ATALIAN, expert Sécurité, Surveillance & Sûreté, sera présent aux SecuriDays à Deauville, les 12 et 13 mars prochains. En France, ATALIAN s’appuie sur un réseau de plus de 100 implantations de proximité, couvrant tout le territoire. Où que vous soyez, ATALIAN vous garantit la réactivité d’un acteur local. Une offre couvrant en propre tout le spectre du FM et des solutions personnalisées génératrice de performance économique, sociale et environnementale pour nos clients.
Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Founded in 1944
10001+ Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Service provider
Ownership structure
Sole Proprietorship
1 Headquarter
Number of products
6 Products
Number of services
8 Services
Specialised areas
Facilities Support Services
ATALIAN Global offers a wide range of products and services
L'innovation utile au service des clients d'ATALIAN
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ATALIAN identifies the latest innovations to serve its clients
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Cleaning & related services - Atalian
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ATALIAN forme ses équipes au service hôtelier dans l'univers du luxe
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ATALIAN - Expert en Propreté/Nettoyage et services associés
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COVID-19, de l'importance d'un service QHSE - Atalian
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Atalian Servest offers a complete range of cleaning services
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ATALIAN, acteur leader du Facility Management, au service de l’Industrie - Atalian
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of ATALIAN Global
Use case
ATALIAN Multi-Tech, a key player in the application of the Tertiary Decree - Atalian
At a time when ecological transition is a global and crucial issue, the tertiary sector still has important levers for optimisation. Indeed, it would be one of the largest energy consumers worldwide.
Use case
ATALIAN Multi-Tech, un acteur clé dans l’application du Décret Tertiaire - Atalian
À l’heure où la transition écologique est un enjeu mondial et crucial, le secteur tertiaire a encore d’important leviers d’optimisation. En effet, il serait l’un des plus gros consommateurs énergétiques au niveau mondial.
ATALIAN Global operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of ATALIAN Global
Metropolitan France
Some frequent questions that have been asked about ATALIAN Global
Where is ATALIAN Global located?
The company headquarter of ATALIAN Global is located in Vitry-sur-Seine, Metropolitan France, France. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does ATALIAN Global approximately have?
As of the latest available information ATALIAN Global has around 10001+ employees worldwide.
When was ATALIAN Global founded?
ATALIAN Global was founded in 1944
In which industries does ATALIAN Global mainly work?
The company ATALIAN Global has it's main focus in the industries of Administration
Check out some interesting alternative companies to ATALIAN Global
APFS - filiale groupe ATALIAN
Vitry-sur-Seine, France
501-1000 Employees
ATALIAN, expert Sécurité, Surveillance & Sûreté, sera présent aux SecuriDays à Deauville, les 12 et 13 mars prochains. En France, Atalian s’appuie sur un réseau de plus de 100 implantations de proximité, couvrant tout le territoire. Où que vous soyez, Atalian vous garantit la réactivité d’un acteur local. Une offre couvrant en propre tout le spectre du FM et des solutions personnalisées génératrice de performance économique, sociale et environnementale pour nos clients.
ATALIAN Global Services Bosnia and Herzegovina
Željeznička, Bosnia and Herzegovina
251-500 Employees
In France, Atalian relies on a network of more than 100 local offices, covering the entire country. Wherever you are, Atalian guarantees you the responsiveness of a local player. An offer covering the entire spectrum of FM and customised solutions that generate economic, social and environmental performance for our clients.
ATALIAN Global Services Romania
Bucharest, Romania
10001+ Employees
In France, Atalian relies on a network of more than 100 local offices, covering the entire country. Wherever you are, Atalian guarantees you the responsiveness of a local player. Atalian Romania, the supplier of facility management services, grew its turnover by 12% to over EUR 15 million in 2021 and expects further expansion this year based on increasing demand from the commercial real estate market. ATALIAN Romania is the winner of BEST FM COMPANY prize at CIJ Awards Romania 2021. We are more than proud about this important recognition and all the merit goes to our great team and to our extraordinary clients. Now established in 36 countries, our Group has developed rapidly by bringing together hundreds of companies and contractors, and tens of thousands of employees with extremely different cultures and profiles. This diversity is a fabulous asset that has enabled us to build an open company that is every bit as local as it is global. An offer covering the entire spectrum of FM and customised solutions that generate economic, social and environmental performance for our clients.
Marines, France
1-10 Employees
Nous sommes présents sur plus de 70 sites partout en France, n'hésitez pas à faire appel à nous. Faites appel à des experts dans les domaines de la sécurité, sûreté et défense pour résoudre un très large panel de problématiques de protection de sites.
La Farlède, France
11-50 Employees
VDSYS expose ses dernières innovations au salon régional de la sécurité territoriale à Ouistreham le 30 mars 2023. VDSYS sera présent à la conférence CITYLAB organisée par TVT Innovation et la Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée Mardi 07 février 2023, à Toulon, se déroule …. Leader français sur le marché de la transmission radio et caméras nomades, pour le domaine de la vidéo protection urbaine.
AAT Sécurité
Saint-Laurent-du-Var, France
11-50 Employees
AAT Sécurité accompagne les particuliers et les professionnels de la Côte d’Azur depuis 1986 dans la mise en place de leur protocole de sécurité. AAT Sécurité a développé un service de sécurité complet permettant de s’adapter aux besoins et contraintes de chaque client.