HTS International Corporation Logo

HTS International Corporation

About us - HTS-IC

Who is HTS International Corporation?

We manufacture tooling components that no one else can. We are proud of our role in providing these solutions, and HTS IC is steadily expanding its solution to manufacturers that are looking to gain productivity, reshore, and improve quality. We provide worldwide Technical and Sales support to our customers through the network of our own subsidiaries. HTS IC designs, engineers, simulates, and manufactures components for use in injection molding, die casting, extrusion, and hot stamping. Our innovative components for injection moulding and die casting are helping manufacturers reduce cycle time and become more efficient. Through investing in knowledge, research and development, HTS IC is a principal solution provider to the mass-production industry for productivity improvement; where the solution is addressed as manufactured industrial-component designed and optimized for optimum production performance, based on principles of novel manufacturing technologies. Deliver optimized thermally-managed industrial components to businesses for the advancement of their productivity. Through broadly accessible cloud-based-engineering systems that facilitate industrial-component design and optimization, and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.

This company is:


Knoxville, United States

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 2016

Products & services of HTS International Corporation

Product iTherm® DC Injection System - HTS-IC image


iTherm® DC Injection System - HTS-IC

iTherm® DC Injection System consists of iTherm®Distributor, together with iTherm® Piston, iTherm®Feed Ring, shot sleeve and lubrication unit.

Product Advanced solutions - HTS-IC image


Advanced solutions - HTS-IC

HTS is engaged in a number of Research & Development efforts spanning the tooling, automotive, energy, and aerospace sectors.

Product iTherm® DCTM Monitoring System - HTS-IC image


iTherm® DCTM Monitoring System - HTS-IC

iTherm® DCTM system is developed to monitor in-service operation and performance of die-casting injection systems and tooling components, with objective to optimize productivity of die casting organizations. Design of iTherm® DCTM system is optimized to assist implementation, monitoring and analysis of operational success of HTS iTherm® components.

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Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering


Science and Engineering

Contact of HTS International Corporation

City: Knoxville

State: Tennessee

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about HTS International Corporation

The company HTS International Corporation is located in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information HTS International Corporation has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

HTS International Corporation was founded in 2016

The company HTS International Corporation has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing, Science and Engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company HTS International Corporation seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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