
Top Medical Nanotechnology Companies

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9 companies for Medical Nanotechnology

Euphrates Vascular's Logo

Euphrates Vascular

St. Louis, United States

1-10 Employees


The Pulse NanoMED™ System is a nanoscale interventional tool to help diagnose and treat complex vascular occlusions unreachable with existing treatments. Stroke occurs when there is a halt in blood flow to the brain. In stroke, the Pulse NanoMED™ system assists in the delivery of life-saving therapeutics, in the pursuit of TTR and the restoration of life-saving blood flow. ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) is a severe type of heart attack caused by a complete blockage of a coronary artery, resulting in a significant reduction or cessation of blood flow to a region of the heart muscle. This blockage typically occurs due to the formation of a blood clot, leading to ischemia and potential damage to the heart tissue. PAD is a common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce the flow of blood to limbs.

Core business

Euphrates Vascular | Treating Distal Vessel Occlusions | Pulse NanoMED

... Euphrates Vascular is a medical device company using nanotechnology to ...

Glycovax Pharma's Logo

Glycovax Pharma

Montreal, Canada

1-10 Employees


Revisiting this innovation, we developed pioneering approaches leading to the creation of innovative and more efficient therapies. We are committed to explore new fields of science and to develop innovative and personalised strategies to significantly improve people’s health.”. Our novel nanoparticles can be used to target and deliver drugs directly to tumor cells but also to design preventive solutions. Desiring to significantly improve the health of the population throughout the world, we are determined to tackle cancer and orphan diseases. The strength and the rapid success of Glycovax Pharma’s projects lies in the unique synergy between two teams with complementary expertise.

Core business

Glycovax Pharma | World's elite in medicinal chemistry

... using the power of medical nanotechnology. Our solutions target ...

Surround Medical System's Logo

Surround Medical System

Morrisville, United States

1-10 Employees


Surround Medical Systems is a medical device company that develops cutting edge 3D X-ray imaging systems. Utilizing nanotechnology, we are able to create 3D imaging systems with no motion of the X-ray source. Our employees use stringent policy guidelines to drive focus assuring the X-ray systems we manufacture meet applicable medical, industry, and customer requirements for safety and performance. Our stationary 3D Tomo system provides high resolution images at low radiation dose and the same footprint as conventional 2D systems. Surround Medical Systems' PORTRAY® System has the potential to become the new gold standard for routine screening and diagnostic imaging.

Core business

Nanotechnology in Medical Imaging

... Nanotechnology in Medical ...

Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd's Logo

Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd

Rishon LeZion, Israel

11-50 Employees


YEDA Technology Transfer from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Yeda Research and Development Company Ltd. is the commercial arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Yeda holds an exclusive agreement with the Weizmann Institute to commercialize the unique intellectual property developed by the scientists. The income generated serves to support further basic research and science education. The innovation ecosystem comprises of three separate but interrelated units within the Institute.


Chemistry and Nanotechnology Medical Devices Inorganic Fullerene Coating For Medical Devices (No. T4-1566)

... Chemistry and Nanotechnology Medical Devices Inorganic Fullerene Coating ...

Novavido's Logo


Bologna, Italy

1-10 Employees


Novavido che ha presentato la propria idea di sviluppo e la propria tecnologia. Nasce oggi Novavido S.r.l., startup innovativa che vuole sviluppare una nuova terapia potenzialmente rivoluzionaria per la retinite pigmentosa e la degenerazione maculare. Oggi, su Panorama, è stata pubblicata un’intervista a Giovanni Manfredi, amministratore delegato di Novavido.

Core business

Novavido is a technological society funded in 2021 and focused on the development of a new medical device based on nanotechnologies to recover the vision in blind patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa

... the development of a new medical device based on nanotechnologies to ...

TechNanoIndia's Logo


Jodhpur, India

1-10 Employees


Core business

Application of Nanotechnology in Medical

... Application of Nanotechnology in Medical ...

EPPIC Global's Logo

EPPIC Global

Los Altos, United States

1-10 Employees


The original mission of EPPIC included the following:. While EPPIC has evolved to become culturally diverse & fully inclusive, its mission has not changed: To advance healthcare by providing entrepreneurship, mentoring and networking opportunities to its member base. EPPIC is a member-based global organization that welcomes everyone with deep passion for healthcare, regardless of professional or educational credentials and cultural background. This passion bonds its members while driving them to nurture innovative ideas and solutions to solve healthcare challenges. Fostering an ecosystem of individuals who are highly motivated & highly passionate about healthcare is the glue that has held EPPIC together and is the inherent value that it will continue to deliver to its member base.

Core business

Kavyon Kheymehdooz - EPPIC

... , including Class III medical devices and nanotechnology. Focusing ...

