VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology Logo

VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology

VCQ Header – VCQ

Who is VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology?

VCQ will set new impulses for research and teaching through its unique spectrum of research topics – from fundamental quantum physics to novel quantum technologies. VCQ’s mission is to push the boundaries of quantum physics and explore its potential for transforming our understanding of the world and unlocking new technological possibilities. The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) is one of the largest quantum hubs in Europe, comprising 31 research groups from the University of Vienna, the TU Wien, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria.

This company is:

Educational institution

Vienna, Austria

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology

Product Featured Vacancies – VCQ image


Featured Vacancies – VCQ

Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Dynamics | Quantum Control and Quantum Many-Body Physics | implementation of distributed quantum computers | QUANTUM ELECTRON OPTICS / Atom InterferometrY | ATOMIC QUANTUM PROCESSORS | QUANTUM FOUNDATIONS | Cold Clusters in Deep UV Light Fields for Quantum Interferometry | Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics | Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computation | Quantum Control / SUPERCONDUCTING GRAVIMETERS / PRECISION TESTS / GRAVITATIONAL QUANTUM Physics | ultra-fast Transmission Electron Microscopy | Featured Vacancies | Privacy Overview

View all products


quantum physics
quantum optics
quantum mechanics



Use Cases of VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology


Application – VCQ

Application Procedure | Call is now open ! | First Step | Letters of Recommendation | Second Step | Dates & Deadlines | Faculty members to apply for in the current call: | Privacy Overview

Contact of VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology

City: Vienna

State: -

Country: Austria

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology

The company VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology is located in Vienna, Austria. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology was founded in 2020

The company VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology has it's main focus in the industries of Research

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of VCQ Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology

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