MACH Technologies Logo

MACH Technologies

About Us | Mach Technologies

Who is MACH Technologies?

We are an innovation driven technology and manufacturing company at heart. We provide complete turnkey equipment and technologies for our customers, and strive to make our equipment the most efficient, safest, compliant, and easy to use systems in the world. With over 80+ years of expertise in technology development, and specialized equipment manufacturing, we continue to push the envelope on efficiencies and process development, next generation research and development, and new equipment and technologies for the botanical extraction industry. The belief to always strive for better is one of the foundations which we are built on. We believe that behind every great product, there needs to be a customer support team which is available when our customers need them. MACH Technologies was founded by Rob Wirtz, Jason Wirtz, and John Wirtz II, who knew their extensive experience in product development, technology commercialization, and deep roots in specialized equipment manufacturing could greatly advance the botanical extraction industry. From the development of their flagship product, their EES Model Automated Ethanol Extraction System they have aggressively developed key technologies which increase throughput, efficiencies, and operator ease of use to make botanical processing facilities more efficient, and competitive. MACH Technologies designs, fabricates, assembles, and tests their products in their vertically integrated facility in Michigan, and has equipment successfully installed around the globe.

This company is:

Service provider

Detroit, United States

51-100 Employees


Products & services of MACH Technologies

Product Services | Mach Technologies image


Services | Mach Technologies

We can assist with every process in complete facility buildouts, starting with biomass, and producing a finishing product such as winterized crude oil, winterized decarboxylated crude oil, distillate, & isolate powder, and a variety of other specialized other products. Mach Technologies is committed to provide the best equipment and technology to our customers, along with…

Product Ethanol Extraction System | Mach Technologies image


Ethanol Extraction System | Mach Technologies

(Chilling, Extraction, Drying, Filtration) Our flagship product and first fully automated, recipe drive, adaptive control extraction system on the market which combines an Ethanol Holding Tank, Continuous Ethanol Chilling System, Fully Automated, Recipe Driven Ethanol Centrifuge Extraction & Drying System, Integrated Color Remediation, & Particle Filtration.  Simple push button operation.  Designed for consistent, repeatable, extractions.…

Product Technologies | Mach Technologies image


Technologies | Mach Technologies

EES Series – Automated Chilling, Extraction, Recirculation & Filtration Scalable 40 – 10,000 lbs per day Automated Completely integrated and recipe driven system M Series Modular Starting at 8 lbs per batch Upgradeable Equipment can grow with you and be converted to an EES system

View all products


Hemp extraction
American Manufacturing
TurnKey Solutions
Automated Extraction
ethanol extraction
automated ethanol extraction
Industrial Automation



Contact of MACH Technologies

City: Detroit

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about MACH Technologies

The company MACH Technologies is located in Detroit, Michigan, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information MACH Technologies has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

The company MACH Technologies has it's main focus in the industries of Automation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company MACH Technologies seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of MACH Technologies

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MACTEC (division of IEN Industrie S.p.A.)


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Boulder Creek Technologies LLC

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Luna Technologies

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Precision Extraction Solutions Logo

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Vitalis Extraction Technology Inc.


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