Redox Flow Battery
Redox Flow Battery

Top Redox Flow Battery Companies

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44 companies for Redox Flow Battery

VFlowTechAfrica's Logo

Johannesburg, South Africa

1-10 Employees


We Are Developing Flow Batteries For Energy Storage Application. We Are Currently Seeking A Mechanical Technician To Join Our Team. The candidate should be able to work on dynamic, product-oriented group and manage the multiple tasks independently. VFT Is A Spin-Off Of The CleanTech Lab Of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, And Benefits From Unique IP Arising From Many Years Of Intensive Research At NTU. VFT is a spin-off of the CleanTech lab of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, and benefits from unique IP arising from many years of intensive research at NTU. First in Singapore to develop and deliver environment-friendly smart redox flow batteries to customers globally. VFlowTech Is A Vibrant Fast-Paced Start-Up In A Growth Industry. VFlowTech (VFT) Is An Innovative And Fast-Growing Start-Up In The Renewable Energy Space, Contributing To A Sustainable Environment.





... VFT Africa's microgrid technology is built on the Vanadium Redox Flow batteries supplied by Vflow Tech, which features low cost of setup and almost no cost in maintenance. ...

Spiraltec GmbH's Logo

Sachsenheim, Germany

11-50 Employees


Our mission is to provide customers with state-of-the-art separation and filtration technologies thanks to innovative technology concepts. In addition to our innovations, we offer additional technology to supplement our spiral membrane modules for diffusion dialysis. It is our priority to offer ecologically sustainable and economically highly attractive modules. We want to be the first launching innovative technologies to market. Spiraltec GmbH founded in 2015, based in 74343 Sachsenheim, is part of the HPH holding company and is located in the field of environmental and energy technology. Rainer Klein is a freelance consultant for water, wastewater and recycling technologies.





... Redox flow battery - Spiraltec ...


Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany

11-50 Employees




Image for Membranes for redox-flow-batteries (RFB)

Membranes for redox-flow-batteries (RFB)

... Membranes for redox-flow-batteries - ...


Perth, Australia

1-10 Employees


We imagine a world powered by clean energy. Ultra exists to 'unlock clean energy tonight' and help Western Australia transition from carbon-emitting fuels for power generation. We are doing this by providing reliable and economical energy storage for clean energy generated from solar power. Enabling it to be used beyond daylight hours, through the night, and into the next day. We want to help you unlock the full potential of your solar PV array, gain energy independence from diesel generators or the grid.



Core business


... Introducing West Australia's first Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Manufacturer. We exists to unlock clean energy tonight by providing the ultimate energy storage solution for WA conditions. Capture excess solar power, reduce cash & carbon costs with Ultra Power Systems Pty Ltd. ...

StorEn Technologies's Logo

Stony Brook, United States

1-10 Employees


StorEn Technologies is the "Missing Link" in Today's Energy Market. StorEn proprietary vanadium flow battery technology is the “Missing Link” in today’s energy markets. StorEn is proud to be located at the Clean Energy Business Incubator Program at Stony Brook University, NY. StorEn battery storage systems have numerous uses and applications in the residential, industrial and telecom industries. StorEn offers sustainable telecom batteries that are durable, reliable, and cost-effective. StorEn vanadium flow batteries are positioned to satisfy market demand for a more efficient, cost-effective means of energy storage. StorEn’s Battery Management System signals when maintenance is needed. As the transition toward energy generation from renewable sources and greater energy efficiency continues, StorEn fulfills the need for efficient, long lasting, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective energy storage.



Core business



FJ Composite's Logo

Chitose, Japan

1-10 Employees




Image for Bipolar Carbon Separator for Redox Flow Battery

Bipolar Carbon Separator for Redox Flow Battery

... Bipolar Carbon Separator for Redox Flow Battery | 株式会社FJコンポジット ...

FlowCamp – Redox Flow Battery Campus project's Logo

Pfinztal, Germany

11-50 Employees


FlowCamp is a research and training project funded by the European Union’s Marie-Sklodowska-Curie programme.



Core business
Image for project Flowcamp – next generation redox flow batteries

project Flowcamp – next generation redox flow batteries

... Flowcamp – next generation redox flow batteries ...

Sinergy Flow's Logo

Milan, Italy

1-10 Employees


We are developing a low-cost and sustainable redox flow battery for energy storage on a multi-day basis, allowing the penetration of renewable up to 90 %.​. We are developing a redox flow battery based on earth abundant and low-cost material which is fully compliant with the Circular Economy principles.Modular and scalable technology with customizable energy-to-power ratio (E/P), suitable for long duration energy storage (>10 h).The exploitation of sulfur – a byproduct of the petrochemical industry – makes Sinergy Flow’s supply-chain free from geopolitical oligopoly, opening new market opportunities and favoring the independency of energy communities. We are developing a redox flow battery based on earth abundant and low-cost material which is fully compliant with the Circular Economy principles. Subsequently, the team participated in the Switch2Product Challenge hosted by the Politecnico di Milano, where the project was awarded the challenge due to its innovativeness as well as commitment towards Circular Economy principles.This milestone marked the commencement of the startup’s journey. Sinergy Flow is a DeepTech startup based in Milan, Italy.​.



