
Top Business Intelligence Tool Companies

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414 companies for Business Intelligence Tool

Overonix Technologies's Logo

Overonix Technologies

Kyiv, Ukraine

51-100 Employees


Our applications are built with React - the most effective and secure frontend technology. We use Groovy with Spock and Geb frameworks to guaranty the quality of our products - all functionality is covered with automated API and UI tests which monitor the system status 24/7.


Business Intelligence Tool

... Business Intelligence Tool ...

Master Telecom's Logo

Master Telecom

Gdynia, Poland

1-10 Employees


The built-in collection of templates enables an easy and quick start with our application, using ready-to-use configurations designed for a variety of real-life business scenarios.

Core business

Easy Business Intelligence Tool for your growth

... Easy Business Intelligence Tool for your growth. Automated inquiries via flexible Data Forms and Smart KPI Dashboards for better decisions. ...

Mentat Analytics's Logo

Mentat Analytics

Los Angeles, United States

1-10 Employees


Our clients range from founding teams getting ready for a product launch all the way to established and rapidly-growing companies with $100M+ in funding.

Core business

Business Intelligence Tool

... Business Intelligence Tool ...

The Decisionsmiths's Logo

The Decisionsmiths

Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, South Africa

1-10 Employees


The Decisionsmiths offer a unique consulting model aimed at empowering your team for effective, value-driven decision-making. We offer automated reporting, detailed and disciplined analytics and understandable machine learning solutions to ensure you get the most out of the data-wealth of the organisation. The Decisionsmiths offer a wide array of personal assessment instruments capable of profiling the cognitive-, risk- and value profiles of your organisation. To this end we offer a 19 item personal value set assessment, a 5-element personal risk questionnaire and an evolved cognitive profiling measurement (the CPP in association with Cognadev) to assess the full extent of decisioning-wealth of the organisation. The Decisionsmiths are committed to lasting, change-making interventions designed to make a definitive impact on the business. We employ a wide range of innovative and creative strategising tools to get to the core problems at hand. Value offering Christoff is a born analyst and loves the fine art of extracting business value from unrefined data. The Decisionsmiths targets the entire decision-making value chain by offering solutions to: - data visualization, - data analytics, - decision-maker profiling, - decision coaching and - addressing the impact of personal value sets on decision behaviour.

Core business

Best Business Intelligence Tools | TheDecisionsmiths | Mpumalanga

... Best Business Intelligence Tools | TheDecisionsmiths | ...

Business Intelligence Market's Logo

Business Intelligence Market

Orem, United States

1-10 Employees


We are currently in the process of expanding our business intelligence vendor network. Business Intelligence Market is the most comprehensive platform for comparing BI related products. Browse our in-depth product profiles, and drill down to quickly evaluate BI products side-by-side. This is the industry term for the process BI tools use to extract data from source systems, transform it into a consistent format, and load it into the BI system. If it's important to your business that your BI tool offers one of these features, double-check that the tool actually has the feature before you buy it. Leveraging the power of cloud-based systems, OLAP systems can help data experts analyze many different data dimensions at once. Many tools focus on user-friendliness, providing an experience that’s easy to understand for those without much technical expertise. Businesses need to do some research into the integrations offered by each tool.

Core business


... Compare the Best 50 Business Intelligence Tools | Top BI Software ...

eurodata comesio GmbH's Logo

eurodata comesio GmbH

Vienna, Austria

11-50 Employees


Die comesio ist ein über die Grenzen hinaus erfolgreiches IT Unternehmen mit Österreichischen Wurzeln. Die comesio hilft ihnen die richtigen Daten zum richtigen Zeitpunkt den richtigen Personen zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit diese die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen können. Die comesio solutions verfolgt die Vision einer digitalen Zukunft. Gegründet 2011 als Spezialist und Implementierungspartner für IBM Cognos BI und IBM Cognos TM1 folgt es seither dem Credo „Empowering Business Intelligence“ und begleitet erfolgreich Kunden aus allen Sparten bei ihren Projekten – von der Idee über die Umsetzung, die Implementierung bis hin zur Schulung und Übergabe. Durch die Aufnahme in die große eurodata-Familie im Mai 2016 hat die comesio nun auch den Bereich Big Data neu strukturiert und effektiv erweitert. Zukunftsweisende Themen wie Industrie 4.0 bleiben Dank der Produkte edbic, einer leistungsstarken Digitalisierungssoftware aus eigenem Haus und dem edSitebuilder, das Content Management System der nächsten Generation, kein ungeschriebenes Blatt. BI könnte natürlich „Businessplan innovativ“ heißen oder auch „Best Practice Insight“, in unserer Branche spricht man von Business Intelligence – and that’s what we do! Dabei arbeiten wir mit verschiedenen Software Hersteller, die wir abhängig von Ihren Anforderungen, dem Bedarf und Ihrem Budget einsetzen.


