to employ a user-centric approach to create a more successful product.

This company is:

Service provider

San Diego, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2019

Products & services of Sequenex

Product Diabetes CGM SaMD Services | Sequenex image


Diabetes CGM SaMD Services | Sequenex

Need Diabetes CGM SaMD products developed? We can leverage your Quality system or ours to rapidly build quality, SaMD solutions.

View all products


Agile Development
Product (Software) Development for Medical Device Manufacturers
Medical Technology Solutions
Diabetes Systems
Diabetes Ecosystem; Supporting Interoperability
FDA Requirements
digital health
Computer Software


IT, Software and Services

Use Cases of Sequenex


Cancer Treatment: Connected Device Applications | Sequenex

The underutilization of connected devices in cancer treatment presents opportunities for innovative MedTech companies.

Contact of Sequenex

City: San Diego

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sequenex

The company Sequenex is located in San Diego, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Sequenex has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Sequenex was founded in 2019

The company Sequenex has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

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