New York Stem Cell Foundation Logo

New York Stem Cell Foundation

NYSCF Accomplishments & Milestones - New York Stem Cell Foundation

Who is New York Stem Cell Foundation?

The NYSCF Research Institute is an independent non-profit laboratory focused on translational stem cell research. NYSCF collaborates extensively with disease foundations, government agencies, pharmaceutical, technology, and biotech companies, as well as academic institutions around the world to advance translational stem cell research in over 80 diseases. NYSCF is one of the world’s leading nonprofit stem cell organizations. NYSCF provides comprehensive scientific education for students, scientists, and the general public. NYSCF supports a growing international community of outstanding early career scientists whose work is transforming stem cell research. The NYSCF Research Institute, an independent disease research facility, is a non-profit accelerator that serves to bridge the gap between research institutions and pharmaceutical and biotech companies by reducing the cost, time, and risk that historically inhibit the development of new treatments and cures. NYSCF does this through our groundbreaking stem cell automation platform that integrates the most cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence and robotics. NYSCF also hosts the world’s foremost translational stem cell conference, and plays a central role as a convener and supporter of the world’s top scientists.

This company is:

Educational institution
Service provider

New York, United States

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 2005

Products & services of New York Stem Cell Foundation

Product Four NYSCF Innovators Featured In Nature Article on Embryonic Stem Cell Research - New York Stem Cell Foundation image


Four NYSCF Innovators Featured In Nature Article on Embryonic Stem Cell Research - New York Stem Cell Foundation

Over the past 20 years, embryonic stem cell (ESC) research has evolved from a brand new field with lots...

Product NYSCF Highlights Stem Cell Technology for Multiple Sclerosis Research in Paris - New York Stem Cell Foundation image


NYSCF Highlights Stem Cell Technology for Multiple Sclerosis Research in Paris - New York Stem Cell Foundation

NYSCF Principal Investigator Dr. Valentina Fossati shared how stem cell technology has revolutionized multiple sclerosis research during the session...

Product CRISPR to the RESCUE: Gene Editing Technology Gets More Versatile - New York Stem Cell Foundation image


CRISPR to the RESCUE: Gene Editing Technology Gets More Versatile - New York Stem Cell Foundation

The Context: CRISPR is a powerful gene editing tool which traditionally works by locating and modifying stretches of DNA...

View all products


stem cell
research institute
Medical Research
scientific research
cell biology
Research Funding


Data and Analytics
Health Care

Use Cases of New York Stem Cell Foundation


Susan L. Solomon to Speak on ‘State of Industry’ of Regenerative Medicine at Biotech Showcase in San Francisco - New York Stem Cell Foundation

Susan L. Solomon to Speak on ‘State of Industry’ of Regenerative Medicine at Biotech Showcase in San Francisco NEW YORK,...

Contact of New York Stem Cell Foundation

City: New York

State: New York

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about New York Stem Cell Foundation

The company New York Stem Cell Foundation is located in New York, New York, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information New York Stem Cell Foundation has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

New York Stem Cell Foundation was founded in 2005

The company New York Stem Cell Foundation has it's main focus in the industries of Data and Analytics, Others, Health Care

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company New York Stem Cell Foundation seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of New York Stem Cell Foundation

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Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms



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