
Top Virtual Reality Training Companies

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243 companies for Virtual Reality Training




11-50 Employees


A passionate team of award-winning creative technologists, real-time engineers, 3D artists and experience designers, we’re partnering with clients of all sizes and sectors to design and deliver Virtual Reality and other immersive experiences beyond their expectations.

Core business

About Us: Virtual Reality Training

... to design and delivering Virtual Reality Training and other immersive ...

clear_pixel VR's Logo

clear_pixel VR

Cardiff, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our goal at clear_pixel VR is to rethink and reshape current industry and educational training procedures. We are grateful to be a part of the growing trend of Virtual Training, as this new wave of innovation sweeps through industries. We’re on a mission to help critical industries accelerate their growth through innovative VR training. Growing confidence and competency in the workplace is key to a happy, productive team. We want to deliver results that change an industry. Our virtual reality training services support the practical side of learning and offer amazing showcasing opportunities and unrivalled realism in VR. This is why we have strategic and technical partnerships with an industry leading Contract Research Organisation, one of the top equipment manufacturers in the world and an established university, so that our VR environments and training modules are created, tested and held to the highest of standards.


Hyper realistic Virtual Reality Laboratory Training Solutions

... Our virtual reality laboratory training platform provides unlimited ...

Virtulane's Logo


Canberra, Australia

1-10 Employees


Based in Canberra, Virtulane is a 100% Australian-owned and operated company specialising in immersive solutions through Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our mission is to transform industries by harnessing the power of immersive and AI technologies to solve real-world challenges, boost productivity, and enhance safety. At Virtulane, we’re not just adapting to the future; we’re creating it. Virtulane’s mastery of immersive technologies empowers diverse sectors, including Government, Defence, Training, Construction, Healthcare, and more. Over 50 years combined expertise in immersive technology. As we look towards the future, our vision is to remain at the forefront of these experiences, delivering actionable insights that drive success and go beyond ordinary technology applications. We believe in the practical applications of our immersive and AI solutions, providing value that translates into real-world benefits, no matter your industry. Our expertise in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Artificial Intelligence positions us at the forefront of digital transformation.

Core business

Virtulane | Immersive Virtual Reality Training Australia

... Business virtual reality training and digital transformation advisors. ...

Virtual Reality Machine Training Limited's Logo

Virtual Reality Machine Training Limited

Wakefield, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


VRMT are extremely happy to win the ‘Innovator of the year’ award at the glittering ceremony held at Doncaster Race course on the 7th December 2023. VRMT are pleased to announce that we are among the six finalists for the prestigious ‘Innovator of the Year’ award from the Doncaster Chamber of Commerce. One of VRMT’s primary objectives from the start of our journey was to develop a system that can genuinley help to reduce travel for training in the glass industry and thus lower a companies Carbon usage. We are located: Bansara, Mill Lane, South Elmsall, Pontecraft, WF9 2DS. We are continually adding new features and improving our existing features and we work closely with all our customers to integrate their needs into our application. This software would eventually become the centre of the whole VRMT business. In 2017, we collaborated with a local glass manufacturer in South Yorkshire to help refine the application and test the functionality with multiple users. We now proudly supply multiple glass manufacturing businesses with our unique VR application and are continually adding and improving features.

Core business

The first virtual reality machine training software for the container glass industry

... Virtual Reality Machine Training, formed in 2018 is the machine operator ...

sevensim GmbH's Logo

sevensim GmbH

Niederwaldkirchen, Austria

1-10 Employees


Mittels maßgeschneiderter VR-Simulatoren revolutioniert sevensim das Training für Nutzer von manuell zu bedienenden Maschinen. Als uns bewusst wurde, welche Möglichkeiten und Potenziale das Lernen in der virtuellen Realität mit sich bringt, war die Idee geboren, als Pionier der Branche aufzutreten und VR-Simulatoren für Trainingszwecke zu entwickeln. Dabei ist es uns besonders wichtig, stets individuelle, an die Kundenwünsche angepasste Lösungen zu bieten. Wie sieht der Blick in die Zukunft von sevensim aus?

Core business

Virtual Reality für Trainings- und Schulungssimulationen

... Sevensim – Virtual Reality für Trainings- und ...

Gleechi's Logo


Stockholm, Sweden

1-10 Employees


Kai is one of the inventors of VirtualGrasp & co-founders of Gleechi.


Automotive - a Virtual Reality training programme by Gleechi

... The Gleechi Virtual Reality training platform is used by some of the ...

