AI Magazine Logo

AI Magazine

Broadspire, A Crawford Company | AI Magazine

Who is AI Magazine?

We speak with Shikha Kapoor, Head of Product for AI Core Relevance at Meta, about how the AI sector can support women and prepare more for transformation…. With demand only set to grow, Serverfarm continues to pioneer sustainable, innovative and efficient data centre solutions as part of its long-term strategy…. AI Magazine considers some of the leading US-based AI companies to watch in 2024, as they continue expanding the capabilities of the technology…. AI Magazine considers some of the leading events in the technology and AI sectors in 2024, showcasing the latest innovations and connecting world leaders…. Anthropic describes Claude 3 as its most powerful family of AI models to date, offering a new range of business use cases and promoting responsible AI…. Gartner delivers insightful market figures around 5G, AI & cybersecurity to contextualise and demystify the technology news coming from MWC Barcelona 2024…. Snowflake and Mistral AI announce a partnership designed to offer powerful AI language models, empowering businesses to better harness safe generative AI….

This company is:


Norwich, United Kingdom

251-500 Employees


Products & services of AI Magazine

Product Encouraging innovation is redefining the creative process | AI Magazine image


Encouraging innovation is redefining the creative process | AI Magazine

Teodora Gavriluț, Chief Operating Officer at Creatopy discusses the importance of automation and innovation for creativity

Product KX and Microsoft partner to improve data analytics offerings | AI Magazine image


KX and Microsoft partner to improve data analytics offerings | AI Magazine

Data company, KX has announced a new partnership with Microsft to expand the research of its KX Insights streaming data analytics platform

Product AI and clothing: how technology can help meet market demands | AI Magazine image


AI and clothing: how technology can help meet market demands | AI Magazine

The rising demand for apparel is one thing economic forecasters acknowledge. Devin Partida looks into how AI is transforming the clothing industry

View all products


artificial intelligence
Information Technology & Services


IT, Software and Services

Use Cases of AI Magazine


AI digital skills company, iMocha raises USD$14mn | AI Magazine

iMocha, the world’s largest AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, has raised USD$14mn in a Series A funding round led by Eight Roads Ventures

Contact of AI Magazine

City: Norwich

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about AI Magazine

The company AI Magazine is located in Norwich, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information AI Magazine has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

The company AI Magazine has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company AI Magazine seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of AI Magazine Logo


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South Africa

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AI Forum

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