Ninex LLC Logo

Ninex LLC

Stopping the Next Active Shooter

Who is Ninex LLC?

Ninex is a threat mitigation company that specializes in mitigating high-impact events like active shooters and active assailants. We are comprised of former law enforcement officers, federal agents, military personnel, and security experts who work behind the scenes to protect our clients and their people from the physical, psychological, and financial impact these types of events can have. Ninex services are designed to help identify today's active shooter and active assailant threats and provide mitigating systems and services for immediate response and recovery. At Ninex, we understand that the services we provide are something that no one wants to think about, but something that every organization must be prepared for. At Ninex, we know a company is only as good as its people, and we are always looking for former law enforcement professionals who are interested in sharing our technology, systems, and services with others. Ninex ThreatWatch™ is a real-time physical threat detection system that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology and an organization's existing security cameras to automatically detect anyone with a visible gun. Ninex EmergeAlert™ can automatically issue emergency alerts with instructions utilizing an organization's existing network on what actions everyone needs to take based on the location and type of threat. Ninex utilizes different types of gunshot detection sensors depending on the application and environment to provide maximum detection capability.

This company is:

Service provider

Austin, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2011

Products & services of Ninex LLC

Product Stopping the threat before it becomes one image


Stopping the threat before it becomes one

Ninex provides technology, systems, and services specifically designed to identify, detect, notify, and respond to today's active shooter threat.

View all products


Investigation and Security Services
Administrative and Support Services
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
National Industrial and Corporate Security
Security & Investigations
Security systems services


Information Technology
Privacy and Security

Contact of Ninex LLC

City: Austin

State: Texas

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ninex LLC

The company Ninex LLC is located in Austin, Texas, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Ninex LLC has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Ninex LLC was founded in 2011

The company Ninex LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology, Privacy and Security

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