Connect Solutions Group's Logo

Connect Solutions Group

Nantwich, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Connect was initially founded over 25 years ago to provide transcription services and promote accessibility, allowing everyone to achieve. Connect Training Virtual reality training platform, delivering live role-play simulations for all sectors, including education, customer service and corporate.

Core business

Live Virtual Reality Training - Connect Training

... The UK's first live virtual reality training platform supporting the ...

Pointreef's Logo



- Employees


Bei Pointreef glauben wir daran, dass wir mit 3D-Scantechnologien etwas bewirken können, um das Leben auf diesem Planeten ein Stück weit besser, nachhaltiger und wirtschaftlicher zu machen. Nicht nur im Hinblick darauf ist es uns bei pointreef ein besonderes Anliegen mit unseren Leistungen und Produkten Mehrwerte für eine nachhaltige Welt zu schaffen.


Virtual Reality Training

... Virtual Reality Training in Technischen ...

Virmode Software and Training Technologies's Logo

Virmode Software and Training Technologies

Istanbul, Turkey

1-10 Employees


Virmode Software was established in 2017 with the mission of “Gaining its users’ benefits and changes, through interactive experiences”. We developed a multiplayer server program that can be self-hosted (on-premise) which supports VR and hand tracking. We developed 2 technical training simulations for energy companies since 2021, which are Maneuver Simulation and Wind VR. Virmode’s VR Training Solutions is not just a state-of-the-art technology, it provides priceless values from a variety of perspectives. Visitor module provides an end-to-end introduction to a turbine for guests, event attendees, and company personnel. Maintenance module is a simulation of the tasks and operations that must be performed when the turbine is scheduled for maintenance.


Bayi Eğitimi - Virmode | Virtual Reality Training Solutions

... Bayi Eğitimi - Virmode | Virtual Reality Training ...

BioflightVR's Logo


Santa Monica, United States

1-10 Employees


Our experts will advise you on which technology and setup is needed to most effectively distribute virtual reality training at your facility. Learn some more about the industry and what we're up to at BioflightVR.

Core business

BioflightVR - Virtual Reality Medical Training

... BioflightVR - Virtual Reality Medical Training ...

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Insights about the Virtual Reality Training results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Virtual Reality Training

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers1045
Amount of suitable service providers994
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company2009
Youngest suiting company2019

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Virtual Reality Training

What is Virtual Reality Training?

Virtual Reality Training (VRT) is an advanced educational method employing virtual reality technology to simulate real-world environments for training purposes. This technique enables learners to immerse themselves in a controlled, interactive 3D environment where they can practice skills, understand complex concepts, and experience scenarios that are either too dangerous, expensive, or impractical to recreate in real life. VRT has found considerable application across various sectors, including medical education, military training, aerospace, and industrial maintenance, revolutionizing traditional training paradigms by offering a hands-on learning experience without the associated risks or costs. Its impact within these fields is profound; VRT enhances the learning process by improving retention rates and engagement through realistic simulations, allowing trainees to make mistakes and learn from them in a safe environment. Furthermore, it facilitates tailored learning experiences, as scenarios can be adjusted to suit individual learning speeds or focus on particular areas of weakness. By leveraging the capabilities of virtual reality, training programs can achieve a level of detail and realism that significantly improves the effectiveness of the training, preparing individuals more thoroughly for real-world applications. The adoption of VRT represents a significant leap forward in educational methodologies, aligning with the digital transformation trends across industries and setting a new standard for experiential learning.

Advantages of Virtual Reality Training

1. Immersive Learning Experience
Virtual reality training offers an unparalleled level of immersion, allowing trainees to interact with their learning environment in a way that traditional methods cannot match. This immersive experience leads to higher retention rates, as learners can practice real-world scenarios in a safe and controlled setting.

2. Cost-Effectiveness
While the initial investment in virtual reality equipment might seem high, it often proves to be more cost-effective in the long run. Businesses can save on travel, accommodation, and physical materials costs associated with traditional training methods, especially when training needs to be scaled across multiple locations.

3. Reduced Risk
Virtual reality training provides a risk-free environment where learners can practice procedures and techniques without the fear of real-world consequences. This aspect is particularly beneficial in high-risk industries such as healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing, where mistakes can have serious implications.

4. Customizable and Scalable Content
The content used in virtual reality training can be easily customized and updated to meet the evolving needs of an organization. This flexibility ensures that training materials remain relevant and can be scaled to accommodate an increasing number of trainees without significant additional costs.

How to select right Virtual Reality Training supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compatibility
Ensure the supplier's VR solutions are compatible with your existing hardware and software infrastructure to avoid additional costs.

