Surveillance Systems Incorporated Logo

Surveillance Systems Incorporated

SSI - The Best Possible Customer Experience

Who is Surveillance Systems Incorporated?

The SSI sales team also provides extremely competitive pricing due to deeply established relationships with trusted manufacturer partners. SSI provides clients with comprehensive system solutions, taking projects from inception and planning all the way through to execution. SSI is committed to building long-term relationships with clients and emphasizes a relentless dedication to providing the best possible customer experience long after the installation process is complete. SSI provides its clients with comprehensive solutions to unique business and operational needs, including highly technical consultation, cutting edge system design engineering, world class project management, and professional implementation. SSI has provided installation services and products utilizing General Services Administration (GSA) and California Multiple Awards Schedules (CMAS) contract vehicles. As a committed partner, SSI stays focused on long term goals and outcomes. Yes, providing the most innovative systems that clients can count on is important, but that goes hand in hand with placing its unwavering commitment to building a strong client relationship as the top priority. When the team heads to a job site, each individual is committed to positively representing the SSI name.

This company is:

Service provider

Roseville, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2002

Products & services of Surveillance Systems Incorporated

Product Service & Maintenance - Surveillance Systems Incorporated image


Service & Maintenance - Surveillance Systems Incorporated

SSI has established a solid reputation providing simple solutions that save clients time & money, with the best possible customer experience.

Product System Design & Consulting - Surveillance Systems Incorporated image


System Design & Consulting - Surveillance Systems Incorporated

SSI provides design, consultation, installation, and support for all video and access control system needs.

Product Technology Partners - Surveillance Systems Incorporated image


Technology Partners - Surveillance Systems Incorporated

SSI partners with the best manufacturers in the industry to bring you the highest quality in surveillance solutions.

View all products


Casino surveillance systems
IP Video
Megapixel Video
Network Video Recorders
Security & Investigations



Contact of Surveillance Systems Incorporated

City: Roseville

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Surveillance Systems Incorporated

The company Surveillance Systems Incorporated is located in Roseville, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Surveillance Systems Incorporated has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Surveillance Systems Incorporated was founded in 2002

The company Surveillance Systems Incorporated has it's main focus in the industries of Defense

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Surveillance Systems Incorporated seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Surveillance Systems Incorporated

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