vyAnalytics Logo


About Us | VyAnalytics

Who is vyAnalytics?

Each dashboard we develop utilizes leading edge machine learning algorithms and adheres to modern data science methodology in order to generate predictions, forecasts and informative statistical summaries based on the data you are interested in. The web applications offer flexibility and are compatible with many browsers and mobile devices. In addition, the dashboards we develop have their own protected environment and any required connections are SSL encrypted. Our dashboards are developed in R, which is a programming language designed for statistical computing, a golden standard trusted by many data scientists. Take advantage of the customizable dashboard we offer and communicate the important data to your employees, clients and stakeholders using the visualizations it includes. Leverage the insights offered by our predictive models to allocate resources and manage workflow based on decisions backed by accurate statistics. Our dashboards offer you metrics, personalized for your business' day-to-day operation.

This company is:


Malmo, Sweden

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2021

Products & services of vyAnalytics

Product Products | vyAnalytics image


Products | vyAnalytics

Web-based dashboard with analytics, crime stats, forecasting and prediction assisted by leading edge machine learning algorithms and other AI based models.

Product Products | vyAnalytics image


Products | vyAnalytics

Web-based dashboard with analytics, crime stats, forecasting and prediction assisted by leading edge machine learning algorithms and other AI based models.

View all products


Data Analytics
Predictive Modelling
Data Engineering
Machine Learning
Crime Analytics
Computer Software


IT, Software and Services

Contact of vyAnalytics

City: Malmo

State: Skåne County

Country: Sweden

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about vyAnalytics

The company vyAnalytics is located in Malmo, Skåne County, Sweden. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information vyAnalytics has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

vyAnalytics was founded in 2021

The company vyAnalytics has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company vyAnalytics seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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