Charles River Analytics Logo

Charles River Analytics

Company - Charles River Analytics

Who is Charles River Analytics?

Our track record speaks for itself—our implemented solutions enrich the diverse markets of defense, intelligence, healthcare, space, and cybersecurity. We owe our success to our multi-disciplinary expertise across AI, machine learning, autonomous systems, human-system interfaces, agile software and hardware engineering, and to our enduring base of knowledgeable customers.We were founded in 1983 to perform results-focused research for the US government. We became an employee-owned company in 2012, setting the stage for our next generation of innovation, service, and growth. Today, we have 150 employees conducting ground-breaking research at the forefront of AI, robotics, and human-centered computing. We find vulnerabilities and protect systems and networks from theft, damage, or disruption of hardware, software, and electronic data.

This company is:


Cambridge, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1983

Products & services of Charles River Analytics

Product REVER and Charles River Analytics Introduces First-Of-Its-Kind In-App Safety Capabilities for Motorcycle Riders - Charles River Analytics image


REVER and Charles River Analytics Introduces First-Of-Its-Kind In-App Safety Capabilities for Motorcycle Riders - Charles River Analytics

REVER, the Colorado-based powersports app and part of the Comoto Family of Brands, announced a collaboration with Charles River Analytics to introduce the industry’s first motorcycle hazard warning app integration driven by rider-sourced information.

Product Profile of Ryan Kilgore, Vice President UX Innovation Division image


Profile of Ryan Kilgore, Vice President UX Innovation Division

Ryan Kilgore is fascinated by the way humans behave, the way we think, and how we work with complex systems.

Product Figaro™ featured in Machine Learning in Data and Network Security News by Fast Forward Labs - Charles River Analytics image


Figaro™ featured in Machine Learning in Data and Network Security News by Fast Forward Labs - Charles River Analytics

Fast Forward Labs featured Figaro™ in its newsletter on Machine Learning in Data and Network Security. Figaro is Charles River’s open-source probabilistic programming language for probabilistic modeling.

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National Security
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Commercial research laboratory
Intelligent Systems
Computer Systems Design and Related Services
Computer software development
Scientific Research and Development Services


IT, Software and Services

Use Cases of Charles River Analytics


PPB - Charles River Analytics

PPB develops technology that reduces the need for burdensome protective equipment while increasing individual protection against biological attacks.

Contact of Charles River Analytics

City: Cambridge

State: Massachusetts

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Charles River Analytics

The company Charles River Analytics is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Charles River Analytics has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Charles River Analytics was founded in 1983

The company Charles River Analytics has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Charles River Analytics seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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