
Top Cyber Security Software Companies

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193 companies for Cyber Security Software



London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We provide the best solutions on the market to fit to your individual needs. We provide objective and informed feedback on tools providing storage, workflow / productivity, marketing, product management and creative capabilities. IT Fruit is a technology expert dedicated to help every organization! From product design to software continuous delivery.We build accessible, responsive, and secure web applications with scalable features.

Core business

Cyber security, Software Development & Consulting Services

... IT FRUIT - Cyber Security, Software Development & Consulting ...

TOFU Security Solutions's Logo

TOFU Security Solutions

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees


We source trustworthy partners and initiatives that work with your existing tech strategies to deliver the security results needed for the challenges you’re facing. Security Solutions is a global, family owned and operated business.

Core business

Tofu Security Solutions – Advanced Cyber Security software solutions and services. We find the best to help you move faster and smoother.

... Solutions – Advanced Cyber Security software solutions and services. ...

Datplan - Control your cyber security risk's Logo

Datplan - Control your cyber security risk

Castle Point, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Datplan has supported the finance and insurance sector for over 20 years identifying cyber crime and fraud risk. Datplan’s approach offers a cyber security software solution giving the user overviews of 8 key cyber risk areas, their threats, and risk management steps. Therefore, Datplan’s Cyber security software also includes a full fraud detection package and reporting suite. Cyber Crime and fraud is a threat to all organisations from both internal and external parties. Because of these threats Cyber Control is the tool to sit with your existing protection software such as anti-virus and firewalls.

Core business

Cyber Security Software

... Cyber Security Software Solution - free trial download. Cyber software | ...

B4web's Logo



11-50 Employees


B4web, con certificazione ISO 9001 EA 37, offre corsi di Security Awareness e GDPR per aumentare la consapevolezza della cyber security e protezione dati, inclusi corsi online/on-site e simulazioni di phishing. VAPT di B4web, un test efficace per identificare vulnerabilità seguendo standard OWASP, PTES, OSSTMM, con attacchi simulati da esperti certificati OSCP, eWPTX, eMAPT. La B4web è il partner ideale di IT Consulting che offre servizi di consulenza informatica per le aziende, dalla risoluzione di tutte le problematiche di Computer e reti, alla gestione di un piano di backup e di ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi. B4Web crea siti web personalizzati di alto livello e campagne di marketing efficaci. B4Web è un’azienda fatta di persone Disponibili e competenti, dove la Professionalità viene impiegata per garantire il miglior servizio possibile. Operativi sin dal 2001, SRL fondata nel 2011, la B4web nasce dalla sinergia e da pluriennale esperienza nel mondo dell'informatica. Questo per il cliente significa avere un prodotto unico, sviluppato in tempi certi, sicuro e cucito sulle sue esigenze. Informatizzare i processi produttivi all’interno delle aziende è il modo migliore per ottimizzare i tempi e le strategie di lavoro per incrementarne il business.

Core business

B4web | Cyber Security, Software House e Web agency - Alessandria, Torino e Milano

... B4web | Cyber Security, Software House e Web agency - Alessandria, ...

Triga Bilisim A.S.'s Logo

Triga Bilisim A.S.

Şişli, Turkey

1-10 Employees


AppGuard is a centrally-managed solution with robust logging capability and administrator controls. AppGuard Enterprise is a centrally managed host-based endpoint protection solution that prevents malware and all advanced attacks from harming the system. AppGuard Server is a zero-trust host-based endpoint protection agent for Windows and Linux servers, centrally managed from the same system as agents for laptops and desktops. Trustica Mobile is a centrally managed host-based solution for making employee-owned mobile devices safe to use for enterprise purposes, without having to intrusively co-administer them. AppGuard Solo is a self-managed zero trust host-based endpoint protection agent for laptops and desktops.

Core business

Triga is Partner for zero trust cyber security software Appguard in Turkey and Middle East

... Partner for zero trust cyber security software Appguard in Turkey and ...

FunCODE.IO's Logo


Serra, Brazil

1-10 Employees


Core business

HS | Softwares & Cyber Security

... HS | Softwares & Cyber Security ...

Target Tech Solutions's Logo

Target Tech Solutions

Richmond, Canada

1-10 Employees


TURNING YOUR VISION OF THE FUTURE INTO TODAY'S REALITY. We are an international consulting firm specializing in building technology with a focus on sustainability. We integrate cutting-edge systems into the built environment. We focus on building systems of the future. Smart buildings require a reliable network infrastructure to operate efficiently.

Core business

Building Technology | Engineering Consultants | Audiovisual, Security, and Building Automation Systems | Cyber Security | Software Engineering

... , and Building Automation Systems | Cyber Security | Software ...