Core business
Image for Sinergy Flow – The Enabler for Energy Transition

Sinergy Flow – The Enabler for Energy Transition

... We are developing a low-cost and sustainable redox flow battery for energy storage on a multi-day basis. ...

VoltStorage's Logo

Munich, Germany

51-100 Employees


Die Erfolgsgeschichte von VoltStorage begann 2016 als Münchner Startup mit der Vision, saubere und bezahlbare Energie rund um die Uhr zugänglich zu machen. VoltStorage feiert die Kraft und Energie der Frauen nicht nur am 8. ACWA Power und VoltStorage beschließen Zusammenarbeit bei Eisen-Salz-Batterien. VoltStorage und ACWA Power, das weltweit größte Unternehmen für Wasserentsalzung und Pionier in der grünen Wasserstoffproduktion, haben eine strategische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart. Mit der Entwicklung von kostengünstigen und ressourcenschonenden Batteriespeichern leistet VoltStorage einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine klimafreundliche Zukunft. Mit effizienten und nachhaltigen Speicherlösungen von VoltStorage kann grüne Energie rund um die Uhr nutzbar gemacht werden. Seitdem arbeiten wir kontinuierlich daran, unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Energieversorgung selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und die Energiewende voranzutreiben. Heute sind wir mit unseren Speichersystemen das weltweit führende Technologieunternehmen für stationäre Flow-Batterien und leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine klimafreundliche Zukunft.



Image for Industry & commercial

Industry & commercial

... Leading technology company for redox flow batteries ...

QEM Limited (ASX:QEM)'s Logo

Julia Creek, Australia

11-50 Employees

We are closer to achieving this goal after designing a large scale (1GW) hybrid renewables project consisting of wind/solar/BESS. This unique world-class deposit, provides QEM with the opportunity to supply critical markets such as energy storage, the global steel industry and the liquid fuels sector. Mr Wall is a highly experienced company director and executive across energy, infrastructure, transport and resources sectors, with a strong leadership track record at multiple ASX100 companies. Gavin Loyden is the Founder and Managing Director of QEM Limited, having identified and acquired the significant dual commodity resource at Julia Creek. Mr Loyden is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Tony Pearson is a highly experienced company director with 10 years experience on Australian, Toronto and Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed company, government, and not-for-profit boards. As a former Senior Advisor to Regnan, Mr Pearson provided ESG advice to some of Australia’s largest institutional shareholders. QEM’s primary focus is the extraction of vanadium and oil shale and we have achieved highly encouraging extraction rates with further optimisation work underway.



Core business
Image for Home - QEM Limited

Home - QEM Limited

... Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries ...

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Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers28
Amount of suitable service providers18
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1994
Youngest suiting company2022

Things to know about Redox Flow Battery

What is Redox Flow Battery?

A Redox Flow Battery (RFB) is an electrochemical energy storage device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy through reversible oxidation and reduction reactions of ions in solution. Unlike conventional batteries where the electroactive components are solid electrodes, in RFBs, these components are dissolved in liquid electrolytes. The system consists of two tanks of electrolytes which are pumped through a cell containing a membrane that separates the two electrolytes but allows ions to pass. The energy capacity of the battery is determined by the volume of electrolytes stored in the tanks, making it scalable and flexible for various applications. This unique feature allows for the decoupling of power and energy, where the power is related to the cell size and the energy to the amount of electrolyte used. RFBs have become increasingly significant in renewable energy storage and grid management due to their scalability, long cycle life, and ability to provide large-scale, long-duration storage. They play a crucial role in stabilizing the grid against fluctuations in supply and demand, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. By enabling a more consistent and controllable flow of electricity, redox flow batteries contribute to the transition towards greener, more sustainable energy systems, marking a significant step forward in addressing the challenges of energy storage and management in the era of renewable energy.

Advantages of Redox Flow Battery

1. Longer Lifecycle
Redox flow batteries boast a significantly longer lifecycle compared to traditional battery technologies. Their ability to cycle thousands of times without substantial degradation is a key advantage, ensuring reliability and cost-effectiveness over the long term.

2. Scalability
These batteries are highly scalable, allowing for easy adjustment of their power and energy ratio to meet specific requirements. This flexibility makes them ideal for applications ranging from small-scale energy storage solutions to large utility-scale projects.

