Natural Areas Conservancy Logo

Natural Areas Conservancy

Natural Areas Conservancy | Who We Are

Who is Natural Areas Conservancy?

We are proud of the milestones we’ve reached so far—from conducting breakthrough research and advocating for natural areas in City Council, to training passionate STEM students and expanding access to NYC’s trails. We developed a new partnership with the City University of New York to equip college students with the technical training needed to advance in environmental careers through paid internships. Engage with our mission through corporate sponsorship and volunteering. We’re the leading environmental organization in NYC for natural areas, and we convene a 19-city network of experts to preserve, improve, and expand these spaces nationally. We’re a team of dedicated experts in the fields of conservation, urban forestry, ecology, parks advocacy, and more. The organization was founded as NYC’s first and only park conservancy dedicated to researching, managing, and advocating for the city’s natural areas. Its success paved the way for our current program that now operates in over 25 NYC parks! Sarah Charlop-Powers continues to be a leading voice for nature and natural climate solutions.

This company is:

Educational institution

New York, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2012


Non-profit Organization Management



Contact of Natural Areas Conservancy

City: New York

State: New York

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Natural Areas Conservancy

The company Natural Areas Conservancy is located in New York, New York, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Natural Areas Conservancy has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Natural Areas Conservancy was founded in 2012

The company Natural Areas Conservancy has it's main focus in the industries of Other

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