Parthenon Therapeutics Logo

Parthenon Therapeutics

Parthenon Therapeutics

Who is Parthenon Therapeutics?

We are a young, driven company with the passion to advance the understanding of cancer immune exclusion and resistance in a way that leads to therapies intended to make a meaningful change in the lives of cancer patients. Our values support our mission, just as our team members support each other. We are scientists, drug developers, clinicians, pathologists, bioinformaticians, engineers, innovators, and cancer warriors redefining the treatment landscape for patients with recalcitrant cancers. Incendia Therapeutics strives to provide a professional employee-friendly environment in which goal-oriented individuals thrive in meeting the challenges of our vision. Wendye is a frequent mentor to entrepreneurs, graduate students and housestaff. Travis is a practicing surgical oncologist and clinical trialist with over 13 years of oncology drug development and clinical practice experience. Laura Dillon is the Head of Translational Biomarkers, responsible for designing and implementing Incendia’s biomarker strategy. Jeff remains passionate about developing new treatment options that address the unmet medical needs for cancer patients.

Cambridge, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2019


Life Science



Contact of Parthenon Therapeutics

City: Cambridge

State: Massachusetts

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Parthenon Therapeutics

The company Parthenon Therapeutics is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Parthenon Therapeutics has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Parthenon Therapeutics was founded in 2019

The company Parthenon Therapeutics has it's main focus in the industries of Biotechnology

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