3. Enhanced Safety
Redox flow batteries offer improved safety features. Their design minimizes the risk of explosion and fire, which is a critical concern with lithium-ion batteries. This safety factor is particularly important in densely populated areas or in applications where battery failure poses significant risks.

4. Environmental Sustainability
These batteries are more environmentally friendly than many alternatives. They utilize liquid electrolytes that can be recycled and are composed of materials that are less harmful to the environment, contributing to a greener energy storage solution.

How to select right Redox Flow Battery supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Energy Density
Assess the energy density of the redox flow battery to ensure it meets your specific power requirements. Higher energy density indicates more power storage capacity in a smaller footprint.

2. Efficiency Rate
Evaluate the round-trip efficiency of the system. A higher efficiency rate means more of the stored energy can be used, making the system more cost-effective in the long run.

3. Scalability
Consider the scalability of the system. Check if the supplier offers solutions that can easily scale up to meet growing energy demands.

4. Lifespan and Durability
Inquire about the expected lifespan and durability of the battery under operational conditions. A longer lifespan and higher durability reduce replacement costs and increase reliability.

5. Chemical Stability
Ensure the electrolytes used in the battery are chemically stable and safe for long-term use, minimizing the risk of degradation or hazardous reactions.

6. Cost
Compare the upfront costs and long-term operational costs. Opt for a supplier that offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality and performance.

7. Support and Warranty
Check the level of customer support and warranty terms. Comprehensive support and warranty coverage can safeguard your investment and ensure prompt assistance when needed.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Redox Flow Battery?

Redox flow batteries, with their scalable capacity and long discharge times, are particularly suited for renewable energy storage in the utility sector. By smoothing out the variability of wind and solar power, these batteries ensure a stable energy supply, making green energy more reliable and grid-friendly. This application is critical for utilities aiming to increase their renewable energy portfolio without compromising on reliability. In the manufacturing industry, redox flow batteries offer a solution for energy cost management. They can store energy during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower and provide power during peak hours, leading to significant cost savings. This capability is invaluable for operations that consume large amounts of energy, such as heavy manufacturing plants, enabling them to reduce operational costs and improve energy efficiency. Telecommunications infrastructure, often located in remote areas, requires a dependable power source for uninterrupted service. Redox flow batteries meet this need by providing long-duration, reliable backup power. Their low maintenance and high durability are essential in locations where frequent battery replacements are logistically challenging and costly. This use case underscores the battery technology's role in ensuring continuous communication services, which are critical for business operations and emergency responses. These examples illustrate the versatility and value of redox flow batteries across different B2B contexts, highlighting their potential to transform energy storage and management practices in various industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Redox Flow Battery

Redox Flow Batteries (RFBs) are currently positioned at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of approximately 6 to 7, indicating that the technology has evolved from prototype demonstration in controlled environments to system demonstration in operational environments. This classification stems from substantial advancements in RFB chemistry, particularly in the development of more stable and efficient electrolyte solutions and improvements in membrane technology that have enhanced the performance and longevity of these systems. Technical challenges, such as optimizing energy density and reducing costs, have been significant drivers behind ongoing research and development efforts. The progress in material science, specifically in the engineering of cost-effective and durable electrode materials, has further contributed to elevating the TRL of RFBs. However, to transition to higher TRLs, issues related to scalability, and the integration of RFBs into existing grid infrastructure, need to be addressed. The emphasis on improving the manufacturability of these batteries and ensuring their compatibility with renewable energy sources reflects the industry's commitment to overcoming these hurdles. As a result, RFBs are steadily moving toward commercial viability, supported by pilot projects and demonstration plants that showcase their potential in real-world applications.

What is the Technology Forecast of Redox Flow Battery?

In the short-term, advancements in redox flow battery technology are largely focused on improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of current models. Researchers are developing innovative electrode materials and membrane technologies to enhance power density and reduce energy losses during operation. Efforts are also underway to utilize cheaper, more abundant materials to decrease overall costs, making these systems more accessible for large-scale energy storage solutions. The mid-term outlook for redox flow batteries sees the integration of novel chemistries and scalability options. By leveraging organic and hybrid inorganic-organic electrolytes, scientists aim to achieve higher energy densities and broader temperature operation ranges. This period will also witness the optimization of system designs to support modular scalability, enabling more flexible and tailored energy storage deployments across various applications, from grid support to renewable energy integration. Looking into the long-term, the future of redox flow batteries is set to be revolutionized by breakthroughs in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven material discovery. These advancements promise the development of ultra-high-performance batteries with significantly enhanced charge-discharge cycles and minimal degradation over time. Additionally, the integration of AI for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance will further improve the longevity and reliability of these systems, solidifying their role in the next generation of energy storage technologies.

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