Quantum Photonics
Quantum Photonics

Top Quantum Photonics Companies

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56 companies for Quantum Photonics

Quantum Photonics's Logo

United States

51-100 Employees


The Photonic-Power Alliance formed among the oldest, largest, and most advanced manufacturers in the photonics industry. ULC manufactures custom-designed optics with an accuracy unmatched by competitors. Their metrology expertise plays laboriously during each stage of product development, from design to production. UL's team ensures your product performs during development. Meller Optics has provided high-quality optics to defense, medical, laser, and industrial markets. Established in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1921, Meller Optics has built a reputation for delivering superior results, from research and development to production. Spectrum's manufacturing laboratory serves various optical manufacturers, research organizations, laser manufacturers, NASA, space applications, astronomical observatories, industrial optics, instrument manufacturers, medical industries, and the military. VME believes in using renewable energy where possible to reduce harmful emissions and create access to clean affordable and sustainable energy for everyone.



Core business
Image for Quantum Photonics

Quantum Photonics

... quantum photonics ...

Duality Quantum Photonics's Logo

Bristol, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees



Core business
Image for Duality Quantum Photonics

Duality Quantum Photonics

... Duality Quantum Photonics ...

Xanadu's Logo

Old Toronto, Canada

51-100 Employees


Work with our team of high performing quantum experts and builders, leading the path towards fault tolerant quantum computers. Stay in the know and get our monthly news straight to your inbox.



Image for Software library for quantum photonic hardware

Software library for quantum photonic hardware

... Simulate and execute programs on quantum photonic ...

Maple Leaf Photonics's Logo

Seattle, United States

1-10 Employees

We have complete solutions for any product development stage. Our customers push the boundaries of what's possible with integrated photonics and we are thrilled to be a part their success. We focus on lowering the barrier to entry and automation to help accelerate the PiC revolution.



Core business
Image for Maple Leaf Photonics

Maple Leaf Photonics

... RIT is researching quantum photonics and training the workforce of tomorrow.​Application: ...

Sparrow Quantum's Logo

Copenhagen, Denmark

1-10 Employees


We are Sparrow Quantum, a Danish quantum technology company committed to pushing the boundaries of light-matter interfaces for quantum technologies. Our company was founded in 2016 in Copenhagen by Prof. Peter Lodahl, and we are widely recognized as a leader in single-photon sources, achieving the world’s highest light-matter coupling efficiency. We are passionate about providing researchers and developers of quantum technology systems with unparalleled technology and essential building blocks for scaling up photonic quantum technology applications in information processing and communication. Our technology finds applications in areas such as secure quantum communication, photonic quantum computing, and quantum repeaters for the quantum internet.



Core business
Image for Sparrow Quantum - Quantum Technology Company

Sparrow Quantum - Quantum Technology Company

... How to realize quantum photonic applications? ...

AegiQ's Logo

Sheffield, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


AEGIQ LTD., Cooper Buildings, Arundel Street, Sheffield, S1 2NS, UK. Registered in England and Wales, company number 12349822.



Image for Quantum photonic systems and devices

Quantum photonic systems and devices

... Quantum photonic systems and ...

Aegiq's Logo

Sheffield, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees




Image for Artemis - Aegiq | Quantum computing and networking delivering value using quantum & integrated photonics

Artemis - Aegiq | Quantum computing and networking delivering value using quantum & integrated photonics

... Artemis - Aegiq | Quantum computing and networking delivering value using quantum & integrated photonics ...

BraneCell Systems's Logo

Cambridge, United States

51-100 Employees


Our keyless quantum communication design provides superiority to all other approaches either through-air/space or fiber and no-longer repeater oriented.



Core business
Image for BraneCell


... All-photonic Quantum ...