IBM Cognos BI business. intelligence. tool.

... Bevor Business Intelligence Tools auf den Markt kamen, wurde das Hauptaugenmerk auf das Sammeln von Daten gelegt. Je mehr Daten eine Firma hatte, ...

SoftServe Business Systems's Logo

SoftServe Business Systems

Lviv, Ukraine

251-500 Employees


We create a coherent and flexible ecosystem that enables the digital transformation of sales for large FMCG enterprises. Since 2003 we have implemented hundreds of systems for different FMCG sectors in many countries. We share responsibility for performance of the systems we create. It means that software, implementation and maintenance should the concern of single team. We deliver digital transformation by building single Eco System for all sales processes.


Business Intelligence Tool

... Business Intelligence Tool - ...

Intuizi's Logo


Orlando, United States

- Employees


From the beginning, we wanted to build a data solution that was based on user-consent (and complied with GDPR and CCPA), would not be or feel creepy, and would get better financial results for publishers and advertisers alike. We wanted a solution that would fit within the existing workflow so that it could be used in conjunction with a client’s current DSP, SSP, DMP, CMP, etc., not replace them. We wanted to be able to see any data set and compare it with any other(s) on a public or private basis. We also wanted to build a platform where you could see for yourself whether somebody else’s data was useful. Lastly, we wanted to build a solution that would be just as valuable outside of the marketing industry. As we build out the Intuizi Platform, we are tackling big problems in data aggregation, processing, and display. We already provide the most cost-effective way to improve ROAS for digital campaigns and we get better every Signal Provider and Client we add. We are now preparing our platform for use outside of marketing for things like research, community services, and health care and wellness. IntuiziⓇ is our registered trademark. Our mark evokes intelligence and understanding, something we designed our products to provide. There is a word in Italian, “intuizione” that means “direct and immediate knowledge of a truth”. ​Intuizi (we pronounce it: “in-too-zee”) was born from a desire to capture and organize the myriad of data created by mobile phones and other real-time signal generators, and process that data in order to understand the meta and infra truths contained therein.

Core business

Intuizi | Location Data Based Business Intelligence Tool

... Intuizi is a location data-based business intelligence tool that collects authentic data for smarter mobile marketing. Helping companies facing data challenges. ...

Fürchau Baldur's Logo

Fürchau Baldur


1-10 Employees



Business Intelligence Web-Tools

... Business Intelligence Web-Tools ...

FTSolutions OHG's Logo

FTSolutions OHG

Wetzlar, Germany

11-50 Employees



Business Intelligence Web-Tools

... Business Intelligence Web-Tools ...

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Insights about the Business Intelligence Tool results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Business Intelligence Tool

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1455
Amount of suitable service providers1620
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2004
Youngest suiting company2016

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Business Intelligence Tool

What is Business Intelligence Tool?

A Business Intelligence Tool is a type of software application designed to analyze, extract, and visualize large volumes of data from various sources, facilitating actionable insights and informed decision-making within an organization. These tools employ a variety of methodologies and technologies, including data mining, online analytical processing (OLAP), querying, and reporting, to transform raw data into meaningful information. They enable users to generate detailed reports, dashboards, and data visualizations, making complex data more accessible and understandable for business users. The primary role of a Business Intelligence Tool is to support better business decision-making by providing stakeholders with comprehensive insights into the operational, financial, and strategic performance of the organization. By harnessing the power of data analytics, these tools aid in identifying trends, uncovering inefficiencies, and predicting future outcomes, thereby facilitating a data-driven approach to strategy development and execution. The impact of Business Intelligence Tools within their respective field is profound, as they enhance the ability of organizations to respond to market changes swiftly, optimize operations, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately, drive revenue growth and competitive advantage. In an era where data is increasingly considered a critical business asset, the strategic deployment of Business Intelligence Tools is vital for organizations aiming to maintain relevance and excel in their sector.

Advantages of Business Intelligence Tool

1. Improved Decision Making
: Business Intelligence (BI) tools aggregate and analyze data from various sources, presenting it in an accessible format. This comprehensive overview enables decision-makers to base their strategies on reliable, up-to-date information, significantly improving the quality of decisions compared to relying on gut feelings or incomplete data.

2. Increased Operational Efficiency
: By automating data analysis, BI tools save businesses considerable time and resources. They streamline processes by identifying areas where costs can be cut and operations can be optimized, leading to increased productivity and reduced waste compared to manual analysis methods.

3. Enhanced Customer Insights
: BI tools excel in analyzing customer behavior and trends, providing businesses with valuable insights into their target market. This ability to understand and anticipate customer needs far surpasses traditional methods, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improving customer satisfaction.

4. Competitive Advantage
: By leveraging the power of BI tools, businesses can gain a competitive edge. They can quickly identify market trends, monitor competitor performance, and react to changes in the marketplace with agility. This proactive approach is often not feasible with alternative options, which may not provide the same level of timely insights.

