
Top Arduino Companies

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891 companies for Arduino's Logo

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees

Wir sind offizieller Arduino und Adafruit Distributor und bieten dir Maker-Elektronik, wie Arduino und Raspberry Pi Erweiterungen und Boards, Bausätze, Mikrocontroller, Sensoren, LCD-Module, elektronische Bauelemente, LEDs, und vieles mehr! Sei zu erst informiert über Neuigkeiten und Angebote.



Image for Arduino Esplora

Arduino Esplora

... The Arduino Esplora is an Arduino Leonardo based board with integrated sensors and actuators in a game controller form factor. Buy it now! ...

Venus Supply Co. Ltd.'s Logo

Bangkok, Thailand

51-100 Employees




Image for Arduino Due

Arduino Due

... รหัส : EADN060 ยี่ห้อ : Arduino รุ่น : A000062 Arduino Official Board สินค้านี้เป็นของแท้ได้ผ่านการผลิตและทดสอบจาก คุณภาพพร้อมใช้งาน 100% ข ...

U M T Media's Logo

Broxbourne, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

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Image for Arduino Nano V3.0 + Expansion Board NANO I/O Shield Arduino NANO IO Breakaway Arduino Nano V3.0 + Expansion Board NANO I/O Shield Arduino NANO IO Breakaway

Arduino Nano V3.0 + Expansion Board NANO I/O Shield Arduino NANO IO Breakaway Arduino Nano V3.0 + Expansion Board NANO I/O Shield Arduino NANO IO Breakaway

... -new, unused, unopened, and undamaged Arduino Nano V3.0 + Expansion Board NANO I/O Shield Arduino in original retail packaging (where packaging is applicable). If the item comes directly from a manufacturer, it may be delivered in non-retail packaging, such as a plain or unprinted ...

The Pi Hut's Logo

West Suffolk, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


A complete personal computer built into a compact keyboard - perfect for learning how to code! Our aim is to provide you with everything you need for your Raspberry Pi projects - whether it's for the latest Raspberry Pi 5, a beginner looking for a Starter Kit or an experienced maker looking for great-value components. We have the best maker products right here under one roof - from top brands such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, micro:bit, Adafruit, SparkFun, Waveshare, Pololu, DFRobot, Argon40, HiFiBerry, M5Stack, C4Labs and many more! Endless choice: We offer a HUGE selection of products from all of your favourite brands at the best prices.



Image for Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

... The Arduino UNO R4 WiFi merges the RA4M1 microprocessor from Renesas with the ESP32-S3 from Espressif, creating an all-in-one tool for makers with enhanced processing power and a diverse array of new peripherals. With its built-in Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® capabilities, the UNO R4 WiFi enables ...

Exp GmbH's Logo

Saarbrücken, Germany

1-10 Employees

Der EXP-Tech-Onlineshop bietet ein umfassendes Produktspektrum rund um die Themen Mikrocontroller und Einplatinen-Computer. Yuan Wang nach seinem Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Universität Stuttgart gegründet. Seit über 10 Jahren bietet die EXP GmbH ihren Kunden Know-How und Produkte zur Realisierung verschiedenster Projekte. Zur Qualitätssicherung und Produktion unterhält die EXP GmbH eigene Services in Shenzhen,CN und ist Distributor zahlreicher internationaler Hersteller. Ein Motorcontroller ist ein Gerät, das als Vermittler zwischen dem Mikrocontroller, den Batterien und den Motoren Ihres Roboters fungiert. Wir bieten Ihnen eine große Auswahl an qualitativ hochwertigen Motoren und Motorsteuerungen von führenden Herstellern.



Image for Arduino Uno R3

Arduino Uno R3

... Das Mikrocontroller-Board Arduino Uno basiert auf dem ATmega328 (Datenblatt). Es verfügt über 14 digitale Ein- und Ausgänge (6 davon als PWM-Ausgang einsetzbar), 6 analoge Eingänge, 1 Keramik-Resonator (16 MHz), 1 USB-Anschluss, 1 Power Jack, 1 ICSP Header sowie 1 Reset-Knopf. Das Board lä ...

SHA 256 Systems's Logo

Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees

Sorry, sieht so aus, als hätten wir nicht genug von diesem Produkt. DFRobot Kits bieten eine fesselnde Plattform für Hobbyisten, Pädagogen und Studenten, um die Bereiche Robotik und Elektronik zu erkunden, und liefern Komplettlösungen für das Lernen, Kreieren und Innovieren in der Welt von STEM.



Image for Arduino DUE - An Arduino Microcontroller Board

Arduino DUE - An Arduino Microcontroller Board

... Arduino DUE - An Arduino Microcontroller Board – SHA 256 ...