Kirk Quantum's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


In furnishing this Presentation, KQ does not undertake nor agree to any obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies in, or omissions from, this Presentation which may become apparent. This Presentation should not be considered as the giving of investment advice by KQ nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers. Kirk Quantum is assembling a portfolio of potential investments in leading #Photonic and #Quantum technology companies around the planet, almost finished assembling our experts of unparalleled market knowledge to establish, maintain and retain the global lead in development of Quantum portfolio management. Mission: Deeply cultivate the incoming ruling asset classes and quantum technology firms to deliver outsize returns to investors.



Core business
Image for Kirk Quantum

Kirk Quantum

... Global Host in Portfolio Management of Quantum & Photonic Technology ...

Anametric's Logo

Austin, United States

1-10 Employees


Anametric is developing new technologies and devices for chip scale quantum photonics, with a focus on cybersecurity. The company enjoys a close working relationship with Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. Together, we are commercializing innovative devices based on the SMU team’s advanced research along with Anametric’s deep experience in semiconductor design and cybersecurity. Anametric is deeply involved with the quantum industry today. We also serve in a leadership role in the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, QED-C, a government and industry group created by the National Quantum Initiative Act of 2018.



Core business
Image for Quantum Photonics for Cybersecurity

Quantum Photonics for Cybersecurity

... Quantum Photonics for ...

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Facts about those Quantum Photonics Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Quantum Photonics

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers32
Amount of suitable service providers20
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2015
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Quantum Photonics

What is Quantum Photonics?

Quantum Photonics is an advanced field of science that merges the principles of quantum mechanics with photonics, the study and application of light (photons) in technology. This interdisciplinary domain focuses on harnessing the quantum properties of light to develop new technologies and improve existing ones, particularly in the areas of computing, communication, and sensing. At its core, quantum photonics explores the manipulation and control of photons at the quantum level, enabling unprecedented levels of precision and efficiency in the transmission, storage, and processing of information. This field holds the potential to revolutionize various industries by offering solutions that are significantly faster, more secure, and efficient than current technologies. For instance, in quantum computing, quantum photonics paves the way for the creation of computers with superior computational capabilities, capable of solving complex problems beyond the reach of classical computers. Similarly, in the realm of secure communications, it offers the promise of virtually unbreakable encryption through quantum key distribution, a technique that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to secure data transmission. The impact of quantum photonics extends beyond these applications, with potential advancements in medical imaging, navigation systems, and beyond, symbolizing a pivotal shift in how technology interacts with the fundamental properties of light.

Advantages of Quantum Photonics

1. Enhanced Security
Quantum photonics offers unprecedented levels of security for data transmission. Utilizing principles of quantum mechanics, it ensures that any attempt at eavesdropping can be easily detected, as observing quantum particles inherently alters their state. This feature makes it nearly impossible for unauthorized parties to intercept communications without detection.

2. Superior Data Transmission Speed
The technology enables faster data transmission speeds compared to classical optical systems. By exploiting the properties of photons and quantum entanglement, quantum photonics can transmit vast amounts of data across vast distances with minimal latency, significantly outpacing traditional fiber optics in terms of efficiency and speed.

3. Increased Computational Power
Quantum photonics plays a crucial role in the development of quantum computing. By harnessing the properties of light, it allows for the creation of quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This capability enables quantum computers to perform complex calculations at speeds unattainable by classical computers, offering immense potential for advancements in various scientific fields.

4. Energy Efficiency
This technology is inherently more energy-efficient than its electronic counterparts. Photons, being massless, require less energy to manipulate and transmit information, leading to significant reductions in power consumption. This efficiency not only benefits operational costs but also contributes to reduced environmental impact.

How to select right Quantum Photonics supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Expertise and Experience
Ensure the supplier has a profound understanding and extensive experience in quantum photonics technology, including a track record of successful projects.

2. Quality Assurance Processes
Check for certifications and quality control measures that guarantee the reliability and performance of their quantum photonics components.

3. Scalability and Flexibility
The supplier should be capable of scaling production to meet your needs and flexible enough to adapt to technological advancements in the field.

4. Research and Development Capabilities
A strong R&D team is essential for innovation and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving quantum photonics sector.