How to select right Business Intelligence Tool supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Data Integration Capabilities
Ensure the tool can integrate with a wide range of data sources including databases, cloud services, and applications used by your business.

2. Scalability
Consider if the tool can scale in terms of data volume, number of users, and complexity as your business grows.

3. Ease of Use
Evaluate how user-friendly the interface is for non-technical users, ensuring that it supports self-service BI.

4. Analytical Features
Check for advanced analytics capabilities like predictive analytics, data mining, and the ability to handle big data.

5. Customization and Flexibility
Determine if the tool can be customized to fit your specific business needs and how flexible it is to changes and integrations.

6. Security Measures
Ensure the tool has robust security features to protect sensitive data, including compliance with relevant regulations.

7. Mobile Accessibility
Confirm the availability of mobile features for accessing BI tools and reports on the go.

8. Support and Training
Look into the supplier's support services and training options to ensure your team can effectively use the tool.

9. Cost
Compare the total cost of ownership, including licensing, implementation, and maintenance fees, against your budget and ROI expectations.

10. Vendor Reputation and Reliability
Research the supplier's track record for reliability, customer service, and updates to ensure long-term partnership viability.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Business Intelligence Tool?

Business Intelligence (BI) tools are indispensable across various industries for their ability to turn data into actionable insights. In the finance sector, BI tools help in risk management by analyzing transaction patterns to detect fraud and assess credit risk, enabling institutions to make informed lending decisions. They consolidate data from multiple sources to offer a comprehensive view of financial health and market trends, guiding investment strategies. In healthcare, BI tools are used for improving patient care outcomes and operational efficiency. By analyzing patient data and treatment outcomes, healthcare providers can identify best practices and areas for improvement. These tools also help in resource allocation, predicting patient admission rates, and managing inventory, ensuring that critical supplies are always available. The manufacturing industry utilizes BI for optimizing production processes and supply chain management. Through the analysis of production data, companies can identify inefficiencies, predict equipment failures, and schedule maintenance, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. BI tools also offer insights into demand forecasting, helping manufacturers adjust their production plans accordingly to meet market demands efficiently. Retailers leverage BI to enhance customer experiences and boost sales. By analyzing sales data, customer feedback, and market trends, BI tools help retailers tailor their offerings, optimize inventory levels, and develop effective marketing strategies. Predictive analytics enable personalized customer interactions, improving satisfaction and loyalty. Each of these use cases demonstrates how BI tools are crucial for data-driven decision-making, enabling businesses to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance across various industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Business Intelligence Tool

Business Intelligence (BI) tools are widely considered to be at Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL 9), which is the highest level on the scale, indicating that these technologies are fully mature and have been proven to work in operational environments. This status is due to several technical advancements and widespread implementations across various industries. Firstly, BI tools have evolved through extensive research and development, leading to advanced data processing algorithms and user-friendly interfaces that support real-time analytics, data visualization, and decision-making processes. These tools integrate seamlessly with existing databases and IT infrastructure, demonstrating high levels of reliability and efficiency in processing large volumes of data. Additionally, the adoption of cloud computing has significantly enhanced the scalability and accessibility of BI tools, allowing users to access insights and reports from anywhere, at any time. The continuous improvement in machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence capabilities within BI tools has further refined their predictive analytics and trend analysis features, making them indispensable for businesses looking to leverage data for competitive advantage. The extensive validation of BI tools in diverse operational settings, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, underscores their maturity and the technical reasons for their classification at TRL 9.

What is the Technology Forecast of Business Intelligence Tool?

In the short term, Business Intelligence (BI) tools are expected to integrate more advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms. These enhancements will facilitate more sophisticated data analysis and predictive analytics, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights from their data. Enhanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities will also make these tools more accessible to non-technical users, enabling queries to be made in plain language and broadening the user base within organizations. Mid-term developments are likely to see BI tools becoming increasingly integrated with blockchain technology, offering enhanced data security and integrity for businesses. This period will also witness the rise of real-time data analytics, as BI tools harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing. Such advancements will enable businesses to make faster, more informed decisions based on live data streams, thereby improving operational efficiency and responsiveness to market changes. In the long term, the focus will shift towards fully autonomous BI systems capable of conducting their own analyses, identifying trends, and making recommendations without human intervention. These systems will leverage advancements in AI and ML to learn from past decisions and outcomes, continuously improving their accuracy and reliability. Additionally, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies will be integrated into BI tools, offering immersive data visualization and interaction experiences. This will revolutionize the way data is interpreted and utilized, making complex data sets more understandable and actionable for decision-makers.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Intelligence Tool Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Business Intelligence Tool

Based on our calculations related technologies to Business Intelligence Tool are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Business Intelligence Tool are IT, Software and Services, Other, Consulting, Finance and Insurance, Marketing Services

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