Robocraze's Logo

Bengaluru, India

11-50 Employees


the pump works great and flows a good amount of water for its size. I used a pair of these and They work well. This little pump works fine and good for any small projects. I was in urgent need of components during the lockdown, and they arranged all components for me. Amazing service, on-time delivery and they maintain good customer relations.



Image for Arduino Micro

Arduino Micro

... Buy Made In Italy Arduino Micro Online at Best Prices in India. The Arduino Micro was developed by Arduino in collaboration with Adafruit. ✓ 6 Months Warranty ✓ Best Price ✓ Free Shipping ✓ COD. ...'s Logo

Pune, India

51-100 Employees


The fact that you are here shows that you are curious to know about our story and I being one of the 4 founders of ROBU, believe that I am the right person to tell you. The obvious question is What is ROBU? But an even more important question is why does ROBU exist? Why did we start this company? To answer that we will have to go back in 2010. We, the 4 founders, graduated from engineering & had good offers from different companies. We started our careers with decent packages and everything seems to be going well.



Image for SeeedStudio Grove – Arduino Beginner Kit (All-in-one Arduino Compatible Board)

SeeedStudio Grove – Arduino Beginner Kit (All-in-one Arduino Compatible Board)

... Get started with the SeeedStudio Grove - Arduino Beginner Kit (All-in-one Arduino Compatible Board) for easy & fun projects. Buy now & unleash your creativity! ...

ELEGOO Inc.'s Logo

Shenzhen, China

251-500 Employees


The written form is 1 followed by 100 zeros, referring to the huge amount of structural models brought by 3D printers. Elegoo implies the combination of open-source electronics and structures that creates everything. About brand vision/mission: Create the future, interpreted as "With the help of programming and 3D printing technology, we can create almost anything—Elegoo provides geeks with the key to a new world.". In 2015, Chris Hong founded Elegoo in China’s Silicon Valley, Shenzhen, dedicated to providing the world's makers with truly practical kits of electronic and structural tools that students, enthusiasts, and veteran geeks could find needed at their stages. For example, most sorting work in China's express industry is done by intelligent robots, including restaurants’ food delivery robots, UAV technology, etc., all of which are supported by STEM technology.



Image for ELEGOO Nano V3.0 Compatible With Arduino IDE (x3)

ELEGOO Nano V3.0 Compatible With Arduino IDE (x3)

... The Nano is using the chips ATmega328P and CH340, not FT232 as official Arduino, so pls. use the driver from the above link. It is the smallest, complete, and breadboard-friendly board. It has everything that Diecimila/Duemilanove has (electrically) with more analog input pins and onboard + ...


Ballarat, Australia

11-50 Employees


Wiltronics is an Australian owned and operated company, operating for 49 years, the business opened in 1974. Our Products: we have significant range of products we can supply you with, embracing products for Electronics, Electrical, Education, Science Laboratories and a range of specialised commercial and professional equipment and systems. Our services: these are something we are very proud of, we continue to provide our customers with the services of our Australian based Electronics Contract Manufacturing business. Our business is divided into three different divisions, all working together to meet our customer’s needs. Wiltronics was the first company in regional Australia to establish a web based shopping facility in 1998.



Image for Arduino Leonardo

Arduino Leonardo

... The Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board, based on the ATmega32u4. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. Shop online now! ...

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Facts about those Arduino Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Arduino

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers472
Amount of suitable service providers318
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1974
Youngest suiting company2015

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Arduino

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's designed for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive projects or environments. The core of an Arduino is its microcontroller, which is essentially a small computer that can be programmed to control a wide variety of hardware devices, such as sensors, motors, lights, and more. This versatility has made it a cornerstone in projects ranging from simple DIY home projects to complex scientific instruments. Arduino boards can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do this, you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing. Over the years, Arduino has grown into an expansive ecosystem of open-source hardware and software, which has been instrumental in democratizing access to technology. It has lowered the barrier to entry for electronics development, enabling people without a technical background to create projects that interact with the physical world. This has had a significant impact on education, where Arduino is widely used to teach programming and electronics concepts, as well as on the maker movement, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and sharing of ideas and projects.

Advantages of Arduino

1. Cost-Effectiveness
Arduino boards are renowned for their affordability. Compared to other microcontroller platforms, they offer a cost-effective solution for hobbyists, educators, and professionals alike. This affordability makes Arduino an attractive option for experimenting with electronics and prototyping projects without a significant financial investment.

2. Open-Source Hardware and Software
One of the standout features of Arduino is its open-source nature. Both the hardware (schematics) and software (IDE) are freely available, encouraging a collaborative and innovative environment where users can modify, share, and enhance their projects. This openness fosters a vibrant community that contributes to a vast repository of libraries and support, making it easier for beginners and experts to bring their ideas to life.