5. Cost-Effectiveness
While not compromising on quality, the supplier should offer competitive pricing and cost-effective solutions for your quantum photonics requirements.

6. Customer Support and Collaboration
Look for a supplier that provides excellent customer service and is open to collaboration to tailor their products to your specific needs.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Quantum Photonics?

Quantum photonics is revolutionizing secure communications within the finance and banking industry. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, it enables the creation of unbreakable encryption protocols for transmitting sensitive financial information. This ensures a level of security that classical encryption methods cannot match, safeguarding against cyber threats and enhancing trust in digital transactions. In the field of healthcare, quantum photonics introduces groundbreaking advancements in imaging and diagnostic technologies. It allows for the development of highly sensitive imaging devices that can detect diseases at much earlier stages than current methods. This capability could significantly improve patient outcomes by enabling early intervention and more personalized treatment plans, thus revolutionizing patient care. Manufacturing benefits from quantum photonics through enhanced precision in measurement and control systems. By exploiting the unique properties of quantum states, manufacturers can achieve unprecedented levels of accuracy in the fabrication of components, especially in sectors requiring nanoscale precision. This leads to improvements in product quality, efficiency, and a reduction in waste, contributing to more sustainable manufacturing practices. Lastly, in the realm of computing, quantum photonics paves the way for the development of quantum computers. These computers promise to solve complex problems much faster than their classical counterparts, opening new possibilities in data analysis, simulation, and problem-solving across industries such as logistics, pharmaceuticals, and energy.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Quantum Photonics

Quantum photonics, an emerging field leveraging the quantum properties of light to process and transmit information, currently sits at varying Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), predominantly between TRL 3 and TRL 4. This range indicates that while the basic principles have been observed and reported, and proof-of-concept has been developed in laboratory environments, the transition to a device or system prototype tested in a relevant environment is still in nascent stages. The primary technical reasons for this TRL positioning include the challenges associated with controlling and manipulating quantum states of light, which are inherently fragile and easily disrupted by environmental conditions. Additionally, the development of scalable, reliable, and efficient quantum photonic devices necessitates advances in materials science and fabrication techniques to achieve the precision required for quantum coherence and entanglement. The integration of quantum photonic systems with existing telecommunications infrastructure also presents a significant hurdle, requiring innovations in compatibility and connectivity. Despite these challenges, steady progress in quantum error correction, miniaturization of quantum circuits, and the development of robust quantum repeaters and transducers demonstrates a forward momentum, inching quantum photonics closer to higher TRLs and practical applications.

What is the Technology Forecast of Quantum Photonics?

In the short-term, quantum photonics is poised for significant breakthroughs in secure communication technologies. Innovations in single-photon sources and detectors are expected to enhance quantum key distribution (QKD) systems, making them more efficient and accessible. This phase is crucial for establishing a foundation in quantum-safe encryption, potentially revolutionizing data security in various sectors, including finance and national defense. Mid-term developments are anticipated to extend quantum photonics' impact into quantum computing and sensing. The integration of miniaturized photonic circuits and advanced quantum dots is projected to elevate quantum processors' capabilities, leading to more compact and powerful quantum computers. Additionally, quantum sensors based on photonics are expected to achieve unprecedented sensitivity levels, beneficial for applications ranging from medical diagnostics to environmental monitoring. In the long-term, the fusion of quantum photonics with emerging materials like 2D materials and topological insulators is likely to usher in a new era of quantum technologies. These advancements could enable the creation of highly efficient, room-temperature quantum devices, making quantum technology more practical and accessible for everyday applications. The potential for quantum photonic technologies to interconnect with existing fiber optic networks could also pave the way for a truly quantum internet, facilitating ultra-secure and instant global communication.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Quantum Photonics Companies

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Quantum Photonics are Magnets, Printed Electronics, Industrial Amplifiers, Electronic Transducers, Electronic Oscillators

Start-Ups who are working in Quantum Photonics are Kirk Quantum

The most represented industries which are working in Quantum Photonics are Science and Engineering, Manufacturing, Hardware, Information Technology, Financial Services

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