2. Content Quality
Evaluate the quality and relevance of the VR training content. High-resolution visuals and accurate simulations are key for effective learning.

3. Customization Options
Look for suppliers who offer customization of their VR training programs to meet your specific business needs and goals.

4. Scalability
Consider whether the supplier's solution can grow with your business. Scalability ensures that increasing user numbers or expanding training scenarios can be accommodated.

5. Support and Maintenance
Check the level of technical support and maintenance services provided. Reliable, ongoing support is crucial for addressing any issues swiftly.

6. Cost-Effectiveness
Assess the overall cost relative to the value delivered. While not the sole criterion, it's important to ensure a good return on investment.

7. Feedback and Analytics Tools
Ensure the platform includes tools for tracking progress and gathering feedback. These insights are valuable for measuring the effectiveness of the training and making necessary adjustments.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Virtual Reality Training?

Virtual reality (VR) training is revolutionizing professional development across industries by providing immersive, practical learning experiences. In the healthcare sector, VR training assists medical professionals in simulating surgeries and diagnostic procedures, enhancing both their precision and preparedness for real-life scenarios. This technology allows for a risk-free environment where skills can be honed without the potential consequences of practicing on live patients. In the field of manufacturing, VR training offers employees the opportunity to learn about machinery and production processes in a safe, controlled virtual setting. This method significantly reduces the risk of accidents, ensuring workers are thoroughly prepared before interacting with heavy machinery. The immersive experience also aids in better retention of operational procedures and safety protocols. The aerospace industry benefits from VR training by enabling pilots and crew members to experience flight simulations that closely mimic real-life conditions. This training is crucial for preparing them for emergency situations and improving their overall flight performance without the risks associated with actual flying. It ensures that crew members are well-versed in cockpit procedures, navigation, and decision-making under pressure. In the realm of corporate training, VR is used to enhance team-building exercises and leadership development. Through virtual simulations, employees can engage in collaborative tasks and scenarios that foster teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. This innovative approach to training not only boosts morale but also prepares teams for a range of real-world challenges in a dynamic work environment.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Virtual Reality Training

Virtual Reality Training (VRT) predominantly operates at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) between 7 to 9, indicating it has evolved beyond initial testing phases and is now being actively integrated and used in real-world scenarios. This advanced TRL is primarily due to significant technical advancements in VR hardware and software, including the development of high-definition, low-latency headsets that provide immersive, realistic environments essential for effective training. Moreover, advancements in motion tracking and haptic feedback technology have enabled users to interact with the virtual world in ways that closely mimic real-life actions, enhancing the learning experience. The software has also become increasingly sophisticated, with the ability to simulate complex, dangerous, or otherwise inaccessible scenarios in a safe, controlled manner. This level of realism and interactivity is crucial for sectors such as healthcare, military, and aviation, where VRT is used for high-stakes training exercises. The adaptability and wide-ranging applicability of VRT underscore its maturity and readiness for commercial and educational use, illustrating why it occupies a high TRL. The ongoing research and development in this field suggest a trajectory towards even greater usability and accessibility, further solidifying its status at the upper end of the Technology Readiness Level spectrum.

What is the Technology Forecast of Virtual Reality Training?

In the Short-Term, virtual reality (VR) training is expected to see significant enhancements in user interface (UI) design and interactivity. These advancements will make VR training more intuitive and accessible, enabling users to engage in complex training scenarios without prior extensive training. The integration of AI for personalized learning experiences is also on the rise, tailoring training modules based on individual performance and learning speed. Moving into the Mid-Term phase, the focus will shift towards the integration of haptic feedback technology, providing users with tactile sensations that mimic real-world interactions. This development will greatly enhance the realism of VR training environments, making them more effective for hands-on skills training in fields such as medicine and engineering. Additionally, advancements in VR hardware, including lighter, wireless headsets with longer battery life, will make extended training sessions more feasible and comfortable. In the Long-Term, we anticipate the emergence of fully immersive VR training ecosystems. These platforms will offer highly detailed, interactive environments that can simulate complex, real-world scenarios with unparalleled accuracy. The convergence of VR with other technologies like augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) will create hybrid training environments. These environments will not only be used for vocational training but also for soft skills development, offering a holistic training solution that addresses a wide range of learning objectives.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Virtual Reality Training Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Virtual Reality Training

Based on our calculations related technologies to Virtual Reality Training are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

The most represented industries which are working in Virtual Reality Training are IT, Software and Services, Education, Media and Entertainment, Other, Marketing Services

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