Zen Osho Energy Logo

Zen Osho Energy

About Us - Zen Osho Energy

Who is Zen Osho Energy?

Mesmerism and magnetism benefits you to deepen your knowledge and experience within spirituality. It gives the a omnidimentional perspective to heal your heart and become empathetic to people and souls around you rising the awareness togerther. The shortest breathing awarenss mediation for example can increase your body stability and gives your mind ability to sharpen your path of becoming Calm and peaceful. With Meditation, you can master your mind to focus and concentrate learning new subject in your life. Want to learn about Hypnosis and learn about hypnotizing people to heal them non-verbally or become a medium to do transform their pain.

Queanbeyan, Australia

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2019

Products & services of Zen Osho Energy

Product Learn Meditation Basics [2023] - Zen Osho Energy image


Learn Meditation Basics [2023] - Zen Osho Energy

Are you a Beginner in Meditation? join the Meditation Group/one-one class led by Meditation Facilitator Prakash Bhattarai. Prakash Bhattarai is a certified Hypnotherapist, Vedic Astrologer and has more than a decade of experience in eastern spirituality. If you have booked a time in the morning, the meditation can be an active kind of meditation like Active Dynamic Meditation, Dancing Meditation or the guided one. The Evening meditation session is passive (except Kundalini) meditation. Kundalini Meditation is done after 4 in the afternoon and before 7 Pm. Evening meditation compromises of Gratitude Meditation, Dancing meditation, Deep Relaxation, Hypnotic Meditation, Kundalini meditation and many more. If you have more question, please email me at [email protected] The individual session can be also booked.

Product Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy - Zen Osho Energy image


Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy - Zen Osho Energy

What is Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy?

Product Zen Hypnotherapy - Zen Osho Energy image


Zen Hypnotherapy - Zen Osho Energy

Who this session is for: Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. Hypnosis, in particular, can help you relax and unwind before a medical procedure like any operation. Other situations for which hypnosis has been explored include pain control. People get great results in their life through Hypnotherapy. What can be treated with hypnotherapy: Anxiety, phobias, substance misuse; including tobacco, sexual dysfunction, unwanted spontaneous behaviours and bad habits can all be treated with hypnotherapy. It can be used to aid with sleep problems, learning disabilities, communication problems, and relationship problems.   Still, have questions? email me at [email protected] or call Prakash Bhattarai at 0426803524 to learn more about Authentic self? and how this session can be beneficial to you in your personal and professional life?   More details: Total Duration: 1-2 hours (Depending on our intention we create for the session, inductions and the session itself as it's beyond our normal time and place) Pre-requisite: None.   Note: It is advised to be in a comfortable dress to lie on a chair for an hour or two and light food. Please bring a bottle of water for yourself and your favourite fragrance which helps to keep you calmer. ( I will have meditative fragrance, sticks). Recorder if you would like to record for future learning about yourself.   There might be a supervision Camera for security purposes. We respect your privacy and don't use any customer's information without your prior consent. Please go through our privacy policy and terms and condition.

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Singing bowl
Past Life Regression
Anger Management
Meditation Retreats
Stress Management
Mantra Meditation
Alternative Medicine



Contact of Zen Osho Energy

City: Queanbeyan

State: New South Wales

Country: Australia

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Zen Osho Energy

The company Zen Osho Energy is located in Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Zen Osho Energy has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Zen Osho Energy was founded in 2019

The company Zen Osho Energy has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare

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