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www.buehler-technologies.com Logo


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For more than 50 years the employees of Bühler Technologies have been developing, manufacturing and distributing components and system solutions in the „Gas Analysis“ and „Fluidcontrol“ divisions. By specialising in the market niches Gas Analysis and Hydraulics and by offering a complete range of products for each, we have succeeded to become a worldwide leader in both disciplines.

Quick overview

Ratingen, Germany

Founded in 1969

101-250 Employees


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Type of company



1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of www.buehler-technologies.com

www.buehler-technologies.com operates in 1 country around the world

City: Ratingen

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

Country: Germany

Locations of www.buehler-technologies.com

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North Rhine-Westphalia


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about www.buehler-technologies.com

Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.buehler-technologies.com

The company headquarter of www.buehler-technologies.com is located in Ratingen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information www.buehler-technologies.com has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

www.buehler-technologies.com was founded in 1969

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company www.buehler-technologies.com seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of www.buehler-technologies.com

Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.buehler-technologies.com

Servomex Group Ltd's Logo

Servomex Group Ltd

Woburn, United States

251-500 Employees


Learn more about our expert team, key divisions and how they provide solutions for a wide array of industrial markets. With a broad product portfolio, we have the best-fit technologies to meet your application needs. Our stable, reliable gas analysis solutions measure over 20 gases with industry-leading accuracy and stability. Our expertise and single-supplier solutions help improve an extensive range of industrial processes. We offer accurate and reliable gas analysis for hazardous and safe area applications, including ultra-low detection and portable products.



San Sebastián, Spain

1-10 Employees


Constituida en 1977, en BULTZ nos dedicamos a la Técnica Hidráulica y a la Técnica de Accionamientos, desde hace más de 25 años. Con una dilatada experiencia en la Técnica Hidráulica y la Técnica de Accionamientos, distribuimos y asesoramos a empresas en sus soluciones industriales. Representamos y distribuímos a fabricantes de productos de gran calidad y reconocidas marcas. Sabemos que la cercanía es un factor diferencial en las relaciones profesionales. Es por eso que en BULTZ queremos mantener cerca de ti a nuestros profesionales. Si trabajas en una empresa y te interesan los productos y marcas que distribuimos, no dudes en contactar con nosotros; te informaremos sin compromiso.

Spectron Gas Control Systems GmbH's Logo

Spectron Gas Control Systems GmbH

Langen, Germany

51-100 Employees


It is our goal to provide our customers the best service, quality, reliability and technological know-how. Our strategy is the model for our everyday work. Are you interested in working in a company whose products are used worldwide in both classic manufacturing and high-tech companies? Products: Gas control systems for technical, high purity, speciality gases and semiconductor industry.

Buse Gas B.V.'s Logo

Buse Gas B.V.

Arnhem, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


We are glad to have you on board. We are here to support you with our wide-ranging knowledge. Our products support an increasing range of Industrial operations and we are continuously innovating new solutions to support market demands. BUSE: a trusted name in gases for more than 130 years and a very experienced partner for your business. As one of the leading suppliers in both the Industrial and Specialty Gas Markets, we provide our customers with the highest quality products outstanding level of Service. Drayton Welding is the 29th agent for the BUSE Group. Whether your demand is large or small – we deliver quickly, flexible and reliably. Our strategically located warehousing locations and international business organisation are keys to delivering these highest levels of Service.

BTG's Logo


Clémensat, France

501-1000 Employees


BTG is committed to helping clients achieve significant, sustainable gains in business performance. At BTG, ethics is a key pillar of our strategy. In 2001, BTG acquired Mütek (Herrsching, Germany), incorporating their broad portfolio of in- line and laboratory sensors and analyzers. Finally, BTG acquired Capstone Technology Corporation (Vancouver, WA, USA) in 2016. This last acquisition enables BTG to be in the unique position to have a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions available to improve the efficiency of its customers. In 2019, BTG was acquired by Voith, a leader in the Pulp and Paper, opening new opportunities of collaboration and added value for our customers. BTG is committed to creating business growth by adding value for its customers while minimizing its environmental impact. Our products monitor and control processes, mainly in the Pulp and Paper industry, helping customers to improve efficiency and minimize their impact on the environment by reducing consumption of raw materials and decreasing waste and energy use.

BHU Umwelttechnik GmbH Leonberg's Logo

BHU Umwelttechnik GmbH Leonberg

Leonberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


We are a lean and specialized team with head office in Leonberg (Stuttgart area), Germany. We are the technological partner of our customers. We are constantly developing the quality of our work in order to meet the high demands of our customers. We are therefore taking all necessary measures to create and maintain secure jobs. We are committed to complying with existing environmental and occupational health and safety laws and regulations. BHU founded in January 2000 covers the whole field of environmental issues, major focus however is the field of municipal and industrial water, wastewater and sludge Treatment. BHU Umwelttechnik is particularly successful in China as provider of technology for advanced sewage plants. In total we have built 100 plants since grounding of our enterprise in the year 2000, therefrom 10 remarkable plants in China.