Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose) Logo

Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose)

Who is Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose)?

We are proud of the many businesses, nonprofit and consumers we have served, and the over 20,000 meetings and events that we have supported. We provide our audio-visual production services nationally to corporate & nonprofit clients, for events up to 1,000 people. We are also experts at simultaneous translation systems, audience response polling systems, teleprompter systems, LED video walls, and concert line array speaker systems. For the last 15 years Avista has grown to be a premier California-based provider of audio visual equipment rentals and AV production services. Avista was founded in 2005, focusing on the needs of consumers and the small AV production market. Some of our core team of rental specialists, production managers and AV techs, all dedicated to your event's success. Pick-up, drop-off or have any audio-video equipment delivered to you locally today! Avista provides audio visual rentals and event production support throughout the Western U.S., and for certain customers provides its services nationally.

This company is:

Service provider

San Jose, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2005


audio visual rentals
of production
simultaneous translation systems
audience response systems
projector rentals
sound system rentals
karaoke machine rentals
outdoor movie rentals
Events Services



Contact of Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose)

City: San Jose

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose)

The company Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose) is located in San Jose, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose) has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose) was founded in 2005

The company Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose) has it's main focus in the industries of Events

Competitors of Avista Audio Visual Rentals (San Jose)

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