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Top Publishing Companies in Germany

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60 companies for Publishing in Germany

mindtwo GmbH's Logo

mindtwo GmbH

Bonn, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

PX-Learning is a learning management system (LMS) developed in collaboration with VNR Verlag, utilized in many of the publisher's digital products. The company offers professional and targeted online shops that effectively sell physical or digital products, emphasizing their expertise in content management and website content creation.

Highlighted product


Agentur für Website Inhaltserstellung und Inhaltspflege in WordPress und TYPO3

Wir übernehmen für Sie das Aufbereiten, Einpflegen und das Aktualisieren der Inhalte Ihrer Website.

Bookwire's Logo


Frankfurt, Germany

101-250 Employees


Key takeaway

Bookwire is a leading solution for the production, distribution, and marketing of e-books, audiobooks, podcasts, and print-on-demand products. They provide publishers with access to innovative digital technologies and detailed audience analytics, enhancing the visibility and success of their titles in the digital marketplace.

Highlighted product


Solutions · Bookwire

Publify GmbH's Logo

Publify GmbH

Forchheim, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

Publify positions itself as a modern publisher focused on both digital and print mediums, emphasizing its mission to make high-quality content accessible in innovative ways.

Highlighted product

Core business

Publify – Digital First Publisher

Morressier's Logo


Berlin, Germany

11-50 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, in collaboration with Morressier, offers a modern and interoperable system designed to enhance publishing efficiency while ensuring security and integrity throughout the publication process. Their workflow aims to streamline and integrate publishing, ultimately reducing review times and overcoming challenges associated with outdated systems.

Highlighted product


Occam's workflow: streamline and integrate your publishing

The more complex the process, the longer it takes. In a world where access to information is instantaneous, how can we streamline publishing?

Agentur Special Content's Logo

Agentur Special Content

Essen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in providing comprehensive information content services, ranging from mandatory documentation to marketing texts and images. They particularly cater to technology companies that need to create and manage extensive technical documentation and other content, emphasizing the importance of high-quality content production and effective content marketing strategies.

Highlighted product

Core business

Technisches Projektmanagement und Content Marketing - Special Content

Trierischer Volksfreund Medienhaus GmbH's Logo

Trierischer Volksfreund Medienhaus GmbH

Trier, Germany

251-500 Employees


Key takeaway

The company, Saarbrücker Zeitung Medienhaus GmbH, is a traditional media organization with a strong history of over 260 years, known for reliably delivering the daily newspaper "Trierischer Volksfreund" and other publications. They offer a range of services across various platforms, emphasizing their commitment to providing in-depth news and insights to their audience.

Highlighted product

Core business

Orange News GmbH Archive - Medienhäuser Saarbrücker Zeitung und Trierischer Volksfreund

Pro Programme u. Produktionen für Bühne u. Fernsehen's Logo

Pro Programme u. Produktionen für Bühne u. Fernsehen

Cologne, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company develops content for various platforms, creating engaging formats that convey knowledge and entertain, making it well-known for its work in comedy and shows. They also produce fiction and emphasize delivering information in a memorable way.

Highlighted product

Core business

die pro – TV Produktion und Digitalagentur in Köln

Haymarket Media GmbH's Logo

Haymarket Media GmbH

Brunswick, Germany

51-100 Employees


Key takeaway

Haymarket Deutschland is a key player in the media landscape, developing and marketing a variety of platforms, including magazines and online presences, which highlights their commitment to providing relevant information and advertising solutions. Their focus on targeted digital offerings positions them as a leader in niche markets, such as their job portal for green industry professionals.

Highlighted product

Core business

Haymarket Deutschland: haymarket.de

YES Investmedia GmbH's Logo

YES Investmedia GmbH

Bonn, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

YES Investmedia is dedicated to supporting its clients' publishing growth, emphasizing that "publishing is the new advertising." They offer a range of services that enhance visibility and reach for various publishing projects, indicating their commitment to driving success in the publishing sector.

Highlighted product

Core business

Startseite - YES Investmedia

Publishing is the new advertising. Mehr Leser. Mehr Kunden. Mehr Umsatz.Wir schaffen Aufmerksamkeit für ihr verlegerisches Projekt.



Seevetal, Germany

1-10 Employees


Key takeaway

The company specializes in web-based video training, moderation, and image teasers, emphasizing the integration of modern pedagogy with professional media production. Their experience in strategic personnel development and adult education, particularly in the social sector, is highlighted by their award-winning training portal for early educators, "KiPort," which has received the prestigious Comenius-EduMedia Seal since 2017 for its outstanding digital educational media.

Highlighted product

Core business

MindRefresher Crossmedia - Film - Foto - WordPress - Print

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Information about Publishing in Germany

The publishing industry in Germany is a dynamic field characterized by several key considerations. First, understanding the regulatory environment is crucial, as Germany has strict copyright laws and publishing rights that affect authors and publishers. The country's robust legal framework ensures protection for intellectual property, which is advantageous for both established and emerging authors. Challenges in the industry include adapting to digital transformation, where traditional print media is increasingly competing with digital formats. This shift demands innovation and investment in technology to engage audiences effectively. Additionally, environmental concerns are gaining traction, pushing publishers to adopt sustainable practices, such as using eco-friendly materials and reducing waste. Opportunities abound in niche markets, especially in educational and academic publishing, where Germany is a leading force in Europe. The competitive landscape is marked by a mix of large publishing houses and independent publishers, allowing for diverse voices and innovation. Furthermore, understanding the global market relevance is essential, as German publishers often collaborate with international partners, expanding their reach and influence. Overall, thorough research into these aspects will provide valuable insights for anyone looking to navigate the publishing industry in Germany.

Insights about the Publishing results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Publishing

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers487
Amount of suitable service providers822
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1848
Youngest suiting company2021

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Publishing Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Publishing

Based on our calculations related technologies to Publishing are Magnets, Printed Electronics, Industrial Amplifiers, Electronic Transducers, Electronic Oscillators

Start-Ups who are working in Publishing are Publify GmbH

The most represented industries which are working in Publishing are Other, Media and Entertainment, IT, Software and Services, Marketing Services, Printing

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