illi Commercial Real Estate Logo

illi Commercial Real Estate

Home - illicre

Who is illi Commercial Real Estate?

We are focusing on attracting and unleashing the most talented professionals in the industry. We have developed a fun and fulfilling team environment that embodies collaboration and provides a positive impact within the lives of our associates and within the communities that we serve. Our systems allow our team to focus on what matters most - profitable relationships. Our systems streamline otherwise daunting administrative tasks to provide more face to face time with the people that matter the most, you. Our Investment Advisory Group (IAG) is committed to optimizing the value of our client's real estate assets by implementing a program that goes beyond income projections, a rent roll, and a broker’s narrative.

This company is:

Service provider

Los Angeles, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2007

Products & services of illi Commercial Real Estate

Product Leasing Services - illicre image


Leasing Services - illicre

Leasing / Landlord & Tenant RepresentationOur knowledgeable professionals are experts in the Southern California Market. We are well educated in the needs of expanding retailers and the brokers who represent them. Our ability to introduce vacancies to this select group is second to none. We know how to optimally position and market properties to attract

Product Just Sold: 2400 Willow Lane - illicre image


Just Sold: 2400 Willow Lane - illicre

2400 Willow Lane, Thousand Oaks, CA ±82,000 SF Flex Building Former Health Club ±8.4 Acres illi Commercial Real Estate represented the seller of this ±8.4 acre site, featuring an ±82,000 square foot flex building with excellent visibility along the 101 Freeway. The team entertained both sale and leasing interest in the property before ultimately guiding

Product NNN Accounting Services - illicre image


NNN Accounting Services - illicre

NNN ACCOUNTING SERVICESWhat We Do Every seasoned investor relies on accurate accounting of investment performance. Investment performance starts with accurate income/expense reports and budgeting forecasts.  Additionally, triple net leases (NNN), require property owners to provide tenants with reports accounting for the additional charges assumed by the tenant or lessee. illi Commercial Real Estate pride ourself

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Commercial Real Estate
Property Management
Commercial Leasing
Commercial Sales
Commercial Real Estate sales
Multi family
Real estate
Tenant Representative
Investment Sales
Asset management
Commercial Real Estate Advisors
Shopping Center Leasing
Real Estate


Real Estate

Use Cases of illi Commercial Real Estate


Success Story: Tia Donuts - illicre

Success Story: Tia DonutsReseda, CA After leaving Cambodia and arriving in the United States, Tia started working at a donut shop where she learned the basics of baking donuts. Later after opening her first store in 2005 in San Francisco, she decided to sell it and move to Los Angeles, finding a location in Reseda,

Contact of illi Commercial Real Estate

City: Los Angeles

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about illi Commercial Real Estate

The company illi Commercial Real Estate is located in Los Angeles, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information illi Commercial Real Estate has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

illi Commercial Real Estate was founded in 2007

The company illi Commercial Real Estate has it's main focus in the industries of Real Estate

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company illi Commercial Real Estate seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of illi Commercial Real Estate

IAG Logo


United States

11-50 Employees



Information Architecture Group Logo

Information Architecture Group

United States

101-250 Employees



Innovatus Advisory Group Logo

Innovatus Advisory Group

United States

1-10 Employees



ISG Logo


United States

1-10 Employees



Accelera Invest Group Logo

Accelera Invest Group

United States


Insurance Group Of America LLC Logo

Insurance Group Of America LLC

United States

11-50 Employees



IFG Advisory Group Logo

IFG Advisory Group

United States

51-100 Employees



Integrated Advisory Logo

Integrated Advisory


11-50 Employees



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