Huki Group's Logo

Huki Group

Nairobi, Kenya

1-10 Employees


Since 2018, our team has succeeded in understanding the needs of the enterprise technology transformation and creating reliable products serve our customers when they need us the most. As a leading strategic partner to companies worldwide, Huki Group have leveraged technology to enable business transformation for over 50 years. We address the entire breadth of business needs, from strategy and design to managing operations. We work with leading technology companies to help our clients deliver exceptional personalized experiences to their customers, to harness the potential of data, and to optimize the operation of their systems and processes. A flair for entrepreneurship and a desire to take considered risks and show commitment (naturally linked to a firm determination to uphold one’s commitments).


Cyber Security Software

... is its ability to detect … Cyber Security Software Read More » ...

Black Bullet - On target digital solutions's Logo

Black Bullet - On target digital solutions

Bucharest, Romania

1-10 Employees


We are a tech company focused on custom software development, cyber security, and the overall delivery of qualitative end products. We are based in Bucharest, Romania but fully ready to support clients worldwide. We provide a scalable team of experts for your software and cybersecurity projects. We are one team that works together to get better results for our clients. We are ready to develop the right software solution for you, or we can identify the vulnerabilities, so you will know what threats should be worrying you. We are an entire team of enthusiastic ethical hackers who will help you prevent data breaches and cyber-attacks by conducting a detailed assessment and guiding you to remediate every breach. Co-founded by people with over 15 years’ experience in software development, mobile and web technologies, information security, and product development. We keep up with the technology trends and offer our clients’ development services on the architecture of Chain of Responsibility, Micro-services, SOA, and Monolith.

Core business

About Us | Ask for a meeting | Cyber Security , Software Development

... About Us Cyber Security and Software Development for your projects. ...

OctiCode's Logo


Tallinn, Estonia

1-10 Employees


At OctiCode, our approach is defined by the fusion of two essential pillars: cyber-security expertise and software engineering excellence. That's why our products are designed to be highly adaptable, allowing for customisation and scalability to accommodate your evolving needs over time.Scalability is also a key consideration in our product development process. In essence, at OctiCode, we combine the best of cyber-security and software engineering to deliver products that are not only powerful and effective but also flexible and scalable, providing you with the peace of mind and confidence to focus on what matters most: driving your business forward. At OctiCode, we understand that cybersecurity threats are ever-present, capable of striking any industry or organization at any moment. At OctiCode, our approach to API Security Audit is comprehensive. OctiCode also specializes in the development of secure APIs and web applications, prioritizing the integrity and confidentiality of your digital assets. In OctiCode we provide customized training programs and workshops for professionals in web development and cyber-security. At OctiCode we organize webinars monthly to discuss different topics and latest news in the cybersecurity and software engineering fields.

Core business

OctiCode - Your trusted partner for a secure digital world

... combining the best of cyber-security and software engineering to ...

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Insights about the Cyber Security Software results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Cyber Security Software

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1344
Amount of suitable service providers1628
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1991
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Cyber Security Software

What is Cyber Security Software?

Cyber Security Software refers to a comprehensive suite of tools designed to protect computers, networks, servers, mobile devices, and data from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and other digital threats. This type of software encompasses a broad range of applications, including antivirus programs, firewall systems, encryption tools, and intrusion detection systems. By deploying advanced algorithms and detection methods, it continuously monitors and identifies potential threats in real-time, mitigating risks before they can exploit vulnerabilities within the system. The importance of Cyber Security Software in today’s digital landscape cannot be overstated. As cyber threats evolve in complexity and sophistication, these tools play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of IT infrastructures across various industries. By preventing data breaches, loss of confidential information, and downtime, Cyber Security Software not only protects organizations from financial and reputational damage but also ensures the privacy and security of user data. Consequently, its implementation has become a fundamental aspect of operational security strategies, underpinning the resilience of modern businesses and institutions against the ever-growing landscape of cyber threats.

Advantages of Cyber Security Software

1. Enhanced Protection
Cyber security software provides a robust shield against a wide array of digital threats, including viruses, malware, and phishing attacks. This level of protection is superior to traditional methods, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring sensitive information remains confidential and secure.

2. Cost Efficiency
Investing in cyber security software can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to the potential financial losses associated with data breaches. The software automates the protection process, minimizing the need for extensive manual oversight and reducing the likelihood of costly downtime or data recovery operations.

3. Compliance Support
Many industries are subject to strict regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. Cyber security software aids in maintaining compliance with these regulations, providing features designed to manage and safeguard personal and sensitive data effectively. This support is crucial for businesses to avoid legal penalties and maintain their reputation.