Innovent Technologies,LLC's Logo

Innovent Technologies,LLC

Peabody, United States

51-100 Employees


Your partner for turn-key product manufacturing, capital equipment manufacturing, assemblies, components and parts, specializing in complex challenges for advanced markets. Optimized materials, specialty coatings, quality manufacturing, and engineered to your substrate handling needs.


Cleanrooms are crucial for nanotechnology, medical and scientific applications requiring a controlled environment free of airborne particles that could potentially damage or contaminate sensitive products.

... are crucial for nanotechnology, medical and scientific ...

Nanolife's Logo


Chennai, India

11-50 Employees


Licensed Proprietry Technology from the University of Missouri, U.S.A. NanOlife is the first company in the world to embrace the highly sophisticated scientific concept of applying Green Nanotechnology to develop Nanomedicine products within the Oncology, Ophthalmology, Antibiotics and Cosmeceuticals space. It all started through Professor Kattesh Katti’s over three decades of research in biomedical sciences. In 2005, National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health of USA invested in Professor Katti’s Nanomedicine Research at the University of Missouri, USA. This investment helped Professor Katti to invent the concept of Green Nanotechnology which allows the application of disease curing phytochemicals to develop varieties of gold and silver nanoparticles for use in cancer therapy, ophthalmology, antibiotics and allied medical applications.

Core business

NanOlife is the first global company, based in Chennai, to actually implement the principles of Green Nanotechnology for medical applications.

... the principles of Green Nanotechnology for medical applications. ...

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Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Medical Nanotechnology

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1497
Amount of suitable service providers954
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2001
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Medical Nanotechnology

What is Medical Nanotechnology?

Medical Nanotechnology refers to the application of nanoscale materials and processes to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases, as well as to monitor and improve human health. This multidisciplinary field merges principles from materials science, molecular biology, and biotechnology, focusing on the development of nanostructured materials and devices that can interact with biological systems at the molecular level. Such interactions can provide highly specific and efficient therapeutic and diagnostic modalities, surpassing the capabilities of conventional medical technologies. The role of medical nanotechnology is transformative, offering groundbreaking advancements in drug delivery systems through the development of nanocarriers that can directly target diseased cells, thereby minimizing side effects and enhancing drug efficacy. It also plays a crucial role in the fabrication of nanoscale diagnostic tools, such as biosensors and lab-on-a-chip devices, which enable rapid, sensitive, and accurate detection of biomarkers for various diseases. Additionally, medical nanotechnology contributes to the advancement of regenerative medicine, including the design of nanostructured scaffolds for tissue engineering and the repair of damaged tissues and organs. The impact of medical nanotechnology within its field is profound, promising a new era of healthcare with more personalized, efficient, and less invasive treatments, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and a higher standard of healthcare services.

Advantages of Medical Nanotechnology

1. Enhanced Drug Delivery Efficiency
: Medical nanotechnology revolutionizes drug delivery by enabling direct targeting of diseased cells without affecting surrounding healthy tissue. This precision reduces side effects and increases the therapeutic effectiveness of treatments.

2. Early Disease Detection
: Nanotechnology-based diagnostics can identify diseases at a molecular level early on. This capability allows for prompt intervention, significantly improving patient outcomes by treating conditions before they manifest into more serious stages.

3. Minimal Invasive Procedures
: The use of nanorobots or nano-sized instruments in surgical procedures and treatments means less physical intrusion into the body. This innovation leads to quicker recovery times and less post-operative discomfort compared to traditional methods.

4. Improved Imaging Techniques
: Nanotechnology enhances medical imaging methods, offering higher resolution images. This improvement aids in more accurate diagnoses and better monitoring of disease progression or the effectiveness of treatments.

5. Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run
: Although initial investment in nanotechnology may be high, the overall reduction in healthcare costs is significant. By enabling more effective treatments, reducing recovery times, and minimizing the need for repeated interventions, medical nanotechnology presents a cost-effective alternative in the broader scope of healthcare.

How to select right Medical Nanotechnology supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Advanced Technology and Innovation Capabilities
Ensure the supplier has a strong focus on innovation and uses the latest nanotechnology advancements. Their ability to develop novel medical applications is crucial.

2. Quality Assurance and Certifications
Check for relevant certifications (e.g., ISO 13485 for medical devices) that demonstrate their commitment to quality and regulatory compliance.

3. Experience in the Medical Sector
Prioritize suppliers with proven experience in medical nanotechnology applications, as this ensures they understand the unique requirements and challenges of the industry.

4. Scalability and Production Capabilities
The supplier should have the capacity to scale production according to your needs without compromising quality or lead times.

5. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality
Ensure they have a strong framework for protecting intellectual property and maintaining confidentiality, which is vital for competitive advantage and regulatory compliance.

6. Customization and Flexibility
Look for suppliers who offer customized solutions and are willing to adapt their technologies to fit your specific needs.

7. Technical Support and Service
Evaluate their commitment to customer service, including technical support, training, and after-sales service, to ensure a smooth integration of their technologies into your products.

8. Financial Stability
Consider the financial health of the supplier to ensure they can be a long-term partner in your medical nanotechnology endeavors.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Medical Nanotechnology?

Medical nanotechnology is revolutionizing various industries, providing innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, reliability, and outcomes. In the pharmaceutical sector, nanotechnology is pivotal for drug delivery systems. It allows for the development of nano-sized drugs that can target specific cells, minimizing side effects and improving therapeutic efficacy. This precision leads to more effective treatments with lower dosages, benefiting manufacturers and healthcare providers by reducing costs and enhancing patient care. Within the medical device industry, nanotechnology enables the creation of advanced diagnostics and monitoring tools. Nanoscale devices can be used for real-time monitoring of physiological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. This capability supports the development of personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to the individual, improving outcomes and optimizing resource use. Companies specializing in medical equipment find this particularly beneficial for developing new product lines that cater to emerging healthcare trends. Lastly, in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, nanotechnology offers the ability to design and fabricate nanofibers that mimic the extracellular matrix of human tissues. This innovation supports the growth of new tissues for organ repair or replacement, presenting a significant advancement for biotechnology firms focused on regenerative solutions. It opens new avenues in treating chronic diseases and injuries, providing a substantial market opportunity for businesses in this space. Through these applications, medical nanotechnology fosters cross-industry collaborations, driving forward healthcare innovations that benefit both businesses and patients alike.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Medical Nanotechnology

As of the latest assessment, medical nanotechnology spans a spectrum of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), primarily oscillating between TRL 4 (technology validated in lab) and TRL 6 (technology demonstrated in relevant environment), with certain applications venturing into TRL 7 (system prototype demonstration in an operational environment). This broad range is attributable to the multifaceted nature of nanotechnology applications in medicine, including drug delivery systems, diagnostic devices, and tissue engineering. The technical reasons underpinning this variance in TRLs stem from the challenges and successes in translating nanoparticle-based interventions from theoretical models and lab-based validations to real-world medical settings. The high surface-to-volume ratio of nanoparticles offers unprecedented opportunities for targeted therapy and precision medicine, yet this same characteristic complicates the stability, bio-distribution, and toxicity profile of these nanostructures, necessitating extensive in vivo studies and clinical trials to ascertain their safety and efficacy. Furthermore, the intricate processes involved in the synthesis, functionalization, and characterization of nanoparticles for specific medical applications require sophisticated equipment and multidisciplinary expertise, slowing the transition from bench to bedside. Despite these hurdles, the progressive advancements in nanofabrication techniques and a deeper understanding of biological interfaces have propelled certain nanomedical technologies closer to clinical adoption, marking a dynamic yet uneven trajectory toward higher TRLs.

What is the Technology Forecast of Medical Nanotechnology?

In the short-term, medical nanotechnology is poised to revolutionize drug delivery systems, enabling targeted therapy with minimal side effects. Nanoparticles will be engineered to navigate through the body, specifically targeting diseased cells, such as cancerous tumors, and releasing medication directly where it's needed most. This precision in drug delivery not only increases the efficacy of treatments but also significantly reduces the risk of damaging healthy cells, marking a significant leap forward in personalized medicine. Mid-term advancements are expected to bring about the widespread use of nanosensors and nanobots for in vivo diagnostics and disease monitoring. These tiny devices will circulate within the human bloodstream, providing real-time data on a patient's health status and alerting to any anomalies or emerging conditions at an early stage. This capability will shift the medical focus from disease treatment to prevention and early intervention, drastically improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Long-term, the integration of nanotechnology with regenerative medicine holds the promise of creating new tissues and even organs for transplantation, using the patient's own cells. This would effectively eliminate the challenges associated with organ donation shortages and rejection by the recipient's immune system. Moreover, the development of nanostructures that can mimic or interact with biological systems will pave the way for revolutionary treatments and possibly cures for a wide range of chronic diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and heart disease, significantly extending human healthspan and quality of life.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Medical Nanotechnology Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Medical Nanotechnology

Based on our calculations related technologies to Medical Nanotechnology are Industrial Electroplating, Industrial Filtration, Industrial Sintering, Industrial Extrusion, Industrial Handling

Start-Ups who are working in Medical Nanotechnology are Blue Cross Medical

The most represented industries which are working in Medical Nanotechnology are Medical, Other, Biotechnology, Healthcare, IT, Software and Services

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