Appsplug Software India Private Limited Logo

Appsplug Software India Private Limited

Appsplug Software India Private Limited - EdTech Company

Who is Appsplug Software India Private Limited?

APPSPLUG SOFTWARE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is a research based EdTech startup incorporated on March 2017, located in Chennai, India developing creative solutions that fosters quality learning through technology. At Appsplug Software India Private Limited, from the day one, we are continuously analyzing the possibility of solutions with latest technology to provide everyone an equal access for the educational resources and tools that foster quality education through personalized learning. Based on the research, we found the idea that if we are tapping today's technology at the right place, only 5 to 20% of existing human resources is enough to provide quality education across any K-12 school, school district, college, institute, university, state or country. RankUpturn is the first of its kind to implement this comprehensive hybrid learning management system in EdTech sector which utilize only 5 to 20% of existing human resources to make quality learning is seamlessly accessible to everyone across your K-12 school, school district, institute, state or country. RankUpturn is a good fit for regular, rotaional, blended and online mode classroom environments. The creative tools and resources of RankUpturn keep your classroom more interesting, engaged and productive always. As a B2B EdTech startup company, we proudly say that we are the first to turn this idea into a 100% working solution which utilize 5 to 20% of existing human (teaching) resources to provide everyone equal access to quality learning, significantly reduce the overall expenses, remarkably saving everyone's time, take the complete burden off of each student on spending extra on third party learning resources, and yet fulfilling the learning gaps 5x times. If you would like to stay updated with our products, write us to.

Chennai, India

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2017


Education Management



Contact of Appsplug Software India Private Limited

City: Chennai

State: Tamil Nadu

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Appsplug Software India Private Limited

The company Appsplug Software India Private Limited is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Appsplug Software India Private Limited has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Appsplug Software India Private Limited was founded in 2017

The company Appsplug Software India Private Limited has it's main focus in the industries of Education

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