GVAV Ltd Logo


Policies & Statements - GV AV

Who is GVAV Ltd?

GVAV, established more than 45 years ago, has the skills and proven expertise to deliver outstanding Audio Visual solutions.With our national network of branches providing local care we are well placed to provide forward thinking AV solutions for our customers. We are a family business that started our journey more than 45 years ago. GVAV is the new name for GV Multimedia.The same people, same skills, same values.”We look forward to the next 45 years serving our customers. Audio Visual installations from GVAV fill your spaces with the sights and sounds of your brand, showcasing your vision and giving voice to your message. Over many years, we have grown to deliver UK wide coverage from our regional hubs, all working seamlessly to deliver the same levels of service and support to all our clients. We have worked hard to become a strong and stable business, willingand able to provide long term and continued support to all our valued customers regardless of their current project needs. At the heart of the business are our committed values, which include:. The secret to our success is the people behind the business with every member of our team passionate and dedicated to developing innovative AV solutions for our customers.

This company is:

Service provider

London, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1976

Products & services of GVAV Ltd

Product AV services / Leading AV installation services in London here at GVAV - GV AV image


AV services / Leading AV installation services in London here at GVAV - GV AV

AV Services | Product Supply | Solutions Design | System Integration | Project Management | Training | Technical Support | Control Systems and Audio / DSP  Programming | Maintenance

Product AV for auditoriums / Auditorium Sound Systems and technology by GVAV - GV AV image


AV for auditoriums / Auditorium Sound Systems and technology by GVAV - GV AV

Auditoriums | What our clients say. | Partners and relationships | Make a big impression with auditorium AV solutions | Large-scale bespoke presentation spaces, made with you in mind | GVAV have moved! | Happy retirement to Paula Morrish | GVAV featured in AV Magazine! | LATEST NEWS

Product School AV solutions / AV technology for schools and academies by GVAV - GV AV image


School AV solutions / AV technology for schools and academies by GVAV - GV AV

Schools and academies | Facilitating rich teaching and ​​​​​​​learning experiences through AV ​​​​​​​ | What our clients say. | Partners and relationships | GVAV have moved! | Happy retirement to Paula Morrish | GVAV featured in AV Magazine! | RELATED NEWS

View all products


AV System Integration
AV Supply
Project Management
Control System Programming
Information Technology & Services


IT, Software and Services

Contact of GVAV Ltd

City: London

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GVAV Ltd

The company GVAV Ltd is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information GVAV Ltd has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

GVAV Ltd was founded in 1976

The company GVAV Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company GVAV Ltd seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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