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www.ce-sys-engineering.de Logo


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CE-SYS Engineering GmbH is a medium-sized engineering service provider from the state capital Erfurt in Thuringia. We're specialise in mechanical-, plant-, automotive- and steel construction. With our team of around twenty engineers, we design in all common CAD applications. For mechanical calculations/verifications we use ANSYS, RFEM & Rohr2, among others. As a long-standing development partner of well-known industrial companies, we are happy to demonstrate our knowledge and expertise. As an innovative service provider, it is our goal to support our customers with advice and assistance.

Quick overview

Erfurt, Germany

Founded in 2007

11-50 Employees

Additional information

Working industry

Research, Business Services

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Engineering, FEM, CFD, mechanical, calculation, verfication, Inventor, Creo, SolidWorks, RFEM

Products & services of www.ce-sys-engineering.de

www.ce-sys-engineering.de offers a wide range of products and services

Product: CE-SYS Engineering


CE-SYS Engineering

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of www.ce-sys-engineering.de

www.ce-sys-engineering.de operates in 1 country around the world

City: Erfurt

State: Thuringia

Country: Germany

Locations of www.ce-sys-engineering.de

Get an overview of the locations of www.ce-sys-engineering.de









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about www.ce-sys-engineering.de

Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.ce-sys-engineering.de

The company headquarter of www.ce-sys-engineering.de is located in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information www.ce-sys-engineering.de has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

www.ce-sys-engineering.de was founded in 2007

The company www.ce-sys-engineering.de has it's main focus in the industries of Research, Business Services

Competitors of www.ce-sys-engineering.de

Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.ce-sys-engineering.de

makross GmbH & Co. KG.'s Logo

makross GmbH & Co. KG.

Karlsfeld, Germany

11-50 Employees


As a partner in industry and research, we offer engineering services in technical calculation (CAE) as well as in dynamic component testing. As an engineering company, we are mainly in the area of vehicle development. Our many years of development experiencehelps us to provide you both calculation and testing. With our 25 highly motivated and highly trained engineers, we are lean enough to be able to effectively and inexpensivelyrespond to your questions. In addition to the computational support throughout your product development, we also help you in your environment CAE Syteme selectappropriate and use the right methods of calculation at the right time. Our team of experienced engineers will help you to develop your products from the concept phase to the series launch. On the following pages we inform you about our services. Our extensive experience can help you to approach efficiently and calculate product specific.

CESYS GmbH's Logo


Herzogenaurach, Germany

11-50 Employees


Cesys is a company within the electrical engineering branch and was founded by Manfred Kraus in 1986. Our goal is to work together with you on a long-term basis. The quality of our products and services is a crucial factor for our success. Needless to say we are keeping respective norms and limits as well as we regard special project requirements, for example extended temperature ranges, shock and vibration solidity or conformity testing in certified test laboratories. In our headquarters in Herzogenaurach we develop and distribute electronic assemblies and devices on the basis of FPGA-Boards and µ-Controllers. We thoroughly support you with the development of your products. We have a high degree of dedication and many years of experience in the development of special solutions. This, as well as the demand to only be satisfied with the ideal solution, allows us to offer you efficient and precisely fitting solutions at reasonable prices.

CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH's Logo

CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH

Brunswick, Germany

51-100 Employees


CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH is an independent and privately owned consulting engineering company with worldwide experience. At CES we believe that consulting engineering is not just about implementing infrastructure. We are aware of the global challenges of our time, and we are convinced that closing one’s eyes to reality has never led to solutions to problems. Thus, we are leveraging our available resources: our business, investments, and voice, to raise awareness and play our role in shaping a better future. We are passionate engineers and experts with both excellent technical expertise and the passion for making a positive impact on the world. The entire CES team is inspired by the potential that our work will improve people’s lives and protect the environment. We are driven by the idea that we can make a meaningful difference in the world with our daily doing and that we can be an active part in building a more equitable and sustainable world. For us at CES development is not just about economic growth, but also about creating the conditions for people to live healthy, fulfilling lives, and to realize their full potential by respecting the environment and the community they are embedded in.

CES Grauer GmbH's Logo

CES Grauer GmbH

Stuttgart, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir bieten ein breites Portfolio von Software-Lösungen im Bereich CAE und Finite Elemente an:. Seit 1996 steht CES für Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Umfeld der Finite-Elemente-Methode. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit ist der Leichtbau: Bauteiloptimierung und Materialsubstitution (Leichtmetall und Composites).



Münster, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind ein CAD-/CAE-Systemhaus mit hohem Innovationspotential und langjähriger Erfahrung in der 3D-Planung. Wir bieten Ihnen praxiserprobte 3D-CAD-Software für die Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, Gebäudetechnik, Haustechnik und den Maschinenbau an.

CAE Simulation & Solutions GmbH's Logo

CAE Simulation & Solutions GmbH

Vienna, Austria

11-50 Employees


CAE Simulation & Solutions ist ein Ingenieurbüro, das sich auf Finite Elemente, FEM Berechnungen, Bauteilanalysen, CFD Simulationen, Mehrkörpersysteme (MKS), Festigkeitsberechnungen und auch Softwareentwicklung spezialisiert hat. Mit unserem Expertenwissen unterstützen wir rundum und bieten neben technischen Lösungen auch Beratung, Inspiration und Optimierung, damit die Produkte unserer Kunden die besten am Markt werden. Eine potenzielle Lebensdauer-verlängerung von Bauteilen oder Produkten benötigt zuverlässige und aktuelle (Belastungs)daten der Struktur und eine effiziente Lebensdauervorhersage.