Civil Design Group LLC Logo

Civil Design Group LLC

Home - Civil Design Group

Who is Civil Design Group LLC?

We are committed to establishing and maintaining excellent client relationships by providing quality project management, engineering design, and plan production. Civil Design Group, LLC is a consulting civil engineering firm that provides a wide range of service to both public and private clients for the visible built environment and the less visible elements related to these facilities. Provide master-planning for commercial, residential, and industrial developments, zoning amendments, plat approvals, and representation at public and governmental meetings. Full planning and design services can be provided via a team of sub-consultants (with a history of proven service) including architectural, mechanical and electrical engineering, structural engineering, and environmental services. We recognize the need in this industry to provide quality professional engineering services to our clients. We make a professional commitment to all our clients to provide them with a quality product in a professional and timely manner.

This company is:

Service provider

Shreveport, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2003

Products & services of Civil Design Group LLC

Product Predevelopment Planning/Zoning - Civil Design Group image


Predevelopment Planning/Zoning - Civil Design Group

Provide master-planning for commercial, residential, and industrial developments, zoning amendments, plat approvals, and representation at public and governmental meetings.

Product Full Professional Services - Civil Design Group image


Full Professional Services - Civil Design Group

Full planning and design services can be provided via a team of sub-consultants (with a history of proven service) including architectural, mechanical and electrical engineering, structural engineering, and environmental services.

Product Engineering Design - Civil Design Group image


Engineering Design - Civil Design Group

Site geometrics, ingress/egress, utility design, grading and drainage design, paving design, and related plan preparation and specifications. Our engineering design services also include bid document preparation, permitting and approval, and subsequent negotiation and construction phase services.

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Civil Engineering



Use Cases of Civil Design Group LLC


Projects Archive - Civil Design Group

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Contact of Civil Design Group LLC

City: Shreveport

State: Louisiana

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Civil Design Group LLC

The company Civil Design Group LLC is located in Shreveport, Louisiana, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Civil Design Group LLC has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Civil Design Group LLC was founded in 2003

The company Civil Design Group LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Competitors of Civil Design Group LLC

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