4. Real-Time Monitoring and Updates
Cyber security software offers real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing for the immediate detection and neutralization of threats. Additionally, it regularly updates to adapt to new types of cyber threats, ensuring that protection measures are always up to date and effective against even the most advanced attacks.

How to select right Cyber Security Software supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Comprehensive Security Features
Ensure the software offers a wide range of security features, such as firewall protection, antivirus, anti-malware, and intrusion detection systems.

2. Customization and Scalability
The software should be customizable to your specific business needs and scalable to grow with your organization.

3. User-Friendly Interface
Look for software with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that can be easily operated by your IT team and employees.

4. Compliance with Industry Standards
Verify that the software complies with relevant industry standards and regulations to ensure your business meets all legal requirements.

5. Vendor Reputation and Support
Research the vendor's reputation in the cybersecurity industry, and ensure they offer robust customer support and service.

6. Integration Capabilities
The software should easily integrate with your existing IT infrastructure, including other security tools and systems.

7. Cost-Effectiveness
Consider the total cost of ownership, including initial purchase, implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance fees, to ensure it fits within your budget.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Cyber Security Software?

Cyber security software plays a pivotal role in safeguarding digital assets across various industries. In the financial sector, it's instrumental in protecting against fraud and data breaches, ensuring the security of sensitive financial transactions and personal customer information. This is critical for maintaining trust and compliance with strict regulatory standards. In the healthcare industry, cyber security software is used to secure patient records and hospital networks. The confidentiality and integrity of health data are paramount, given its sensitive nature. Cyber security measures prevent unauthorized access, thereby safeguarding patient privacy and ensuring compliance with health information protection laws. Manufacturing firms leverage cyber security software to protect intellectual property and maintain operational continuity. With the increasing adoption of IoT devices in manufacturing processes, these solutions mitigate risks associated with cyber-physical systems, preventing espionage and sabotage that could lead to costly downtimes and safety incidents. For the retail sector, cyber security software is vital in securing online transactions and customer data. As e-commerce continues to grow, retailers face heightened threats from cybercriminals aiming to steal credit card information and personal data. Cyber security solutions help in implementing robust encryption and secure payment gateways, thus preserving customer trust and loyalty. Each of these use cases underscores the versatile and critical role of cyber security software in protecting business operations and sensitive data across diverse industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Cyber Security Software

Cybersecurity software, as a crucial component in safeguarding digital assets and information, has achieved a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), typically ranging between TRL 8 to TRL 9. This advanced status is attributed to several technical reasons. First, the development and deployment of cybersecurity software have gone through extensive testing and validation processes in real-world environments, demonstrating their efficacy in detecting, preventing, and responding to a wide array of cyber threats. Moreover, the continuous evolution of cyber threats has necessitated the iterative improvement and adaptation of cybersecurity tools, incorporating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for predictive threat analysis and automated response mechanisms. These technologies have further refined the accuracy and speed of threat detection and mitigation, underpinning the high TRL of cybersecurity software. Additionally, the integration of cybersecurity solutions across various platforms and industries showcases their scalability and reliability in diverse operational contexts. The extensive user feedback and rigorous performance assessments have also contributed to the solidification of their readiness levels, ensuring they are well-equipped to protect against current and emerging cyber threats effectively.

What is the Technology Forecast of Cyber Security Software?

In the short term, advancements in cyber security software are set to focus on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance threat detection and response times. These technologies will enable systems to learn from past attacks, predict potential threats more accurately, and automate responses to common vulnerabilities, significantly reducing human error and reaction times. Mid-term developments will likely see the rise of quantum-resistant cryptography, as quantum computing poses new challenges to current encryption methods. This phase will prioritize the development of algorithms that are secure against quantum attacks, ensuring that data remains protected as computational capabilities advance. Additionally, the integration of blockchain technology for identity verification and secure transactions will become more prevalent, offering a decentralized approach to cyber security. Looking at the long term, the focus will shift towards creating self-healing and autonomous security systems. These systems will not only detect and neutralize threats without human intervention but also repair any damage caused by cyber attacks, ensuring continuous operation and data integrity. The convergence of cyber security with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G networks will also necessitate innovative security frameworks to address the exponentially expanding attack surface these technologies bring.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cyber Security Software Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Cyber Security Software

Based on our calculations related technologies to Cyber Security Software are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Cyber Security Software are Zeustride, Salliance Asia, CyberSecthreat Corporation Limited.

The most represented industries which are working in Cyber Security Software are IT, Software and Services, Other, Defense, Consulting, Human Resources

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