Shear Kershman Laboratories Logo

Shear Kershman Laboratories

About Us - Shear Kershman Labs

Who is Shear Kershman Laboratories?

The expertise that has consistently set us apart is our expertise in proprietary technologies in sustained release applications. We even assist in performing assessment of the industry and the product’s potential in the marketplace. In every case, we ensure our clients confidentiality in all phases of a product/concept development and deployment. We possess the necessary equipment to not only formulate new products and concepts but to run test batches and even pilot plant/test market production runs. With our many strategic partners we can provide test run samples for virtually every product type. Shear Kershman Labs helps organizations develop new products and optimize existing products and product lines. Deep expertise in proprietary technologies with sustained and targeted release applications. We get your product exactly where you want it in the body and performing at an optimal level you may not have thought possible.

Chesterfield, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 1978


sustained release
Food science
Food solutions


Health Care

Contact of Shear Kershman Laboratories

City: Chesterfield

State: Missouri

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Shear Kershman Laboratories

The company Shear Kershman Laboratories is located in Chesterfield, Missouri, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Shear Kershman Laboratories has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Shear Kershman Laboratories was founded in 1978

The company Shear Kershman Laboratories has it's main focus in the industries of Health Care

Competitors of Shear Kershman Laboratories

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