TeckNexus Logo


5G Media, Research & Advisory - TeckNexus

Who is TeckNexus?

Our mission is to help next-gen technology vendors, service providers, and enterprises stay ahead of the curve by providing insightful publications, market intelligence, expert-led content creation, and advisory services. We’re here to support those who are shaping the future of connectivity – so join us as we explore what’s next! Our flagship publication, 5G Magazine is packed with successful case studies, insights from industry experts, and practical solutions from pioneering companies. Whether you want to promote your brand reputation or find strategic partners within the 5G ecosystem, 5G Magazine is an excellent platform to help you achieve these goals. With our research-driven thought-leadership content creation and multi-channel marketing services, we help customers develop demand and engage prospects.

This company is:

Educational institution
Service provider

Phoenix, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of TeckNexus

Product OneWeb expands services, launches commercial service across large parts of Europe and the US image


OneWeb expands services, launches commercial service across large parts of Europe and the US

OneWeb, the global low Earth orbit (LEO) communications network, today announced the expansion of its connectivity services throughout Europe and the majority of the United States as it scales toward global service. Satellite-powered connectivity through OneWeb is now reaching regions above the latitude of 35 degrees north.

Product Samsung & Kajeet partner to deliver private 5G network solutions image


Samsung & Kajeet partner to deliver private 5G network solutions

Kajeet Smart Private 5G™ Platform and Samsung’s latest 5G RAN innovations to power smart cities, school campuses, utility grids, & factories. The education sector will be the first area of focus for the Kajeet and Samsung collaboration.

Product Technology and Connectivity Trends | 5G Magazine Jan 2023 Edition image


Technology and Connectivity Trends | 5G Magazine Jan 2023 Edition

2022 is behind us, and we are now looking forward to the years ahead with exciting predictions from industry thought leaders about Technology and Connectivity Trends over the next 2 to 5 years. We at TeckNexus analyzed over 60 sources and identified 150+ global technology and connectivity trends which we have presented in a visually appealing word/ keyword cloud format.

View all products


Open RAN
5G and Edge Computing
Private 5G Networks
Small Cells
5G Towers
5G for Healthcare
5G for Manufacturing
5G for Energy & Utilities
5G for Transportation
5G for Education
5G for Mining
5G Research
5G Consulting
5G Advisory
Computer Software


IT, Software and Services

Use Cases of TeckNexus


Chunghwa Telecom to deploy open RAN based private 5G network

Chunghwa Telecom will validate open RAN-based solutions in private network deployments and also streamline its own 5G enterprise offering. 

Contact of TeckNexus

City: Phoenix

State: Arizona

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about TeckNexus

The company TeckNexus is located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information TeckNexus has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

TeckNexus was founded in 2020

The company TeckNexus has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company TeckNexus seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of TeckNexus

Microamp Solutions Logo

Microamp Solutions


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Private LTE & 5G Networks

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5G-MAG - Media Action Group


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The Mobile Network

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5G Technology News Logo

5G Technology News

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5G Antennas

United Kingdom

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JET Engineering System Solutions

United Kingdom

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United States

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