Bridgeforce Logo


Andrew Domino - Bridgeforce

Who is Bridgeforce?

Bridgeforce helps financial services companies of all sizes bridge the gap between pressing challenges and emerging opportunities to succeed and thrive. We are thinkers and doers known for our extraordinary commitment and hands-on approach to providing the best recommendations—as well as practical, actionable and measurable solutions. Bridgeforce was founded by two former banking leaders who grew tired of consultants who told them what they wanted to hear—and not what they needed to hear. The Bridgeforce founders saw an opportunity to form a different type of financial services consulting firm, one where clients’ objectives come first and experienced practitioners—not career consultants—provide value-added, sustainable solutions that are also achievable. We are your nimble, trustworthy, collaborative and creative partner. At Bridgeforce, we are an extension of our clients—the individuals and organizations with whom we have the privilege to work. Every Bridgeforce consulting area comprises expert consultants who have hands-on experience in a variety of services designed to help clients meet their internal and external challenges, as well as optimize economic and marketplace opportunities. Bridgeforce is a financial services consulting firm with real-world problem-solving experience in the consumer banking industry.

This company is:

Service provider

Chadds Ford Township, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2000

Products & services of Bridgeforce

Product Regulatory Compliance - Bridgeforce image


Regulatory Compliance - Bridgeforce

Bridgeforce prepares financial organizations for regulatory compliance encounters of all kinds by creating CMS assessments and optimizations.

Product Strategy & Business Transformation - Bridgeforce image


Strategy & Business Transformation - Bridgeforce

Learn how Bridgeforce creates a strategic vision for financial clients to seamless execution and improved customer satisfaction.

Product Collections & Loss Mitigation - Bridgeforce image


Collections & Loss Mitigation - Bridgeforce

Learn how Bridgeforce can help mitigate loss and introduce new outreach techniques or technologies for collections teams.

View all products


Regulatory Compliance & Operational Risk
Risk Analysis
Portfolio Management
Lending Practices
Fraud Detection & Prevention
Investor Support
Strategic Planning
Systems Design & Development
Loss Mitigation
Payment Systems
Management Consulting



Use Cases of Bridgeforce


Case Central™ - Bridgeforce

Case Central is a cloud-based credit reporting disputes management platform. It's a centralized place to organize, store, and solve disputes.

Contact of Bridgeforce

City: Chadds Ford Township

State: Pennsylvania

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Bridgeforce

The company Bridgeforce is located in Chadds Ford Township, Pennsylvania, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Bridgeforce has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Bridgeforce was founded in 2000

The company Bridgeforce has it's main focus in the industries of Consulting

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Bridgeforce seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Bridgeforce

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