3. Ease of Use
Arduino's simplicity is another key advantage. The platform is designed with beginners in mind, offering an intuitive Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and straightforward programming language. This ease of use accelerates the learning process, enabling users to focus on building and experimenting with projects rather than wrestling with complex programming nuances.

4. Extensive Support and Community
With a massive, active community, Arduino users benefit from a wealth of shared knowledge and resources. Forums, tutorials, and project ideas are readily available, providing invaluable support for troubleshooting, learning, and collaboration. This community-driven support network is a crucial asset for both novices and seasoned developers exploring the capabilities of Arduino.

How to select right Arduino supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Product Authenticity
Ensure the supplier offers genuine Arduino boards. Counterfeit products can lead to inconsistent performance and compatibility issues.

2. Technical Support
Look for suppliers that provide robust technical support and resources, including guides, tutorials, and customer service, to assist with any technical challenges.

3. Warranty and Return Policy
Review the warranty period and return policies. A reliable supplier should offer protections against defects and malfunctions.

4. Range of Products
Choose a supplier with a wide range of Arduino products and accessories, which allows for one-stop shopping and ensures compatibility between components.

5. Price Competitiveness
While not compromising on quality, compare prices across suppliers to ensure you are getting a fair deal.

6. Shipping and Handling
Consider the supplier’s shipping policies, costs, and handling times. Suppliers with efficient logistics can significantly reduce project timelines.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Arduino?

Arduino platforms are increasingly being leveraged in the industrial sector for prototyping and developing control systems. These versatile boards enable businesses to design and test new product functionalities without significant upfront investment in custom hardware. In manufacturing, Arduinos are often used to create and refine the operation of assembly line robots, enhancing efficiency and precision in processes. In the realm of agriculture, Arduino-based devices play a crucial role in automating irrigation systems. By collecting data from moisture sensors distributed across fields, these systems can precisely control water usage, optimizing crop yields while conserving resources. This application not only saves costs but also supports sustainable farming practices. The environmental monitoring industry benefits from Arduino's adaptability, using the platform to develop devices that track air quality, temperature, and humidity. These monitoring systems are crucial for businesses needing to ensure compliance with environmental regulations or to maintain specific conditions for product storage. Lastly, in the education sector, Arduino kits serve as an invaluable tool for teaching students about electronics and programming. By facilitating hands-on learning experiences, these kits prepare future professionals with the skills necessary for innovation in technology and engineering fields, fostering a new generation of creators and problem solvers. Each of these use-cases showcases Arduino's flexibility and utility across a broad spectrum of B2B applications, underlining its value as a tool for innovation and efficiency.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Arduino

Arduino, a prominent open-source electronics platform, has achieved a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, which signifies that it is fully mature and has been proven to work in real-world environments. This high TRL is attributed to the extensive development, testing, and deployment that Arduino boards have undergone since their inception. Originating as a simple project for students at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Italy, Arduino has evolved into a robust platform used worldwide by hobbyists, educators, and professionals alike. Its maturity is further underscored by the vast ecosystem of hardware components (such as sensors and actuators) and software libraries that have been developed to support it. These enhancements enable users to easily prototype and develop complex electronic systems. Additionally, the Arduino community plays a crucial role in its TRL, as the collective knowledge and experience of millions of users contribute to refining the platform, documenting solutions, and sharing best practices. Consequently, Arduino's high level of technical reliability and its ability to be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of projects and applications are key factors underpinning its status at the pinnacle of technology readiness.

What is the Technology Forecast of Arduino?

In the Short-Term, Arduino is poised to see significant advancements in user interface and experience, focusing on simplifying coding for beginners while enhancing capabilities for advanced users. Upcoming modules and shields will offer more plug-and-play options, broadening accessibility to IoT and robotics projects. Integration with AI assistants for coding assistance is also on the horizon, aiming to streamline the development process. Mid-Term developments will likely involve greater emphasis on IoT connectivity and energy efficiency. Arduino boards are expected to incorporate advanced power management technologies, supporting longer battery life for portable and remote applications. Additionally, the introduction of more robust, secure, wireless communication standards will facilitate easier, safer data transmission across devices, enhancing Arduino's applicability in smart home and city projects. Looking at the Long-Term, Arduino is set to revolutionize with quantum computing interfaces and highly advanced sensor technologies. These innovations will enable Arduino-based systems to perform complex computations more efficiently, opening new frontiers in scientific research and data analysis. Furthermore, the integration of advanced sensors will allow for more precise environmental monitoring and control, paving the way for Arduino's significant impact in sustainable technology and climate change mitigation efforts.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Arduino Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Arduino

Based on our calculations related technologies to Arduino are Magnets, Printed Electronics, Industrial Amplifiers, Electronic Transducers, Electronic Oscillators

The most represented industries which are working in Arduino are Manufacturing, Information Technology, Commerce and Shopping, Education, Hardware

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